
In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

author:Thinking of the cold dust

Today, under the wise leadership and decision-making of the Party Central Committee, they are hiding in departments at all levels throughout the country, and the flies and tigers that have brought calamity to the country and the people have been brought to justice one after another.

Serving the people wholeheartedly is the aim of our party, and fighting corruption and promoting clean government is the concept and tradition that our party has always upheld; from the day the party was founded to the birth of new China, it has never been absent or compromised.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Thin wave

In early 1952, Bo Yibo, who was then the first secretary of the North China Bureau, came to Chairman Mao's office in a hurry and uneasiness, carefully conveying the request of Huang Jing, then secretary of the Tianjin Prefectural Party Committee. Bo Yibo said: "Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan are both old subordinates of Comrade Huang Jing and people who have made contributions to the revolution.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chairman Mao said to the old man: "It is precisely because the two of them have a high status, great influence, and great merit that we must make up our minds to execute them." Only by executing them can we awaken the other comrades in the Party and save twenty, two hundred, twenty thousand, or even more leading cadres who have made different mistakes."

Who are Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan? They are the culprits of the "first corruption case" in New China and the representative figures who have been corrupted by material and wealth.

How much did they embezzle, which made Chairman Mao so distressed, determined to execute the two of them, and what decision did Chairman Mao make, and finally 42 people in the country were sentenced to death? And all this must start from Chairman Mao's first foreign visit to the Soviet Union after the birth of New China.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Chairman Mao was in Harbin

In February 1950, Chairman Mao had just arrived in the northeast after completing a visit to the Soviet Union for more than two months.

In Beijing, Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the Viet Cong, who had been waiting for more than a dozen days, rushed to Harbin and requested a meeting with Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and other central leaders.

In Harbin, Chairman Mao warmly received Ho Chi Minh and invited him to a sumptuous light meal, which was arranged by Chairman Mao at the behest of Rao Bin, who was then the mayor of Harbin. The banquet was extremely sumptuous, not only the mountains and treasures of the sea were listed on the cups and plates, but even the steamed bear paws that only smelled its name and did not see the truth were arranged to the banquet.

At the dinner table, Chairman Mao did not move at all except for a few bites of two or three plates of green vegetables and a small bowl of rice, and his face showed a hint of unhappiness.

He said to Rao Bin: "I just invited Ho Chi Minh to a light meal and arranged a few home-cooked dishes, why is it so extravagant and wasteful." Our country has just been established, a hundred wastes are waiting to be rebuilt, the country is still very poor, the people are even poorer, can not waste, let alone put on a grand show."

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Chairman Mao

To use the current buzzword to summarize Chairman Mao's words, it is good to want a big fish and meat, and a little rice.

Chairman Mao did not get angry with Rao Bin or criticize him too harshly, but only warned Rao Bin to take this as a warning and to keep the people and the country in his heart, rather than focusing on eating, drinking, and having fun.

Perhaps, at this time, Chairman Mao thought that Rao Bin's arrangement was to give Chairman Mao a long face in front of Ho Chi Minh, but when Chairman Mao arrived at the next stop, he understood that the problem was not as simple as he thought.

Northeast China was the industrial powerhouse of New China and played a huge role during the Liberation War. Nowadays, the country is in an important period of initial construction, and the strategic significance of the northeast is more important, and the role it plays will become greater and greater.

Since he had arrived in the northeast, Chairman Mao also wanted to look around, and did not rush back to Beijing, and after leaving Harbin, he went to Shenyang.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Chairman Mao looked at the food on the table with a solemn face

When the leaders of the governments at all levels in Shenyang heard that Chairman Mao was coming to inspect, they were all excited and prepared the reception banquet early on, and when Chairman Mao and his party came to the reception office in Shenyang, Chairman Mao was stunned by the banquet prepared in front of them.

On the banquet table in Shenyang, there are all kinds of mountain treasures and sea flavors, and all kinds of delicacies, which can be said to be dazzling, compared to the banquet in Harbin.

This time, Chairman Mao did not leave the slightest face for the leaders of Shenyang, and he said angrily: "I said in Harbin that it is forbidden to be extravagant and wasteful, eat and drink heavily, you have not listened to a word, you must be Liu Zongmin, I don't want to be Li Zicheng." After saying that, he brushed his sleeves and left, so angry that his old man's body trembled.

As we all know, after this Li Zicheng attacked the Forbidden City, he ate, drank, and drank all day, exhausted luxury, and caused the people's resentment to boil over, and before he became the emperor of the Eight Classics of the Eight Classics, he was driven out of the Forbidden City by the Qing army.

