
Who were the four talented literati of the Republic of China? What did they do?

What is a "scumbag"? Scumbag is actually an Internet buzzword, and its specific meaning refers to men who are selfish, irresponsible, only willing to take, unwilling to give, and play with female feelings. Scumbags have been in any era, but in the past there was no such name.

During the Republic of China period, it was the era of great ideological change, the elite of talents emerged, with the entry of Western thought into China, the traditional Chinese Confucianism was seriously impacted, and many people's ideological concepts underwent tremendous changes, so the so-called "four scumbags" of the Republic of China appeared. These four people were still the social elite at that time, they were Xu Zhimo, Hu Lancheng, Yu Dafu and Guo Moruo.

During the Republic of China period, people's minds were unprecedentedly emancipated, and many young girls admired poets and writers with literary and artistic temperaments, and some poets or writers just took this opportunity to deceive the feelings of young girls, and the above four people were the best of these people.

Poet Xu Zhimo, the first of the four scum men of the Republic of China, he has three marriages and three wives, namely Zhang Youyi, Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman. Among them, the original Zhang Youyi was an arranged marriage, and after giving birth to a child for him, he divorced Xu Zhimo. Lu Xiaoman is a friend's wife, and the friend's wife could not be deceived, but Xu Zhimo turned her into his own wife. After marrying Lu Xiaoman, he was also a poet, lin Weiyin, who was also a poet.

Who were the four talented literati of the Republic of China? What did they do?

The second number one of the four scum men of the Republic of China is Hu Lancheng, a writer, and we can't remember what works he has, but it is historically recorded that he interacted with eight women in his life. He not only saw one and wanted one, but also used these women's money with peace of mind, including the writer Zhang Ailing. It can be said that these women have paid a huge amount of affection, but they have not exchanged the respect they deserve.

Number three is the writer Yu Dafu, whose love history is as rich as his experiences. Three wives, a lover, meet a lover, the last wife is still in the hospital to give birth to him, he is already with the next wife dog sheepskin.

Who were the four talented literati of the Republic of China? What did they do?

The last one is Guo Moruo, a famous writer and democrat in modern China, and all the women who are related to Guo Moruo have a good ending in the end, and his first wife, Zhang Qionghua, is also an arranged marriage, and finally he ruthlessly abandons him, saying that there is no emotion.

The second wife, Sato Tomoko, was met by Guo Moruo when he studied in Japan, and gave birth to five children for him, but in the end he said that he would give up. Later, he fell in love with Yu Lichen, the niece of Cen Chunxuan, a prominent official of the People's Republic of China, and Yu Lichen's sister Yu Liqun, and after the sisters discovered that they had been deceived by Guo Moruo at the same time, they were so sad that Yu Lichen later committed suicide.

Who were the four talented literati of the Republic of China? What did they do?

Looking at the so-called four scum men of the Republic of China, it is viewed by our modern standards, and it is also the conclusion we have reached on the monogamous framework. However, in the Republic of China period, the marriage law had not yet been established, and people's concept of marriage continued since the end of the Qing Dynasty, so the attitude of these literati towards marriage feelings was relatively casual, and society did not give too much harsh responsibility.

On the contrary, they are all figures with great influence in the Chinese literary world, and their works break through tradition, are bold and realistic, make people deafening, and objectively play a role in guiding the public's thinking, which is of positive significance. We can't judge the figures of the Republic of China period by the standards of modern people, as to whether the four of them are scumbags or not, you can see what you are doing.

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