
Kill the Wolf Horoscope for July 1, 2024 to July 7, 2024

author:Say fortune

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Kill the Wolf Horoscope for July 1, 2024 to July 7, 2024


Overall fortune

In terms of home luck, the New Moon occurs in the house of the house, and the family will buy new furniture or appliances to give life a new look, and some Aries will move to a better community to live. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to your family and living environment, and you will receive good energy help.

In terms of tourism, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of tourism, accounting for long journeys, excursions to various places, or working and vacationing, and experiencing a new life during the journey. Some Aries often need to travel for business, and they can experience the local scenery by the way.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of emotional luck, Mercury enters the house of love and will have many opportunities to communicate with the person you like, however, Mercury is influenced by Pluto in the house of relationships, and there are always many light bulbs around you that hinder your time alone with the other person.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Pluto, which is in the house of interpersonal relationships, is under the influence of Mercury, so do not interfere and intervene in other people's emotional problems. Some Aries may meet more controlling friends, even if you are in a relationship or dating.


Overall fortune

In terms of travel, the New Moon occurs in the house of travel and study, and at this time you will plan a travel itinerary, or you want to learn a new skill, you will meet many friendly people during the journey, or you will learn to meet good teachers. During the New Moon, you can make a wish to travel and study, and you will receive good energy support.

In terms of money, Jupiter is in a good aspect in the house of money, and there is a tendency to increase salary, or there will be part-time jobs to earn more pocket money. Some Taurus have a lot of money coming in and out, and it is necessary to manage money carefully.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of home fortune, Mercury enters the house of the house, and under the influence of Pluto in the house of karma, it will need to move in order to change jobs. Some Taurus have poor communication with their families, especially for start-up-related events, and get into an unpleasant fight.

In terms of work luck, Pluto in the house of karma is under the influence of Mercury, and the progress of work will be delayed due to some chores, and you may need to work overtime to make up for it in the future. There is too much gossip in the workplace of some Taurus that makes you feel that it is difficult to do things.


Overall fortune

Money luck, the new moon occurs in the house of money, there is a slight adjustment in salary, or there will be an additional part-time job to increase income. During the New Moon, making money-related wishes or mediating a salary increase with your boss will help with good energy.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter is traveling in the house of destiny, while Saturn and Neptune are receding in the house of career, and after all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, the career has finally progressed, and the work feels much more stable, and many things can start to be handy.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of transportation, Mercury in the house of transportation is under the influence of Pluto, and vehicles break down frequently and often need to be repaired. When driving a vehicle, you should be careful of driving disputes, the chance of being fined is higher, and you should also be careful of injuries when walking or taking public transportation, so you need to pay special attention to traffic safety during this time.

In terms of long-distance travel, Pluto, which is in the house of long-distance travel, is under the influence of Mercury, so when traveling far away, pay attention to the connection of transportation and beware of delaying the trip. Some Geminis may be trapped in a different place due to some factors, unable to move, and unable to return home.


Overall fortune

Emotional luck is good, the New Moon occurs in the house of life, conjunct with Venus, and have further development with the person you like, the opportunity for the two to come into contact becomes frequent, and any wish can be made during the New Moon, and all wishes can come true, and you will be blessed by the New Moon.

In terms of work luck, the New Moon occurs in the house of life, there are new plans for the career, the work is renewed, and the work is renewed and opened, and during the New Moon, you can make wishes related to work, career, and the execution of future plans, and you will receive the energy of the New Moon to help.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of money, Mercury enters the house of money, under the influence of Pluto in the house of finance, and although the payday is happy, most of the money is used to pay the bills, and there is not much left for living expenses. Cancer, who has investment habits, is overly obsessed with turning over quickly, but loses more and more, so please be cautious when investing.

In terms of health, the New Moon occurs in the house of life, conjunct Venus, beware of eating bad stomach and suffering from acute gastroenteritis this week. Beware of viral infections that can cause throat discomfort and watch out for cardiovascular diseases. Jupiter is traveling in the house of spirits, the quality of sleep is poor, and the spirit is more sluggish.


