
Next Week's Horoscope Astrology July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope Astrology July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope Astrology July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

All constellations

This week Canadians will celebrate the first of July and Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July. Luckily, this week is great for socializing and strengthening bonds between friends and family. (Really, I'm not saying this out of patriotism): the Sun and Venus are in warm, sensitive Cancer (and no one is willing to throw anything away). The curious Mercury is in Leo, which will add drama to our conversations and everyday anecdotes. (Of course, next year Jupiter will be in Gemini and Saturn will be in Pisces for another year.) Read on to see what you'll get. "That's all!"

White Sheep (March 21-April 19)

Home and family are your focus this week, especially your relationship with your parents. You may redecorate and entertain. Will the family discuss financial issues, maybe about real estate or real estate speculation? In fact, you are now surprisingly sober and conservative in your consideration of spending money, because you want guaranteed results from your efforts. You especially want to protect what you have. Therefore, you will patiently do some meticulous planning before making a move. You'll pay attention to details and make decisions that allow yourself to work patiently towards your future goals. By the way, you know what you're doing.

Cow (April 20-May 20)

It's been a busy social week this week! You'll be fast-paced, filled with excursions, errands, appointments, and conversations with neighbors, friends, and family. You're going to have your hands full! Luckily, fiery Mars is in your sign to keep you energized. (This blessing only comes once every two years and lasts about six weeks, so be grateful.) In fact, Mars will be with you for another three weeks! One good thing this week is that your life is going well. Your interactions with others will be pleasant and relaxed. You may find that there is more love in your world than you ever imagined. You will also enjoy the beauty of everyday life. Sweet!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Lucky Jupiter comes to your sign for the first time in 12 years and has a good life. This week the Sun and unbiased Venus are in your house of money, which makes you start thinking about cash flow and income; Money in and money out; Maybe you want to buy something special. (Venus in your house of money will increase your interest in beautiful clothes, jewelry, art, and entertainment.) "More little darling! Let's enjoy it! ")。 Still, the fact that Venus is conjunct Saturn will soften this urge in you, so these purchases may be long-lasting and relatively practical. This week is a great time to learn and research new things; Also, you are passionate about talking to everyone. Looks pretty good!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun is in your sign and you are the driver. Because Venus is also in your sign, you are ready to take control, and you will do so with diplomatic skill and charisma. Mercury will promote your money-making ideas and draw your attention to the true values in life – whether material, intellectual, or spiritual. Mercury may make you shop more than usual. It will also encourage you to do financial planning, which is not surprising since you are never casual when it comes to money. (This week, Mars will stimulate your energy and ego as you deal with groups.) Collaborate with others to find win-win solutions. In the event of a conflict, use sports and physical activity to vent pent-up emotions.

Fox (July 23-August 22)

Mercury is in your sign this week, making you keen to express your views to the world. Luckily, people will listen to you because you'll be putting a lot of your own ideas into what you say. Naturally, your mind jumps quickly from one question to another, keeping you busy. Get out there and take short trips to make a difference. Now you are a strong learner, so do yourself a favor and sign up for a course, or decide to learn something or work on a new topic because you will have fun. At the same time, Mars at the top of your chart evokes your ambitions and urges you to accomplish something! This is good because the results will make you happy and make your life easier.

Megus (August 23 - September 22)

It's a popular week! Enjoy working with others, especially creative artists. An older acquaintance may introduce you to someone you find romantically attractive. You may also be making travel plans with someone, or exploring things related to higher education, publishing, or medical or legal matters. Now you have a lot of opportunities, because Jupiter is at the top of your chart (for the first time in 12 years) and you are experiencing moments of success! Over the next 12 months, you can expect to get a promotion at work, or some sort of public recognition or award because you are admired and recognized. (It's time)

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

This week you'll think about your career, your role in society, and your reputation in your community. You may wonder if you're heading in the direction you want? At the same time, people will notice you now and they will admire you. They look at you impressedly, which is why you may be asked to take on more responsibilities or given some kind of authority. Don't worry, you can handle it. At the same time, love luck is good, especially with older or more mature people. It's also a good time to discuss how to deal with practical issues like wills, estates, and community property. Younger friends may have interesting opinions.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Go to the airport or hop in the car and start keeping an eye out for those utility poles because you need a change of scenery! If you can't travel, be a tourist in your own city. Most importantly, you need to do something different from your usual one. New mental activity! Thrill and adventure! This is an excellent time to learn something new. However, publishing, writing, and any work related to law or even medicine can also happen at this time. A new romance with someone who is "different" can also happen. ! Discussing practical issues, especially those related to children, with partners and close friends, can also occur. There's a lot to think about.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This week you will attract money and practical help, as well as the favor of others. You may also take a hard look at jointly held property and anything shared or owned with others, including getting a loan. Chances are, you will get help from an elder, which, in turn, will benefit your family and family. Of course, you're working hard now because you want concrete and useful results. Despite your focus on practical and financial issues, travel planning is sure to appeal to you! (You know who you are.) At the same time, your closest relationships are now warm and supportive. It's a blessing.

Maya (December 22 - January 19)

Many of you are now making amazing progress in both your health and work. In other words, your work is recognized, or you feel a greater sense of accomplishment and personal reward at work. If not, note that you can find a better job this year. Don't settle for less. It's also a great week to practice your skills or hone your skills, perhaps in terms of musical instruments, art, or sports. This week is a strong week for you, as serious discussions and focused efforts will lead you to achieve something; And you're going to love it. A serious discussion about relationships will go well. It's been a solid week.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

This week is about your job or your work; or your health; or pets. These will grab your attention. Of course, if you work your to-do list right now, you'll get considerable satisfaction from doing things well. (In fact, some of you may have a work-related relationship, perhaps with someone of a certain age.) In the meantime, start thinking seriously about your vacation plans for this year (or next year), especially if you can include your children as well, as this is a good year to improve your relationship with your children. Romance, social events, arts, and sports will all be favored! (All this fun stuff)! That's what awaits you – busy making things happen.

Gemini (February 19-March 20)

Go after what you want this week. Do what you find interesting. Get out there and have some fun. Be open to flirting and budding romance. Because all these exciting possibilities are waiting for you, but you have to get out of bed. In fact, it is now quite possible to have a romance with someone of a similar age. Is it even possible for you to take the initiative? This is because when Mars is in your house of communication, you are somewhat aggressive in your discussions with others. Still, it's also an excellent time for you to engage in mental work, as you'll pay more attention to detail and want everything to be as perfect as possible. You'll enjoy planning and discussing with colleagues. If your life starts to get organized, you'll be happy!


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