
The body is round and hairless, not orange or peach... What is it?

author:Human health care
The body is round and hairless, not orange or peach... What is it?

"The body is round and hairless, not oranges, not peaches, spend a few nights in the fog in the clouds, take off the green clothes and change into red robes", this vivid riddle, may be guessed by you, it is a persimmon no doubt.

Our country is the homeland of persimmons, which have been cultivated for more than a thousand years. In the 19th century, it was introduced to France and the Mediterranean countries, and later to the United States, which are mostly the descendants of China's persimmon trees. Persimmons are known as "late autumn fruits".

The body is round and hairless, not orange or peach... What is it?

When the persimmon forest turns red after the autumn frost, it can really be described as a layer of forest and a different style. "The golden autumn in October is full of affection, and the autumn wind sends cool persimmon red", "A river of frost leaves Dan, full of persimmon red", "Golden autumn frost sprinkled all over the hillside, persimmons hanging high on the branches", these verses describe the beauty of persimmons when they are ripe. Because persimmon leaves grow fat, the ancients often used it to practice calligraphy.

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It is said that when Zheng Qian was a child in the Tang Dynasty, his family was very poor and could not afford to buy paper for practicing calligraphy. One day he found persimmon leaves on the ground in Ci'en Temple, so he borrowed a monk's house, put away the leaves, and used persimmon leaves as paper to practice calligraphy every day to paint, his fingers grinded thick calluses, like drunkenness, kung fu did not pay off, and eventually became a famous calligrapher and painter, his cursive writing reached the realm of "like a wind sending clouds, collecting the sun and pushing the moon". Later, he combined the persimmon leaves that he wrote poems and painted into a volume and presented them to Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, who was amazed at the case, and wrote the four characters of "Zheng Qian Sanjie" with a royal pen, and also set up a "Guangwenguan" for Zheng Qian's children to read, and appointed him as a doctor of Guangwenguan to teach his knowledge.

Persimmon trees have seven virtues: longevity, shade, no birds, no insects, frost leaves red, jiaguo can be eaten, fallen leaves can be used for linshu, plus the painter Zhang Daqian said: "Persimmon leaf frying water can cure diseases", a total of eight virtues. Zhang Daqian moved to Brazil in 1954, in a foreign country in accordance with the Chinese courtyard architectural style, painstakingly operated, a year later built a garden with mountains and water, winding paths, rockeries and a variety of Chinese and foreign flowers, named "Bade Garden". He lived there for 16 years.

Persimmons are very nutritious, and the vitamins and sugars contained are 1 to 2 times higher than those of general fruits. Compared with apples, in addition to the content of zinc and copper is lower than that of apples, other ingredients are persimmons, and persimmons are more effective in preventing cardiovascular disease than apples, so persimmons have the reputation of "sacred products in fruits". The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "the main treatment of persimmons is: blood under the intestinal wind, bloody urine, hot astringent pain, children's autumn diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, phlegm with blood, deafness and nasal congestion." Use persimmon cream and persimmon stalks in equal parts, burn them, and apply the powder to the sores, which is very effective. Tung oil poisoning, eating dried persimmon cake can be solved."

Persimmons are rich in iodine, and it is helpful for patients with iodine deficiency-induced goiter. Persimmons have the effect of nourishing the lungs and stomach and drying the fire. It can remove fever, supplement deficiency, relieve alcohol, relieve cough, sharp intestines, and stop bleeding. Persimmons contain tannins and enzymes can decompose alcohol, accelerate the oxidation of ethanol in the blood, high sugar and potassium content, and a large amount of water can play a diuretic role, help the body excrete alcohol; organic acids and tannic acid can promote digestion, accelerate alcohol decomposition, so it is called "natural decanting drug", if you can eat two persimmons after drunkenness, you can alleviate headaches. Persimmon is a natural health food for patients with chronic bronchitis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, internal and external hemorrhoids. The folk remedy for treating cracks in their hands and feet is: wash their hands and soak their feet with warm water before going to bed at night, and then squeeze the soft persimmon water in the place where the cracks in their hands and feet are, and rub them back and forth repeatedly, and the effect can be seen for several consecutive nights.

How to eat persimmons: Picked persimmons are extremely astringent before soft ripening, can not be eaten, to wait for persimmons to become soft, so there is a saying that "the old lady eats persimmons - pick soft pinch"; if you want to eat the persimmons just picked, you must first eat them after manual deastringency, and there are also persimmons soaked in warm water (commonly known as warm persimmons), remove the astringency and then eat.

Sweet sticky persimmon cake

The body is round and hairless, not orange or peach... What is it?

Persimmons are processed into persimmon cakes, the surface produces a white frost, commonly known as "persimmon cream", the thicker the cream, the better, rich in mannitol, glucose, fructose and sucrose, not only a precious food, but also a rare medicine. It has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, astringent intestines, hemostasis, and stomach; the treatment of lung heat and dry cough, dry throat, sore throat, sores on the mouth and tongue, vomiting blood hemoptysis and other symptoms is very effective. Therefore, known as "persimmon in Jingjin" Huanggui persimmon cake is a specialty of Lintong District, Shaanxi, which is a cake made of fire crystal persimmon as the main ingredient, with golden color and soft sweet aroma in the mouth.

According to legend, when Li Zicheng was king in Xi'an, Guanzhong was in the midst of a famine and food shortage, so the people of Lintong used ripe fire crystal persimmons mixed with flour to make persimmon cakes to comfort the soldiers. Since then, every year during the season when the golden wind is cool and the persimmons are ripe, Lintong people will make persimmon cakes to eat to commemorate Li Zicheng. The yellow cinnamon persimmon cake, which is loved by everyone, is not only a snack eaten alone, but also a famous spot at the banquet banquet, and is famous in Kyushu.

In addition to drying persimmon cakes, you can also boil persimmon sugar, squeeze persimmon juice, steam persimmon wine, make persimmon vinegar, grind noodles to make fried noodles, etc., persimmon leaves can also make persimmon leaf tea, persimmon stems can be used in medicine. Persimmons can also be processed into industrial lacquer. China is the country with the largest persimmon production in the world, with an annual output of 700,000 tons of fresh persimmons. There are six famous persimmons: the large plate persimmon of the "world's first excellent species" in North China; the yellow persimmon of chicken heart produced in the Jingyang and Sanyuan areas of Shaanxi Province; the pointed persimmons in Fuping, Shaanxi; the lotus persimmons and mirror persimmons produced in Hebei and Shandong; and the square persimmons in the Gudang area of Hangzhou.

Health tips


Persimmons are good, but avoid eating on an empty stomach, because persimmons contain tannic acid (also known as tannic acid), easy to condense into persimmon stones in the stomach, if the stomach persimmon stones can not be naturally discharged, it will cause gastrointestinal obstruction, severe pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, and even vomiting blood and other symptoms.

Persimmon peels and immature persimmons contain more tannic acid and should be avoided. People with dyspepsia or sputum, diabetes, stomach disease, iron deficiency anemia (persimmons contain tannins, easy to combine with iron, thereby hindering the body's absorption of iron in food) and pregnant women should eat with caution or not. Persimmons have a high sugar content and are easy to corrode teeth, so it is best to rinse your mouth after eating persimmons.

Source: People's Medical Publishing House publishes "Four Seasons Health Proverbs (2nd Edition)"

Editor-in-Chief: Xu Shenhua

The body is round and hairless, not orange or peach... What is it?

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