
The German army lost miserably in the Soviet-German war because the Soviet army fought more and more? Fighting nations are not easy to mess with

In the early stages of World War II, Nazi Germany, with its powerful armored and mobile units, used flexible blitzkrieg to sweep almost the entire European continent, perhaps an unprecedented victory that made Hitler a little oblivious, so he aimed the attack at the Soviet Union, but the German army did not expect in any way that the Soviet-German war had caused Germany to suffer a disastrous defeat. Moreover, in the later stages of the war, the Soviet army grew stronger and stronger, what exactly caused the Soviet army to fight more and more in the later period?

The German army lost miserably in the Soviet-German war because the Soviet army fought more and more? Fighting nations are not easy to mess with

In 1941, Germany tore up the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact and sneaked into the Soviet Union, because there was no adequate preparation for war before, so the Soviet army was beaten badly, losing a lot of sophisticated equipment and well-trained soldiers. After losing a significant amount of territory in just a few months, moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, was in jeopardy. In order to continuously send troops to the front, Stalin conducted a nationwide conscription. Stalin's conscription system was not ordinary, and he demanded that adult women throughout the country also participate in the war to defend their families. But the people in the factory, both men and women, could remain in the factory to ensure the supply of weapons needed for war. In addition to female soldiers, the Soviet military also sent a large number of political prisoners and Japanese and South Korean prisoners to the battlefield, and the number of this "miscellaneous army" alone reached 600,000. A steady stream of troops was replenished to the front, which in turn provided a great deal of support for the battlefield. According to statistics, the Soviet Union mobilized nearly 33.4 million troops in World War II. The Germans only put more than 7 million troops on the Eastern Front, and the results of such a gap can be imagined.

The German army lost miserably in the Soviet-German war because the Soviet army fought more and more? Fighting nations are not easy to mess with

At the end of World War II, the US army also joined the anti-fascist alliance, and the German army fought on two fronts, suffering from the enemy in the abdomen and back, and the war situation was turned around in an instant. The Germans on the Eastern Front seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and could not move, coupled with the long cold climate of the Soviet Union, which made the Germans suffer a lot. Due to the depth of the front, the logistics of the German army was difficult to keep up, and it fell into the heavy encirclement of the Soviet army, although the German army's combat effectiveness was amazing, but in the end it was dragged down by the tenacious Soviet army step by step. Moreover, the Soviet Union is vast, and if Germany wants to swallow it, it will definitely disperse its forces and its military strength will be further weakened.

The German army lost miserably in the Soviet-German war because the Soviet army fought more and more? Fighting nations are not easy to mess with

In the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Leningrad and the Defense of Moscow, the Soviet Union fought to the death with the German army, the two sides fought a fierce contest, under the oath of death of the Soviet army and people, the elite troops of the German army were annihilated, and the war situation in World War II gradually tilted to the side of the anti-fascist alliance, from strategic defense to strategic offensive, laying an important foundation for the final victory. It can be seen that the strength of the battle clan really cannot be underestimated.

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