
He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

Lao Wang has come to share historical interesting facts with you again, and the one he is talking about today is a "love saint" in the Republic of China period. Because this person has a little ink in his stomach and is ruthless everywhere, he is rated by many people as the "first scumbag of the Republic of China". And his means and routines to chase women can be said to be very much, he once caught up with zhang Ailing, a talented woman in the Republic of China, with a letter, and used a special skill to make the 17-year-old female nurse fascinated by him, he is a very cultured traitor Hu Lancheng in the Republic of China period.

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

Speaking of Hu Lancheng, I believe that people who know this history of the Republic of China know him. He was a well-known traitor in the Republic of China, and also a modern Chinese writer, originally known as Hu Jirui, born in 1906 in Hu Village, Xiabei Township, Shengxian County, Zhejiang. Hu Lancheng was a very talented literati, but he did not have the pride of being a Chinese, nor did he have the bottom line of dignity as a literati, and he turned to Wang Jingwei for his own interests, calling him a notorious traitor in China's modern history. And he is a notorious "scumbag" in terms of feelings, and 8 women have been fascinated by him, the most famous of which is the talented woman Zhang Ailing

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

Hu Lancheng first worked as a postman at the Hangzhou Post Office, and was later fired after working for only three months. In September of the same year, he entered the vice president's office of Yenching University to copy documents for a year, and observed the courses of Yenching University, and met Zhou Zuoren, Chen Yuan, Guo Yunguan, Mei Lanfang, Qing Ruyi, etc. After that, he began to work as a teacher for several years, during which time his eloquence was also very well exercised. It was not until he wrote the essay "On the West River" that he gradually became famous.

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

When he knew Zhang Ailing, Zhang Ailing was already famous in the country, and after Hu Lancheng read her work "Blockade", he was absolutely Zhang Ailing very talented and wanted to know, so he looked around to find out zhang Ailing's residence and took the initiative to visit. Because Zhang Ailing also heard of Hu Lancheng's fame, she met him at that time, and a conversation with Hu Lancheng was not only witty, but also flattering sentence after sentence, and there was no network at that time. In addition, at that time, it was a patriarchal society, and women had no status, and Zhang had a special feeling after listening to nonsense.

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

After Hu saw Zhang, he was deeply attracted to her, and went back in the evening to write a letter overnight, which not only wrote Hu's admiration for Zhang, but also wrote the key points of Zhang Ailing's article, and had a deep understanding of her article. Zhang Ailing was greatly touched after seeing it and felt that this was the person she was looking for, so even if Hu was 15 years older than her, Hu accepted his love, and soon the 38-year-old Hu Lancheng and the 23-year-old Zhang Ailing married. The relationship only went through a short period of 3 years and ended.

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

After Hu Lancheng and Zhang Ailing got married, he did not love Zhang Ailing as he said. During a visit to the doctor, he met a 17-year-old female nurse Zhou Xunde, and Hu fell in love with her because she was young and beautiful and had a lively and cute personality. Zhou Xunde was also relatively young at that time, and Hu used his special skills to write and eloquently, so that Zhou Xunde was fascinated. Even if he knew that Hu had a wife, Zhou still wanted to be with him, that fantasy could be married to Hu, who knew that not long after the two of them got well, the Japanese were beaten away, he ran to Japan because he had been a traitor with Wang Jingwei, and Zhou Xunde had long been forgotten by him.

He looked mediocre, a letter caught up with a 23-year-old talented woman, and a special skill fascinated the 17-year-old nurse

After Hu Lancheng later fled to Japan, he was still uneasy, and at this time, because he was literate, sweet words and love words were even more handy, and soon captured the heart of his Japanese landlady. The two were together not long after, but his landlady Ichigo did not continue their relationship because they had a husband, and then Hu Lancheng died of illness in Japan in 1981 at the age of 75. Hu Lancheng was plain-looking, and he was a famous traitor at that time, why did so many women like him at that time? Sweet talk and love words are the common weapons of most scumbags, and many female friends will be confused by these. And these are also the special skills that Hu Lancheng uses to capture the hearts of women, and he is really not afraid of scumbag scum, he is afraid that scumbags have culture. Taking this article, the editor warns female friends that when making friends, they must see the character clearly.

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