
Zhang Ting and his wife's 600 million funds were frozen! Its company is suspected of pyramid schemes and has been investigated, what have they done over the years?

From a romantic drama Xiaosheng to a business owner, Lin Ruiyang, who was once very popular, is still thriving after many years of quitting the entertainment industry, and his "wonderful life" seems to be not only the "royal" Xiaosheng of the Qiong Yao drama of that year, but also his "micro-business" business created by his remarried wife, Zhang Ting, who is also an actor.

Zhang Ting and his wife's 600 million funds were frozen! Its company is suspected of pyramid schemes and has been investigated, what have they done over the years?

However, just a few days ago, the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau publicly disclosed the progress of the investigation and punishment of The well-known daily chemical brand "TST Court Secret" operator Darway Company suspected of using the Internet to engage in pyramid schemes in the form of a "Reply to the Verification Letter".

For a time, the star couple who had originally faded out of the audience's vision returned to the public eye again, and the first financial reporter inquired about the information and further interviews to learn that Lin Ruiyang had been in business for many years, starting with real estate, and then engaged in the micro-business business of daily chemical products with Zhang Ting, and even once became a "big taxpayer", but the controversy about his micro-business business has been continuous.

Zhang Ting and his wife's 600 million funds were frozen! Its company is suspected of pyramid schemes and has been investigated, what have they done over the years?

The amount of money involved is huge, and the official response is legal operation

According to the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau's reply to the "Verification Letter" of the "Li Xu Anti-MLM Team", the bureau had already filed a case against Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd. as early as June 5 this year to investigate the suspected pyramid scheme, "because it used financial institutions to transfer or conceal funds involved in pyramid schemes, the bureau has applied to the people's court to take preservation measures in accordance with the law, and the case is currently under further investigation."

On the morning of December 29, the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau responded to the media that this MLM organization has been involved in many people in the jurisdiction since 2013, "The specific number of people is inconvenient to disclose, and the amount involved in the case I can only tell you that the amount involved in the case is relatively large." The staff member also introduced that judging from the current investigation, this MLM organization belongs to a kind of commercial MLM behavior, which is not enough to constitute a fraudulent MLM. At present, the case has entered the financial audit stage.

According to the "Li Xu anti-deception team", the frozen funds were as high as 600 million yuan (frozen in two times, the main company 300 million yuan and an agent and team leader froze 300 million yuan).

Darway Trading Co., Ltd. is the enterprise under Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting. According to public information, Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd. registered capital of 231.8 million yuan, the legal representative is Lin Jirong (that is, the well-known actor Lin Ruiyang), the company has a daily chemical products brand "TST Ting Secret", founded by Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting in 2013, with cosmetics, skin care products as the main category, and mainly through the online mall "Ting Secret App" and offline physical store O2O way of product sales.

After the investigation, on December 29, the TST court secretly officially said: "Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd. is a legally operated company, since its inception has always followed the guidance of the government, insisted on legal operation, and paid taxes according to law." Thank you very much to the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for guiding our company to check the risks, the company's current operation is normal, our company will actively cooperate with the relevant departments. Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang also forwarded the Weibo response.

According to the official website of the overseas edition of the People's Daily, on December 29, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference, and a reporter asked whether the recent media disclosure of the suspected illegal incident of Taiwan businessman Lin Ruiyang is also a reminder to Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan businessmen on the mainland. Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said: "We will further understand the situation. Judging from the announcement issued by the relevant departments, this is a completely commercial incident involving cross-strait relations. What I want to emphasize is that anyone doing business or starting a business on the mainland must first and foremost follow the laws and regulations. ”

Zhang Ting and his wife's 600 million funds were frozen! Its company is suspected of pyramid schemes and has been investigated, what have they done over the years?

Many related companies, what is the secret of "micro-business"?

According to the enterprise investigation App, Zhang Ting (Zhang Shuqin) is related to a total of 90 companies, and 77 companies serve as legal representatives, and it is worth mentioning that most of the companies founded in 2021 have been cancelled.

According to the Tianyancha App, Lin Ruiyang (Lin Jirong) is associated with 69 companies, of which Zhang Ting, Lin Ruiyang and Tao Hong all work in Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd. Earlier, in November, Tao Hong had withdrawn from the ranks of shareholders in another partnership with Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang.

Up to now, including Darway Trading Company, Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang and his wife have jointly associated 11 companies.

Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting are both actors, in the 90s of the last century, "Dumb Wife", "A Curtain of Dreams" and "Wangfu Cliff" and other popular romantic dramas are lin Ruiyang, and Zhang Ting also starred in a series of TV series because of her sweet appearance, of which "Love Through Time and Space" starring her and Xu Zheng received more than 10.0 ratings that year, which can be described as the "founding father" of the cross-over drama. Therefore, some insiders speculate that the figure of Xu Zheng's wife Tao Hong appeared in Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd., and perhaps it was also related to Zhang Ting's film and television drama cooperation in that year.