This Liu Zongmin was exactly the general under Li Zicheng, who made great contributions to Li Zicheng's establishment, and after hitting the capital, Liu Zongmin did not want to forge ahead, extorted and extorted everywhere, blindly amassed wealth for himself, and finally ended up with a tragic death.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Liu Zongmin and Li Zicheng

When Chairman Mao proposed these two people, he was warning the local cadres that they should learn from history and should not repeat the mistakes of the past.

However, at this time, his old man did not know that in many parts of the country, this kind of corrupt atmosphere had already spread, and many leading cadres in our party had made military achievements. However, many people come from poor backgrounds, have not read any books, and their ideological consciousness is not high.

Nowadays, when the country is initially decided and has become the leader, comrades whose convictions are not firm have begun to change and waver in their thinking and behavior, and they have gradually been corrupted under the temptation of power, and have lived a comfortable life of eating and drinking nonsense and indulging in indulgence.

At the Third Congress of Hebei Province on November 21, 1951, Li Kecai, then deputy commissioner of the Tianjin Provincial Bureau, publicly exposed the corrupt behavior of Zhang Zishan, secretary of the Tianjin Prefectural Party Committee, and Liu Qingshan, deputy secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee, for their corruption and corrupt living style.

No one expected that the two people with extremely high weight in Hebei Province would actually be corrupt elements, and there was a lot of discussion in the venue.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Zhang Zishan

Zhang Zishan is a native of Shenxian County, Hebei Province, where his father died early, his mother was ill, and his family was extremely poor. Zhang Zishan was young and intelligent, and he liked to read, and under the hard work of his two older brothers, he reluctantly supported the family and provided him with schooling.

During his studies, because he received more fashionable ideas, he actively participated in the student movement and gradually embarked on the road of revolution, and in 1933, at the age of 19, he joined the Communist Party and became an important member of the Central Hebei region.

In the early years, Zhang Zishan embodied the qualities of a Communist Party member, and in the case of being betrayed and arrested by traitors, he resisted the threats and inducements of the enemy, did not divulge a single secret of the party, and did not submit to the reactionaries. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he obeyed the party's command, resolutely carried out the party's orders, and carried out a battle of wits and courage with the aggressors in the Central Hebei region.

Especially during the Liberation War, Zhang Zishan played an active and important role, and after the Pingjin Campaign began, he actively participated in the work of logistical support, and successively organized more than 100,000 migrant workers to deliver food, medicine, and transport the wounded to the soldiers on the front line.

In particular, the story of him leading the masses to chisel open the frozen canal to transport grain was widely circulated in the local area, and was highly appreciated and commended by the former committee of the campaign, and after the birth of New China, he served as deputy secretary of the Tianjin prefectural party committee and secretary Liu Qingshan to work together.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Liu Qingshan

Liu Qingshan was also a Communist Party member who had experienced the baptism of war, liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan were similar in age, but he joined the party two years earlier than Zhang Zishan.

Born in the countryside, Liu Qingshan was also the child of a poor family, and when he was a teenager, he worked as a long-term worker for the landlord's family, and later joined the revolution, and was an early cadre of the Red Army detachment in Jizhong Province.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Qingshan was selected to study at the Anti-Japanese War, and later returned to Hebei, where he led and participated in the struggle against the Japanese army in the central Hebei region, which was deeply loved by Huang Jing and others. After the birth of New China, he served as the secretary of the Tianjin Prefectural Party Committee, worked diligently, and had a high reputation in the local area.

After the two were publicly reported, they immediately attracted the attention of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and government, and launched an investigation into the corruption and corruption of the two of them, and the process of the two of them from degeneration to all-out corruption and bribery gradually surfaced, shocking the first corruption case in New China in China, and thus began.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan public trial meeting

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan's path to depravity is inseparable from a woman named Zhang Wenyi. Zhang Wenyi is a businesswoman in tianjin, not only able to speak the Tao, but also has some connections in Tianjin.

New China was born, and domestic work began to shift to economic construction. Zhang and Liu inevitably had to deal with some businessmen in Tianjin, so Zhang Wenyi became involved with Liu and Zhang, and Zhang Wenyi began to find ways to give them some benefits.

Liu and Zhang, who got the benefits, had money in their hands, and naturally began to be a little generous in their lives, and their eating and drinking became better. Under the introduction of Zhang Wenyi, Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan also began to go in and out of some high-end hotels, clubs, and participate in some social activities. It didn't take long for Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan to fall into the gentle nest.

