
The delicacy of hometown: Suining roll fried, from childhood to adulthood has never forgotten the taste

author:Rural Sengo

Speaking of the word "roll frying", even many Suining people now may not know it. Not long ago, I saw someone in the town setting up a stall selling this delicacy, 12 yuan each, I bought two to eat at home, and the taste seemed to take me back to many years ago.

The delicacy of hometown: Suining roll fried, from childhood to adulthood has never forgotten the taste

Roll fry

I remember when I was a child, there were people in the village who held happy events, and there would basically be this dish at the banquet, and it would be disctented by everyone. In fact, in Suining, its popularity is comparable to sweet oil. If there's anything like it, I think the dumplings eaten in Nanjing are somewhat similar to it.

The delicacy of hometown: Suining roll fried, from childhood to adulthood has never forgotten the taste

Suining rolls fried

It is particularly simple to eat, cut it into slices, put the roll in the steamer basket and steam it. You can get some seasonings to eat, such as garlic puree with vinegar, which is very good.

The delicacy of hometown: Suining roll fried, from childhood to adulthood has never forgotten the taste

Roll frying, the yellow part on the outside, is the skin made of eggs, and the inside is pork, with fresh lean meat, with the right amount of sweet potato starch, and then add sweet oil and other seasoning, the outer bread on the golden yellow egg skin, under the pot to steaming over high heat to become this unique flavor of the roll frying.

The delicacy of hometown: Suining roll fried, from childhood to adulthood has never forgotten the taste

Because of its relative simplicity, in Suining, every town has made and sold. But the most well-known and beginning to become a brand is The Wang Lin Pan frying in Qiuji Town, which you will basically find on the e-commerce platform or the big and small supermarkets in the county.

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Wang Lin roll fried pork stuffing 285g * 4 sticks (a total of 1140g / carton) ¥95 purchase

However, I collected some relevant information, and it seems that this thing is not only Suining, but also some places in Anhui and Henan, but it should be suining's most authentic.

Regarding its origin, the "Food Constitution Hong secret" records: "Roll frying, the egg is pushed into the skin, and the crushed meat is added to the ingredients, and the egg is still used to make a living." Lard, sugar, sweet sauce and roast. For slicing. "The method of making it is to roll up the filling first and then burn it. After being improved, it became today's roll and steamed. To this day, it also has a history of more than 500 years. And I just remember its deliciousness, which is a unique delicacy of my hometown.

#家乡的特色美食 #