
Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!

Last week, the "Sam's Club" under the American brand Wal-Mart was exposed to the targeted removal of Xinjiang products, triggering strong indignation from everyone.

At present, in many places such as Xiamen, Fujian, there is a very obvious "Sam's member withdrawal tide".

A large number of former Sam's Shop members chose to withdraw from membership and no longer buy any products from Sam's Shop after seeing Sam's Shop's move against Xinjiang.

Secretly remove Xinjiang products

On December 22, many netizens posted on social platforms that Sam's Club, a high-end membership store owned by U.S. retailer Walmart, was "suspected of removing all Xinjiang products."

On the same day, many netizens said that "Sam secretly removed Xinjiang products"

Someone immediately said that they would not shop at Sam in the future, "Thunder Sam and Walmart".

More and more netizens paid attention to this incident, and on December 24, the keyword "#山姆 Xinjiang#" once rushed to the top of the Weibo hot search list.

On the 24th, many netizens found that after opening the "Sam's Club" APP and typing the word "Xinjiang" in the search bar, there were many keywords containing "Xinjiang" such as "Xinjiang cantaloupe", "Xinjiang Hotan red dates", "Xinjiang apricots", "Xinjiang raisins" and so on.

However, after clicking on the search for "Xinjiang", you got the result of "Sorry, no related products were found".

In this case, some netizens directly @ Sam's Club official account, asking Sam's Club to give a reasonable explanation. But so far, the official account of Sam's Club has not responded to the removal of Xinjiang products.

Many netizens said that they would not go to Sam's Club after that: "Don't renew your card, say goodbye in advance", "don't buy anyway", "don't send it when you go well".

Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!

On the 24th, some media called the official customer service of Sam's Club on this matter, and the relevant personnel said on the phone that the listing and unloading of goods need to be arranged according to the actual situation of inventory. The reporter asked whether there were other reasons, and the person did not reply directly.

"Sam's Member Withdrawal Tide"

At present, a large number of former Sam's Shop members have chosen to withdraw from membership and no longer buy any products from Sam's Shop after seeing Sam's Shop's move against Xinjiang.

In many places such as Xiamen, Fujian Province, there has been a very obvious "sam's member withdrawal tide". There is a long queue in front of the card refund counter in some stores, and the checkout counter is empty. There are also many members who choose to return their cards online.

Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!
Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!

The response of Sam's official website customer service is still that the inventory is gone, and said, "In the later stage, you can still buy (Xinjiang products), and if you have goods, they will be on the shelves."

All the Xinjiang products suddenly out of stock together? Many netizens expressed disbelief.

Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!

Moreover, some netizens searched for other products and found that if they are out of stock, they can display product pictures and names, not the same as Xinjiang products, and directly search for any product information.

Sam fake "out of stock", members really return the card!

Source: CCTV

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