
BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

With the end of the Demacia Cup, the commentator also has a general understanding of the strength of each team. Before the LPL Spring Tournament began, Miller, Umbrella And Rain Boy hosted the "How to Say This" show together, giving the LPL team their own ratings. After Miller rated the RNG team B+ last season, RNG took off completely. Under the influence of this metaphysics, fans are still curious about who will become the B+ team in Miller's eyes this year. In this show, the BLG team was not optimistic about the crowd, believing that the highest level was only A level.

BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

Miller's new season rating, BLG A

BLG won the breathing brother, puppy and Liu Qingsong in one fell swoop during the transfer period, building a team with strong paper strength. Before the start of the German Cup, many players were curious about the strength of the BPG team. However, the BRG team did not even qualify for the group stage, which disappointed fans. The breathing brother on the road even died frequently during the line period, and there was no domestic top single style at all. The combination of Liu Qingsong and Doggo did not produce a better chemical reaction, becoming a soft persimmon in the German cup.

BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

Miller gave an A rating in this case, arguing that the future performance of the BLG team depends on Weiwei. Weiwei outperformed Wei before last season, but Wei reached the pinnacle of his career after joining the RNG team. If Weiwei can play wei next year, the BLG team will be able to play a good result. Because the three Cs of the BLG team are very strong, it requires a spiritual field to coordinate these three positions.

BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

The strength of the new BLG season is in doubt, and the puppy is confused about the way forward!

Umbrella Ye also did not give a high rating to the BRG team, but instead placed it in a medium position. Many fans have seen the ratings of these three commentators and said it is a pity. If Miller gives the B+ team to the B+ team, this is the situation we want to see most. Puppy's fans naturally hope that he can play in the BLG team so as not to be discredited.

BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

However, the puppy did not play in the German Cup, coupled with the limited run-in time of doggo and Liu Qingsong, the performance of the BLG team is also reasonable. Now it's up to the puppies to bring some qualitative changes to the team after joining the BLG team. Many people think that Puppy is a very aggressive player, but his mentality has been honed after retiring, and he rarely appears in the situation where he was on top. If the BRG team needs human sacrifice to coordinate the positions, the puppy may not choose functional AD without active sacrifice.

BLG new season rating released, Miller rated A, netizens directly called a pity!

Personal Summary:

Now let's see what kind of results this A-rated team can achieve in the spring tournament!

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