
Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

In 1946, because of her husband Hu Lan's identity as a traitor, Zhang Ailing, as a wife, fell into the target of public criticism, and the insults and accusations of society swept over her in an instant, and the rice bowl she relied on to survive was also lost, and Zhang Ailing fell into the trough of life at this time. The marriage also came to an end in the following year.

Because of Hu Lancheng, no magazine is willing to "take" her in, it is rumored that she lives poorly without financial resources, sometimes three meals a day are dependent on juice, the particles have not entered, although this matter can not be verified, but it is enough to guess her downfall at this moment.

And it was at this time that a light illuminated her gray life. When the two were looking forward to a better future, after a pregnancy test and learning the truth, this light completely left her, and from then on, the end of the world was separated from each other, and they would never see each other again in this life.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Early life in turmoil and displacement

Zhang Ailing was born on September 30, 1920 in a declining aristocratic mansion in the bustling metropolis of Shanghai, her grandfather was a famous courtier at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and her grandmother was the eldest daughter of the famous Li Hongzhang.

Although the family has fallen lonely, life is still better than that of ordinary families. In 1923, because of Zhang's father's job transfer, the family moved to Tianjin. The following year, her mother went to Europe to study, and four-year-old Zhang Ailing was sent to a private school and taken care of by her aunt and grandmother.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

In 1927, at the age of seven, Zhang Ailing had already begun to write novels, her first novel was about family tragedy, and the second was about a girl who had lost love. Xu is the arrangement of fate, and these two novels have become a true portrayal of her early life.

Later, her father returned to Shanghai with her brother and sister, and this time, Zhang Ailing came into contact with painting, English and piano, and began to read major classics in China extensively. In 1930, after the parents divorced, the mother left all two children and went to Europe alone, never to come back, and never greeted the two brothers and sisters.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Two years later, Zhang Ailing officially published the short story "Unfortunate Her", which was published in the 12th issue of the St. Mary Girls' School Magazine "Fengzao", and since then, she has successively published articles such as the essay "Late Twilight", and for a while, the young Zhang Ailing has become famous. Her unique language is deeply loved by the world. Later, Zhang Ailing chose to study abroad for further study.

The world only cares about Zhang Ailing's amazing talent, but no one cares about the endless darkness behind this glamorous beauty.

The mother's disregard left the two young children without support.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Soon after, my father took her another person, and he was infected with a lot of smoke and smoked for many years. Heavy smoke will make the whole family unable to make ends meet, and the often grumpy father always uses the child as a punching bag, punching and kicking at them, and the stepmother has always been cold-eyed.

After escaping from the small black house that had been grounded by his father for several months, Zhang Airing met Hu Lancheng, who thought that Hu Lancheng would be a good match in this life, but did not think that it was just a tiger's den and into the wolf's den.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Life redemption

Under the influence of Hu Lancheng, Zhang Ailing, who has been "doing nothing" all day, has become more and more depressed, and she does not know when this life will end. But "the mountains and rivers are doubtful and there is no way, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village", when Zhang Ailing was struggling, a man named Sang Arc found her.

Sang Arc and his friend just partnered to set up a Wenhua Film Company, and they found Zhang Ailing through the introduction of someone and invited her to serve as a film screenwriter, so good thing, Zhang Ailing naturally agreed to it.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Since it is filming, it is inevitable that there will be all kinds of large and small parties, but Zhang Ailing, who is accustomed to quiet writing, does not like this kind of scene, and her early fame is naturally disdainful of this, and every time she arrives is just a routine.

At a party, Zhang Ailing sat in the corner as always, looking at the scene in front of her, recalling her former spring breeze, and her heart could not help but feel sour.

At this moment, a good-looking gentleman came to her, and as soon as she looked up, their eyes met so unguardedly, and the gentleman just smiled and nodded to her, did not speak, and sat down next to her so quietly.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

Suddenly there was such a man next to her, Zhang Ailing naturally could no longer turn her attention to other places, so she raised her eyes and secretly glanced at the man. It was no one else, it was the director Sang Arc who had come to her before, but she had never observed him so carefully.

The man in front of him was born with a good face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, so that people were unconsciously attracted to him, and this person was well-dressed and clean, it was not difficult to see that this was a very good man. Suddenly, a "bolt of lightning" reached the bottom of her heart, frightening her to quickly withdraw her gaze. But such a good man, how dare he think about it? Thinking about this, Zhang Ailing's heart began to feel uncomfortable again, and people may not have any intention for themselves...