Zhang Wenyi constantly instigated the first and second leaders of the Tianjin Prefectural Committee to make more money, and only the more capital the more money, the more money can be earned. But where did Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan get the money? After thinking about it left and right, the two people began to play the idea of public funds, and it was getting bigger and bigger, more and more arrogant, and they didn't know how to converge.

In 1950, the Tianjin area suffered a rare flood, dozens of townships became a vast ocean, heavy losses, and the people of Tianjin, who had just experienced war, were once again plunged into natural disasters.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

The city of Tianjin in the flood

In order to resettle the disaster-stricken masses as soon as possible and ensure the daily needs of the people, the party Central Committee has successively allocated a number of disaster relief funds to Tianjin.

However, all this money and grain flowed into the pockets of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan. Among them, the flood control and water conservancy funds, the two embezzled as much as 3 billion yuan (here refers to the old currency, 10,000 is equivalent to one yuan), and the central government allocated as much as 400 million yuan for disaster relief grain.

Not only that, they also sold disaster relief grain upside down, not to mention the good times, and also took the opportunity to raise prices, causing many people to die due to disasters, but they did not stop there, but on the contrary, they became bigger and bigger.

In order to earn more money, Liu Qingshan also sent people to impersonate PLA soldiers, use disaster relief funds to buy timber from the northeast and sell them to the outside world, resell grain for migrant workers, defraud bank loans, and so on. In order to seek private interests and satisfy personal enjoyment, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan almost reached the point of madness, completely disregarding the lives and deaths of the affected people.

What is even more hateful is that these two people have completely lost their bottom line as communists, not only buying a mansion for themselves, living in extreme luxury, but also contracting bad habits, Zhang Zishan is infected with the vice of prostitution, and Liu Qingshan is even infected with the bad habit of drug use.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Public Trial Conference

Li Kecai once reported to the leader about Liu Qingshan's drug use, and instead of sending someone to investigate, the leader excused Liu Qingshan, saying that he was under pressure and busy with work, which was not a big problem.

In the case of increasingly crazy corruption and corruption, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, who dominate the work of the Tianjin Prefectural Committee, can also create internal hostile contradictions, and their hearts are extremely inflated, as if they have become a hall of words, and the Tianjin Prefectural Committee has the final say on the two of them, and they are not ashamed to speak out, showing off their merits everywhere, and boasting that they are people who have made great contributions.

After Li Kecai made a public report, after a detailed investigation by the Hebei provincial government, in just over a year, Liu and Zhang were suspected of embezzling and accepting bribes, reaching as much as 17.1 billion yuan, about 1.71 million yuan.

Maybe 1.71 million is not much now, but it was definitely a huge amount at the time. According to relevant data, the average annual income of workers in the country in 1952 was about 450 yuan, and by 2020, this figure reached 90,000 yuan, compared with about 200 times, 1.71 million at that time, which is almost 350 million at present.

Since Liu and Zhang were involved in a huge amount of money and had contributed to the revolution, the Hebei Provincial Government did not dare to make a claim, but only submitted to Chairman Mao the recommendation for a death sentence and a two-year suspension of sentence.

In 1950, Chairman Mao personally ordered the investigation of corruption cases, and eventually 42 people were executed and tens of thousands of people were imprisoned

Liu Qingshan (left) and Zhang Zishan (right)

When Chairman Mao saw the proposal of Hebei Province, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he did not know how to describe it, and after thinking about it for a long time, Chairman Mao wrote the word "agree" on it and crossed out the suspended sentence for two years.

On February 10, 1952, Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan's public trial was held in Baoding, Hebei Province, and more than 20,000 people participated in the public trial of the two people's courts in Hebei Province.

Chairman Mao was bitter about this, and felt that the country had just been established and was in ruins waiting to be rebuilt, but the corrupt atmosphere within the Party was getting heavier and heavier. After discussion by the Party Central Committee, the three anti-corruption, anti-corruption, and anti-bureaucracy campaigns were immediately launched that year.

Chairman Mao personally instructed that if all localities need to kill a few embezzlers, they can also kill a few. In this way, nearly 10,000 embezzlers committed adultery and fixed-term imprisonment in that year, 67 people who were sentenced to life imprisonment, and 42 people who were sentenced to death.

Today, with the development of the country's economy, the current China is no longer the poor and backward China of 70 years ago, Chinese the people have become richer, and the lives of the Chinese people have become better, but some people and some ideas have also been imperceptibly corrupted in this rich life.

This is a dangerous signal and an irresponsibility to the party and the people; no matter when or under what circumstances, the work of opposing corruption and promoting clean government must be carried out all the time, and there is no end in sight.

Text / Poor Building