Overall fortune

In terms of emotional luck, the New Moon occurs in the house of the mind, and when it is conjunct with Venus, you will meet people who know you very well, who are simply your soul mates. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to secret loves, secret romances, and soulmates, and you will receive the blessings of the New Moon.

In terms of relationships, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of relationships, and you will meet people from all walks of life, as well as many people who are successful in the professional field, and your network can be expanded. Some Leos will be helped by noble people when they encounter difficulties and get out of danger.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of health, Mercury enters the house of life, beware of colds or viral infections that cause inflammation of the respiratory system, Saturn and Neptune are in the house of ill and misfortune, and the stress in the heart may affect the body for unexplained ailments and become chronic diseases.

In terms of work luck, Mars and Uranus in the house of karma are gradually conjunct, and troublesome problems in the workplace will always bother you, so don't stir up trouble if you have nothing to do, lest it be difficult to clean up, and the situation will develop in a direction you don't expect. Some Leos are too tired from work and have a tendency to overwork.


Overall fortune

In terms of relationships, the New Moon occurs in the house of relationships, joining new groups or meeting new like-minded people, and is welcomed and loved by many people. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to relationships and you will receive good energy help.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of aspirations, increasing in importance in the workplace, and being promoted to important positions. Some Virgos are in the entrepreneurial stage, with thriving performance, promising prospects, and a thriving career.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of health luck, Pluto, which travels in the house of health, is affected by Mercury in the house of spirit, has poor sleep quality, greater psychological pressure, and unpleasant mental unhappiness can easily affect physical functions. And pay attention to urinary system problems, take more water, and maintain the intimate parts.

In terms of emotional luck, Neptune and Saturn are in the house of feelings, and there are unrealistic expectations for emotional relationships, but real love is often disillusioning. Some Virgos are in a state of cold war with the object of their affection, and the distance between the two sides is gradually drifting apart.


Overall fortune

In terms of work luck, the New Moon occurs in the house of karma, and when it is aligned with Venus, it will start a new business or job and attract attention in the workplace. During the New Moon, you can make wishes about work, career, and achievement, and you will receive good energy help.

In terms of long-distance travel, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of long-distance travel, and will plan longer vacations to overseas sightseeing trips to experience exotic cultures. Some Libras will have plans to live, work, work, study, and exchange students abroad, and some documents are in the application stage.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mercury enters the house of interpersonal relationships, under the influence of Pluto, discussing the emotional problems of others, will be known by the person concerned, and become an undesirable figure, pay attention to the right and wrong during this time. Don't get involved in other people's emotional problems, it's easy for your parents to become the main ones.

In terms of emotional luck, Pluto, which is in the house of love, is influenced by Mercury in the house of relationships, and overhears that the person you like is currently in an affair with someone else, and the relationship is in jeopardy. Some Libra relationships are intervened by the mistress, or unintentionally become a third party, and will want to withdraw from this complicated relationship.


Overall fortune

In terms of travel, the New Moon occurs in the house of travel, conjunct Venus, there will be a plan to travel overseas, and they are currently busy booking tickets for transportation and accommodation. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to travel and travel, and you will receive the blessings of the New Moon and have a beautiful journey.

In terms of money fortune, Jupiter is constantly traveling in the house of finances and is currently dealing with a large amount of assets that will last you the rest of your life. Scorpio, who has investment habits, has a steady appreciation of investment targets, and even if the magnitude is not large, there are dividends to receive.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of work luck, Mercury enters the house of career, is under the influence of Pluto, and is subjected to insulting abuse from superiors or colleagues, and feels very aggrieved. Some Scorpios will change to a new job, which is far away from home and inconvenient to work.

In terms of home luck, Pluto, which is in the house of the house, is under the influence of Mercury, and some important electrical equipment in the home is out of order and needs to be replaced. Some Scorpios have poor communication with their families and are in a state of cold war, and the atmosphere at home has dropped to freezing point.


