
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Beautiful! The style of the female signal soldier of that year

Author: Qi Bo

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Sweat, can not wash away the rouge smeared by the hot sun

Collecting dust, can't hide the face of youth blooming

In order to practice the original intention of the national pulse

Let the bitter autumn wind let it whimper

You stand on a pole that rises from the ground

The figure is like a soaring petrel

It's like climbing a steep and dangerous peak

It's like hugging a thousand-year-old pine on the top of Tai Mountain

This special arena

As if closest to the sun

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

In order to fulfill the historical mission of the People's Iron Army

You take pride in the frontier as your home and hardship

Throw the exhaustion of the patrol into the wasteland

Write a poem to the firmament

Let the pleasant sound reverberate between heaven and earth

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

In spring, when Jiangnan is already fragrant with willow flowers

The Horqin steppe was still roaring with wind

One snowstorm after another

He refused to shake hands with the female soldiers to say goodbye

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Whenever this happens, even if you can eat a meal of green vegetables

It is also a rare satisfaction

There are no theater theaters on the prairie

There is no luxury of Kara 0K

You are in your own way

Make the boring life tasteful

Even though the borders are unpredictable

There's even the thrill of rubbing shoulders with death

But in order to ensure the smooth connection between border defense and Beijing

You will have sincere love and inexhaustible sincerity

And the blood and sweat of youth

Swing over the long border line

And so it goes day after day, year after year

Let the years pass and the flowers wither

Silent dedication on the ordinary front

Defend the operation of the national pulse with your life

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Whenever I think of my comrades-in-arms who are buried on both sides of the railway

There are still some difficulties that cannot be overcome

What gains and losses can be calculated

Her soft hair was resolutely cut short

The long skirt is temporarily taken off

You have a vibrant demeanor

Highlight the green and vitality of life

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

In the machine room, those densely packed square grids

It is the combination and arrangement of divisions, regiments, battalions, and companies

Not only that, but you also put the sky in the north of the sea

They all caught their eyes

And put simple repetitive actions

Tempered into a beautiful art

You are like carriers of information

Linking up the bonds that strengthen emotions

Both report peace for the top of the motherland

And for the remote frontier to convey hope

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Today, after all, times are different

The well-connected Internet opens a new chapter in the development of communications

Once "clairvoyance, tailwind ear"

It has long been a mark of time

There is also the former style of female signal soldiers

It has evolved into a shining page in the history of human progress

But in the long story of time

Those legendary military lives

It's not a random fabrication

When you see these old photographs of historical value

Maybe even call out one or two of them

The ever-fading electric waves still linger in your ears

They are like lifelike statues

Forever engraved in the hearts of comrades-in-arms across the country

Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year
Beauty, the style of the female signal soldier of the year

Qi Bo was photographed in 1975 as the secretary of the battalion headquarters

On the evening of November 26, 2021, he was in Qin Emperor Zuyi

Editor: Fang Yingxin

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