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

In fact, how could Sang Arc not know that such a fiery gaze hit his body, he felt it from the moment he just sat down, and the reason why he did not break it was because he was afraid of the other party's embarrassment. Although he pretends to be calm on the surface, in fact, he has already blossomed in his heart.

Because of Zhang Ailing's small actions, he had already seen it all. The reason why he chose to do this today was entirely to test her, in fact, he had been paying attention to her all these days, and today he could summon up the courage to sit next to her.

Since there was a first meeting, there would be a second, a third, a back and forth, and the two would soon become acquainted. Soon after, they ushered in their first collaboration, written by Zhang Ailing herself and directed by Sang Arc, the love movie "No Love" was released, and it achieved high popularity and box office results.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

At the beginning, the red was unexpected, and everyone was very happy, but they quickly rubbed this heat and then made up the family drama "Long Live the Wife", similarly, this film is also "full of loads", since then, Zhang Ailing's reputation has gradually risen, this time, she played a good turnaround battle.

Now that there are such good results, the cooperation between the two is naturally closer. But the film that the two collaborated on has such a high voice at the same time, but also brought some influence to them, because there is more and more suspicion about the relationship between the two, the two did not speak up, only the film publicity Gong Zhifang did not think so, stood up to justify the relationship between the two.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

The increasing frequency of work exchanges has allowed the two of them a lot more time alone. The two eventually broke the line and quietly talked about love without anyone. In fact, she had also worried that the gap between the two was so large, and she had a marriage, and she was really not worthy of the innocent mulberry arc of the family lineage, but she still chose to cherish the present and fight hard.

Later, Zhang Ailing, who did not see the red in two months, had some expectations and some worries in her heart, perhaps she already had a child, and the two would have their own small home soon after. After much thought, she still decided to tell Sang Arc the news, so the two went to the hospital together with great joy for examination.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

But in the end, the doctor told them that she was not pregnant, and the reason why she did not menstruate for two months was because Zhang Ailing had done improper induction of labor surgery before, resulting in cervical damage. Such a sunny thunderbolt news completely crushed the two people. What Zhang Ailing had been worried about was still known, and it was still so cruelly disclosed, although Sang Arc did not accuse too much on the surface, but it also became a permanent thorn in his heart.

The miserable second half of his life

The two could never jump over this hurdle, so they replaced all the answers with silence, and over time, the relationship ended quietly. The two hadn't seen each other since the Cold War, but she kept an eye on every move about him.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

But on this day, she heard the news that he was going to get married, which made her unable to pretend to be calm anymore, so she ran to question, but did not think that what was waiting for her was not his defense, but his light and calm sentence "I am married."

A single understatement completely breaks all the beauty of the past. I think of the rainy summer night of the old days, he held an umbrella for her, in the movie theater, the two people hugging each other tightly, the cold street, the sugar fried chestnuts he bought for her... All kinds of past, it is like a world away.

The "tranquility" completely broken by reality made Zhang Ailing really unacceptable, and Zhang Ailing, who had been depressed for dozens of days, decided to devote her body and mind to writing.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

In 1951, she successfully published her first novel, "Eighteen Springs", which is a poignant love story, and the protagonist is like a lover who will eventually become a family member. After the novel was published, Zhang Ailing moved to the United States alone and has never returned. The two are separated by tens of millions of miles, and they will never see each other again in this life.

In 1995, Zhang Ailing died in the United States at the age of 75. Her autobiographical novel Little Reunion was published in 2009 by her estate client Song Yilang.

In this novel, it is Zhang Ailing's emotional sustenance for Sang Arc's endless thoughts, and it is also because of this novel that a relationship that has been sealed for 60 years can be seen again. Unfortunately, the humble gentleman of the past could no longer know about this sixty-year-long thought, because Sang Arc had died five years before the novel was published.

Zhang Ailing and Sang Arc's past: a pregnancy test, found cervical damage, never to see each other again

brief summary

In the end, the love of the world is only a look of keeping and never seeing each other, people have sorrows and joys, and the moon also has clouds and sunshine, which is difficult to complete. The matter of feelings has been difficult to say since ancient times, but I only wish people a long time, even if they can share a thousand miles.

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