
In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

Anti-foolishness ran through Lu Xun's life. Juan is a typical kind and simple ancient Chinese working woman, and she concentrates many of the good qualities of ancient women. Juan's tragedy is only because she accidentally became a member of the fools - in 1994, Shanghai Literature and Art published "Juan as a Fool"

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

As we all know, Lu Xun had two women in this life, one was a gift from his mother, Zhu An, and the other was his student Xu Guangping. Some people praise Lu Xun and Xu Guangping's love across the teacher-student relationship and across the age barrier. At the same time, a small number of people have noticed that Lu Xun's life has never had the right to speak.

It is said that Zhang Ailing was the most miserable woman in love during the Republic of China period, she did her best, did not hesitate to be accused, fell in love with the traitor Hu Lancheng, once wrote a letter: "When I saw him, she became very low and very low, low to the dust, but her heart was happy, and flowers blossomed from the dust." Later, after the breakup, Hu Lancheng wrote in his autobiography "This Life and This Life": "It turns out that the evil and righteousness of the world can be forgotten like flowers and leaves, and I have done bad things, and I do not have to apologize to others, nor do I have to regret myself." ”

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

But either way, these women have met men who are in love, albeit unreliable in the end. But Juan is different, she has never become a man's sweetheart, and her fault, she is a woman with a feudal symbol, pay attention to three from four virtues, or a woman with a small foot, but married to an enlightener.

In 1878, Juan was born in Shaoxing, her ancestors had been Zhi County, she knew the book, had a gentle temperament, treated people kindly, her father was a businessman, but he could raise his daughter to be like this, in fact, it was not easy, but in 1899, Juan was 21 years old before he was engaged to lu Xun's family, and Lu Xun was only 18 years old at the time. In Lu Xun's mother's heart, the female junior held the golden brick, and Juan, the girl, was very good.

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

The 18-year-old Lu Xun's thinking has become more and more mature, knowing what he wants and what he does not want, but he is a filial piety, since his mother is happy, he accepted Juan, and in his heart, Juan is a gift from his mother to himself. Such a marriage was not what Lu Xun wanted, and Juan admired Lu Xun for being a great reader, but if she knew at the beginning that Lu Xun would never love her, she would not be willing to get married.

Lu Xun has been running outside for many years, and has always been reluctant to go home and take the initiative to get married, but in 1906, Lu Xun's mother said that she was ill and wanted to see her son get married, and Lu Xun had to complete his mother's wish, which was when Juan was 28 years old. After getting married, Lu Xun hurried to Japan again, and Juan could only serve Lu Xun's mother well and keep the family in order.

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

She originally thought that even if she walked very slowly, but with her own efforts, she would one day be able to reach Lu Xun's heart, know that she heard about Xu Guangping's existence, and then later heard that Xu Guangping was pregnant with Lu Xun's child, she was desperate, knowing that Mr. Big was usually unwilling to even say a word to herself, not for other reasons, but she would never be able to enter Lu Xun's heart.

When Lu Xun was alive, Juan always adhered to the accusations of the original wife, although no children were often counted by the mother, but she was able to take good care of Lu Xun's mother. Late in 1936, Lu Xun died, and when the old lady was still alive, Xu Guangping and Zhou Zuoren would still give a little money, and when the old lady died, Juan became a lonely person.

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

As Lu Xun's wife, she has been lonely all her life, she can't imagine that she will be more miserable in her old age, she has no source of funds, her life is very miserable, she eats some pickles and porridge every day, and counts the grain every day to eat some nests. During this period, she still defended the dignity of Lu Xun's wife, and in the face of being given gifts, she did not accept gifts.

In 1936, Lu Xun died late at night, and his wife, who had been alone in an empty house for 41 years, said a complaint that made people cry

When he really couldn't live anymore, Juan decided to sell a little of Lu Xun's calligraphy and paintings. However, this matter was known to Lu Xun's friends, and they said that they should properly keep Mr. Lu Xun's relics, at this time, Zhu An, who had been alone in the empty house for 41 years, came from it and said a famous complaint: "You always say that you want to save Mr. Lu Xun's relics, I am also his relics, you must also keep ah!" Looking at what Juan said now, I can still feel her misery at that time, her life was so bitter, and she was always a forgotten woman behind Lu Xun.

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