
Zhang Ting Company's report on the MLM case: Brainwashing with live streaming with goods, investing more than 300,000% of the "chairman" still needs to hoard goods

On December 28, Lin Ruiyang Zhangting Company was investigated for suspected pyramid schemes, and the news that frozen funds reached 600 million yuan aroused concern.

The incident was fermented by the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau's reply to the "Verification Letter" of the "Li Xu Anti-MLM Team". The assistant of the anti-MLM team Zhong Qing participated in the "TST Court Secret" MLM disclosure throughout the process. On December 29, Zhong Qing told the upstream news (e-mail: [email protected]) reporter that in June this year, she received internal information from the reporter Zhao Hua (pseudonym) against the "TST court secret" suspected of pyramid schemes, and published an article in July to expose it, but finally deleted the article because it was reported.

Zhang Ting Company's report on the MLM case: Brainwashing with live streaming with goods, investing more than 300,000% of the "chairman" still needs to hoard goods

▲On December 29, Shanghai, the Dalway headquarters office building was located in the bustling business district of Shanghai's Pudong New Area. Photo / Upstream News Reporter Shi Tingting

On December 29, Zhao Hua, the reporter, told the upstream news reporter that she spent more than 300,000 yuan to hoard goods and became a chairman-level agent of "TST Court Secret". This year, two agents were criminally prosecuted after being reported by the "TST Court Secret" for using coupons to make a profit, coupled with the company's comprehensive transformation of live broadcasting and her own lack of substantial income for several years, she realized that she had been deeply involved in the "TST Court Secret" pyramid scheme for 4 years. In June this year, she reported the case to the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and handed over her MLM experience and materials in the "TST Court Secret".

Zhao Hua said that on June 9 this year, the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau replied that it had filed an investigation on June 5.

Zhang Ting Company's report on the MLM case: Brainwashing with live streaming with goods, investing more than 300,000% of the "chairman" still needs to hoard goods

▲Zhang Ting live broadcast propaganda poster. Image source/network

Different periods of brainwashing methods are different, and now it is live streaming with goods

"I want everyone to be able to afford to eat and use the best brands in the world, just because I can negotiate a lower price than the discount, because I was sad when I was a child, and I longed for everyone to have it." 」 In a live broadcast with goods promotional video, Zhang Ting said so.

Zhao Hua said that the above marketing techniques are all too familiar to her. Since entering the "TST Court Secret" in early 2016, similar slogans have been pervasive in her life.

Zhao Hua told the upstream news reporter that with the rise of online live broadcasting in recent years, the internal business model of "TST Court Secret" has also changed, and the head office has vigorously advocated that all employees enter the network live broadcast. Zhang Ting will let the agents at all levels below her go to her live broadcast room to buy products to brush performance, and then return coupons to the agents for purchasing products on the "TST Court Secret" App, "(She wants) to be a sister of Douyin, (let us) go to Douyin to place an order, we are not willing to go, we will return to our coupons, you can go to the App to place an order, you can pay money." ”

Zhao Hua said, "In different periods, the method of brainwashing (of employees) is different. Now let the live broadcast bring goods, saying that some people live broadcast with goods 1 million a month, how much money can be earned in a month. The company finds a mentor to train you, let you go live, you have to let eat live in the company. She said that with the transformation of the company's business model, many people in the same chairman-level group as her left the "TST Court Secrets".

Zhao Hua also revealed that the live broadcast coupon also triggered a criminal case last year. According to media reports, a local police station in Shanghai received a report from the company that when they regularly combed the backstage of the APP operated by the company, they found that between November and December 2020, there were about 1,600 records of using the coupons sold by the company to purchase abnormal. After background comparison, it was found that 2 customers repeatedly used the same coupon to swipe orders. After investigation, the criminal suspects Zhu X and Li X used system loopholes to defraud the company of goods worth 6.4 million yuan and 1.3 million yuan respectively.

Insiders told reporters that Zhu and Li are agents of "TST Court Secrets".

Zhao Hua feels that the company's internal economic disputes have been brought to justice, which has hurt the hearts of the agent group, which has a certain effect on her determination to report the "TST court secret" pyramid scheme to the relevant departments.

Zhang Ting Company's report on the MLM case: Brainwashing with live streaming with goods, investing more than 300,000% of the "chairman" still needs to hoard goods

▲ "TST Court Secret" agent group communication, everyone has the opportunity to become a shareholder. Image source/insider provided

Spending more than 300,000 yuan to become the "chairman" still needs to continue to hoard goods

Zhao Hua told reporters that before joining, she also dreamed of becoming the chairman of the board of directors to "lie flat at home and count money." After investing more than 300,000 yuan in hoarding goods and becoming a chairman-level agent, she realized that the reality was not what she imagined. In addition to herself and the following agents at all levels to complete the performance of 100,000 yuan, she still needs to continue to stock up every month to complete the performance.

"As your performance improves, your commission will be higher." Zhao Hua told reporters that when she first entered the company, she had fallen into a trap. Her online line said that there is no threshold for entering this industry, and after entering the group, she can publish the circle of friends according to the requirements of the group. When her downline came to inquire, Zhao Hua realized that to open a card for her own downline, she had to buy 2500 yuan of products first.

After being brainwashed by various sudden wealth propaganda, Zhao Hua spent 2500 yuan to develop the first downline. After that, she developed hundreds of downlines in a few months, investing more than 300,000 yuan to become a chairman group-level agent.

In Zhao Hua's beautiful portrayal of her on the line, after becoming the chairman, she can not only earn the money of one or two agents, but also all the agents down, she can get a commission, "Later I learned that even if you become the chairman, if you are not level enough, you still can't get the money of the so-called "children and grandchildren" below, even if you are the chairman, you still have to hoard goods." So she began a 4-year life as a "TST Court Secret" agent.

During her time as an agent, her family often persuaded her not to fall into pyramid schemes. Even though she has not made any money, she still believes that the company will give everyone a share after it goes public.

Upstream journalist Wang Jingjing

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