The first financial reporter learned from the industry that Lin Ruiyang has always been fond of business, and when he was the male protagonist of a romance drama, he would often talk about some ideas about doing business on the set. Some co-actors recalled that when everyone was resting on the set, it was nothing more than discussing the script or talking about the planning of the acting career, but Lin Ruiyang was very different, and at that time he would talk about some ideas about business.

"In fact, acting is a very passive profession, we seem to be glamorous, but in fact, we are all chosen, even if they are famous, it is not what you want to act." Many times the roles are changed when they are changed. As for the income, the popular actors are more, but in fact, the agency takes most of the income. The average actor's income is not as much as the outside world imagines. So it's understandable that actors want to change careers to business. But doing business is also risky, many actors do not have business acumen, so many actors make investment or real industry is easy to lose money. A person engaged in acting work revealed to the first financial reporter.

But Lin Ruiyang is obviously very "business-minded". After fading out of the show business circle, he also realized his dream - he entered the real estate industry and established major branches in Beijing, Suzhou, Nanjing, Nanchang and other major branches, with a total sales area of 9.0996 million square meters and a total sales volume of 33 billion yuan.

Zhang Ting and his wife's 600 million funds were frozen! Its company is suspected of pyramid schemes and has been investigated, what have they done over the years?

Subsequently, Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting's targets targeted micro-business. TST is a brand of Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd., according to its official website, founded by Lin Ruiyang in 1996, in June 2013, Shanghai Dalway Trading Co., Ltd. was founded, launched the cosmetics brand "TST Court Secret". In 2014, "TST Court Secret" entered the micro-business, focusing on the concept of "live yeast", and its main products are TST series skin care products. In the following years, "TST Court Secret" rose at an alarming speed by taking advantage of the prevalence of micro-business, and was known as the "first brand of micro-business". In 2018, the network conveyed Erwei's "tax payment of 2.1 billion yuan", and this "large tax payer" instantly caused an uproar. According to its official website, the company won the "2017 Top 100 Taxpayers in Qingpu District".

But the controversy that has accompanied the rise of the "TST Court Secret" has been endless. It is reported that it is nominally selling products in the form of micro-business, but in fact it is a multi-level sales agent model and a reward model with a difference commission, and the higher the level, the more rewards there are; agents can develop "offline" and form teams.

Some insiders revealed that the "secret" of micro-business is not in the product itself, but to develop more "downline", and for sales personnel to give very fast and substantial rewards, such as commissions, incentive tourism and even cars, these rewards will stimulate the huge motivation of sales personnel to form more teams. There was a time when many incentive travel customers were micro-businesses.

According to item 3 of Article 7 of the Regulations on the Prohibition of Pyramid Schemes, if the organizer or operator, through the development of personnel, requires the developed personnel to develop other personnel to join, form a relationship between the upper and lower lines, and calculates and pays the online remuneration based on the sales performance of the lower line, and obtains illegal benefits, it is a pyramid scheme. Therefore, the TST development of the offline, the formation of a team, such as the "pulling people's head" model is considered to be suspected of pyramid schemes.

The first financial reporter inquired on the official website of the Ministry of Commerce and found that Shanghai Dalway was not among the enterprises managed by the direct selling industry of the Ministry of Commerce. In 2013, micro-businessmen in the form of brushing screens and selling goods in the circle of friends were born; in 2014, micro-businessmen were born a multi-level agency model; in 2015, many regions across the country severely cracked down on irregular behaviors such as micro-business pyramid schemes and circle of friends fraud; in 2016, with the introduction of the new "Advertising Law", the micro-business industry accelerated the standardization; in 2019, the "E-commerce Law" was officially implemented, stipulating that micro-business practitioners need to apply for individual business licenses and company business licenses.

In July 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and 13 other departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Supporting the Healthy Development of New Formats and Models to Activate the Consumer Market to Drive Employment Expansion", proposing to "support diversified self-employment and time-sharing employment such as micro-business e-commerce and online live broadcasting", which triggered the discussion of "micro-business normalization".

Public data show that in 2017, the scale of micro-business employees in China reached 20.188 million people, and the overall scale of the micro-business industry market reached 683.58 billion yuan, and micro-businesses with new individual economic characteristics have become an important part of China's Internet economy. In addition, the number of practitioners and market size of online live broadcasting are also growing rapidly, and the total scale of the live e-commerce industry in 2019 has reached 433.8 billion yuan, and it is said that in 2020, this figure will exceed 900 billion yuan.

Many people in the industry also said that today, the business model of many enterprises is still to play a "edge ball" between micro-business, pyramid schemes, and direct sales, and some brands have been investigated and punished under the guise of micro-business, but they have been investigated and punished in the form of pyramid schemes. In August 2021, Youlan Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was fined 970,000 yuan for suspected pyramid schemes in the form of "team remuneration"; in September 2021, Taizhou Mixi Huodi E-commerce Co., Ltd., which had recruited partners, generations, special agents and other agents, was fined 5.0722 million yuan by the Taizhou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for using Internet pyramid schemes.

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