Overall fortune

In terms of money luck, the New Moon occurs in the house of finance, and if it is aligned with Venus, you will receive compensatory funds, which can be managed well. Sagittarius with investment habits can rearrange and buy potential high-performance stocks on dips. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to money, finances, and investments, and you will receive the help of the New Moon's energy.

In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of feelings, and the person of affection is preparing for a wedding, and the two will want to settle down and stay together for life. A single Sagittarius, with a strong peach blossom fortune, will have many pursuits, and may try to date someone who has a bad impression.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of transportation, Pluto, which is in the house of transportation, is under the influence of Mercury, and the means of transportation are dying and need to be replaced. During this time, whether walking, driving, or taking the bus system, it is easy to encounter disputes, and the probability of being fined is high, so you need to pay special attention to traffic safety when you go out.

In terms of work luck, Mars in the house of work is gradually conjunct Uranus, and there are many unexpected accidents in the workplace, beware of being affected, and some Sagittarius constantly need to deal with unexpected events, so they need to work overtime and have a tendency to be overworked.


Overall fortune

Emotional luck is good, the new moon occurs in the house of feelings, and when you are in conjunction with Venus, you will be confessed by the person you like, and the relationship will go further. During the New Moon, you can promise affection, a partner, a marriage, ...... Related wishes to receive the blessings of the New Moon.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter continues to travel in the house of work, taking on important duties or tasks and increasing its status in the workplace. Some Capricorns work in larger companies or in public offices, where they have a more stable job.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of money, Mercury enters the house of finances, under the influence of Pluto, and there is an unknown amount on your credit card bill, so it is better to find out so that you will not pay more unjustly money. Capricorns who have investment habits make little money and lose a lot during this time, so it is better not to speculate in the short term.

In terms of health, Mercury enters the house of ill and misfortune, beware of colds or viral infections that cause inflammation of the respiratory tract, and Jupiter travels in the house of health, which makes metabolism worse and has a tendency to be blessed. And beware of overexertion, which can cause problems with liver function.


Overall fortune

Good luck at work, the New Moon occurs in the house of work, and when it is aligned with Venus, it will take on a glamorous task or position, and its performance in the workplace will be affirmed. During the New Moon period, you can make promises about work, workplaces, ...... Associated with the desire, you will get good energy help.

In terms of emotional luck, Mercury enters the house of love, Jupiter also continues to travel in the house of love, the peach blossoms are vigorous, and many people want to talk to you, but Mercury is under the influence of Pluto, and the person you like is slow to approach, which makes you a little disappointed.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of health, the New Moon occurs in the house of health, conjunct Venus, beware of eating bad stomach and suffering from gastroenteritis. Women should pay attention to gynecological problems. At the same time, pay attention to the invasion of viruses or colds, which can cause throat inflammation and loss of voice.

In terms of home luck, Mars and Uranus in the house of the house are gradually conjunct, so you need to pay attention to the use of electrical appliances and stoves, and at the same time beware of the safety of the portal, which is easy to be invaded by small nights. Talking to family members is often disruptive, and choosing to deal with many things coldly.


Overall fortune

Emotional luck is good, the New Moon occurs in the house of love, conjunct Venus. There is further development with the person you like, and both parties have the willingness to socialize. During the New Moon, you can make wishes related to your relationship, and you will receive the blessings of the New Moon's energy.

In terms of home fortune, Jupiter travels in the house of the house, and will cut off the things that are not in the house, tidy up the living space, and some Pisces will buy a house or move to a better environment to live in a community. There are sick relatives in the family who have recently shown signs of recovery.

What to watch out for this week

In terms of work luck, Mercury enters the house of work, under the influence of Pluto, and is deeply affected by the gossip in the workplace, and does not want to go to work, or even wants to quit his current job. Some Pisces have poor communication with people and some have self-doubt.

In terms of health, Mercury enters the house of health, beware of colds or viral infections that can cause respiratory discomfort, as well as anxiety and depression due to high work pressure and poor sleep. During this time, special attention needs to be paid to the health of body, mind and spirit.

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