
Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

The Nobel Prize can be said to be one of the awards with the largest gold content, and the people who can win this award are also extremely excellent people, and I remember when Ms. Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, the excitement of the Chinese people brushing the screen for a few days and nights is enough to explain the gold content of this award.

People of one nation are 108 times more likely to win than other peoples, and the average IQ of this nation is 110. According to statistics, there are about 16 million Jews in the world, accounting for less than 25% of the global population, but they have won 22% of the world's Nobel Prize.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

Someone once said that the global economic lifeline is in the hands of the Americans, but the economic lifeblood of the United States is in the hands of the Jews.

Eighteen of the top 50 richest people in the United States are Jewish, and half of the world's richest entrepreneurs are Jewish.

Many of the rich and elites who are better known in their daily lives are from Jewish families.

Top companies like Google, as we know it, account for 67 percent of the global computer search engine market and 83 percent of mobile search, and its founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, come from Jewish families.

Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, the world's largest social networking site, was also born into a Jewish family.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

Sheldon Adelson, the owner of the World's largest gambling group, the Las Vegas Sanders Group, was also born into a Jewish family.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

There were also elites such as Einstein, Freud, Picasso, etc., all born into Jewish families.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

After looking at so many elites from Jewish families, we can't help but wonder why jewish families educate children who are either rich or elite. In fact, they are all winning at the starting line, the child is born a blank piece of paper, and the education of parents is very important. But because Jewish families are educated differently than ours, it also makes their children better than others.

After consulting a large number of materials, I concluded that the reason why jewish family-educated children are generally so good is on these points!

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

01 Your own wisdom is priceless

What is the priceless treasure of this world? It is not money that is external, but our own ability and wisdom, no matter how the outside world changes, as long as we have enough wisdom, we will certainly be able to earn money and live the life we want.

Theoretically, as long as their own ability and wisdom are sufficient, there will never be crises and risks that are difficult to solve.

The Jews were well aware of this, so when children were very young, they instilled in them the idea that wisdom was priceless.

They'll ask their children the question, "If one day your house burns down, what will you take with you to escape?" Children generally reply to money and jewelry at the beginning, at which time Jewish parents will tell their children that wisdom is the thing that accompanies a lifetime, is the root of a person, and is also convenient to carry, and money and jewelry are just foreign objects.

Look at our parents, it is estimated that many parents themselves can't figure out what is the most important thing, let alone children, but it is not too late, you can guide children to read some books, subtly affect them, let them know that wisdom is the fundamental.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

02 Money is something you need to fight for on your own

Those elites and rich people deeply understand a truth that money is earned by themselves, not from the sky, precisely because they have received a good money education from an early age.

And the education of the Jews is the same, whether they have money or not, they will never let the child easily get pocket money, will not use the money to stabilize because the child is willful and grumpy, but will intentionally set up some scenes at home that can be exchanged for money through their own labor.

For example, how much money is spent washing dishes and how much is a hygiene, so that children can understand that the original money is not something that can be reached by hand, but requires our continuous efforts to win.

Look at our parents, eager for the child to cry, immediately spend money to buy toys, give him pocket money, afraid of letting the child be a little wronged, do not know that this will harm the child, let them grow up to become the old man, become a person who waits for the pie in the sky all day.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

03 Let children understand that books are sweet

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress"

Jews know this, but it is an anti-human thing to calm down and read, and the best way to make a person fall in love with reading is to make him fall in love with reading from an early age.

So, in every Jewish home, when the child is just beginning to understand, the mother will open the Bible, sprinkle a drop of honey on it, and then let the child kiss the honey in the Bible. Then the mother will tell the child that the books are sweet.

Books are sweet, and this consciousness has since taken root in the minds of the Jews

I once read a report:

Chinese read an average of 4.66 books a year, Koreans read an average of 11 books a year, The Japanese read an average of 40 books a year, and the Average Annual Reading of Jews is 64 books, so the number of books read every year in the world is Jews

While we are desperately playing games, leisure, and entertainment, the Jews are desperately studying and constantly improving their abilities, and we are certainly inferior to them.

For the Jews, achieving these 3 points is only a starting point, and the continuous love of reading has enabled each of their generations to continue to stand out.

The most read book by Jews from childhood to adulthood is the Talmud, which has become their national identity

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

There is a saying in the Talmud that "if you are poor, you must also stand in the pile of the rich." ”

There is also an old Chinese saying called "Near Zhu is red, and near ink is black." "To put it bluntly, what kind of person you choose to be with, what kind of person you will become.

There is a big gap between the poor and the rich in thinking, and standing in the pile of rich people is easier for you to get rid of your poor thinking. Over time, you will learn how the rich behave and make money, and gradually you will be able to have the way of thinking of the rich.

You also have the opportunity to borrow and get help from the rich. Even if you don't get help, standing in the pile of rich people can make you deeply appreciate the gap with the rich, so you will have the motivation to become rich.

Under the thousands of hammers and hammers of this book, the Jewish thinking has become more and more cattle

In Hebrew, "Talmud" means "great study," and this scripture is the norm and guide to life for Jews in search of truth and for merchants to make money.

Why are Jews educating children who are either rich or elite? Here's why

For thousands of years, the Talmud has nourished generations of Jews, whether it is Marx or Einstein, or Freud or Spinoza, who have been deeply influenced by it.

It can be seen that the Talmud is a guide to their money-making, and that they can be so rich is inseparable from this "Talmud" that contains their splendid culture for thousands of years.

Albert Einstein once said: "The wisdom of mankind is in the head of the Jews, the wisdom of the Jews is in the Talmud, and if you do not understand the Talmud, you do not understand the Jews, and if you do not understand the Jews, you do not understand the world." ”

"Talmud" brought the Jews out of the trough again and again, and gave the Jews wisdom again and again, this book tells about wealth, wisdom, strategy, handling things, self-cultivation and other aspects, full of wisdom of life and good strategies to resolve crises.

Reading the Talmud gives you a glimpse into the secrets of jewish wealth for thousands of years, and it is worthwhile to read this book of wisdom that Jews have read all their lives

Poverty and depression are not terrible, what is terrible is the imprisonment of the way of thinking. Therefore, the more you are in the trough, the more you should learn from the wisdom of others and accumulate strength.

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