
From the old version to the new version, Jin Yong only changed one word, and changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man

Many people have made an overestimate of Zhang Sanfeng's strength in Yitianzhong. In fact, although Zhang Sanfeng did have his own person in history, in Yi Tian, he was only a martial arts master, and it was impossible to transcend the category of people. Many people can't help but talk about Xiu Xian, and it should be known that although Jin Yong's novel has a large number of surreal elements, it is still a realistic context in essence, and it is even more different from the divine and demonic novel. Therefore, it can be determined that there can be no immortals in Jin Yong's martial arts novels, and there can be immortal people or phenomena.

From the old version to the new version, Jin Yong only changed one word, and changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man

Of course, some of Jin Yong's descriptions of Zhang Sanfeng in the old version of Yitian will indeed cause some people to misread. After all, in the old version, Zhang Sanfeng was indeed omnipotent, and he could gain a huge advantage in fighting with many masters. For example, when he took Zhang Wuji to Shaolin to seek the Shaolin part of the Nine Yang Divine Gong, Zhang Sanfeng once showed his skills, frightening KongWen and others, and also attacking Chen Youyu in the air, which really had a sense of immortality.

In the triptych version, Jin Yong deleted all these juggling content, and Zhang Sanfeng no longer fought with others without moving, but became quiet and mysterious. But it is precisely because of this mystery that many people have given him a reason to deify him - Zhang Sanfeng easily does not shoot, and he can fix qiankun with one shot.

From the old version to the new version, Jin Yong only changed one word, and changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man

In the new revision, Zhang Sanfeng was farther away from the virtual altar. And the key is one word.

We can regard the triptych version and the serial version as the old version, compared with the old version, Jin Yong changed a word, making Zhang Sanfeng's strength advantage no longer so exaggerated.

Let's see which word it is.

Zhao Min led people to attack Wudang Mountain, and his masters challenged Zhang Sanfeng, but Zhang Wuji stopped him and healed Zhang Sanfeng's wounds. Zhang Wuji's internal strength surprised Zhang Sanfeng, and he made an assessment of Zhang Wuji's internal strength.

From the old version to the new version, Jin Yong only changed one word, and changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man

Note that in the old version, Zhang Sanfeng's evaluation was——

I only felt that this force in the palm of my hand was majestic, although it was far less pure than my own internal force, but it was unobtrusive and uninterrupted, endless.

In the new revision, the meaning of this text has not changed, but one word has been changed - far from being changed to Shang.

Far less than that, it means far behind; and not yet, it means that there is a gap, but it has not yet reached a large extent, that is, it can catch up.

According to the description of the old version, Zhang Wuji's internal strength at this time was actually very different from Zhang Sanfeng. It should be known that Zhang Wuji at this time was the internal power of the Nine Yang Divine Gong, and such an internal skill could be compared with the Five Absolutes of that year. But even so, it still can't be compared with Zhang Sanfeng. Then Zhang Sanfeng could be deified too much.

From the old version to the new version, Jin Yong only changed one word, and changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man

It is far from being too late to change it, which greatly narrows this gap. Zhang Sanfeng suddenly fell to the same level as Zhang Wuji. In fact, this is also Zhang Sanfeng's real strength range. At most, he was the five absolute levels of Huashan's three theories, and even if he was higher, he would not be much higher.

Therefore, from the old version to the new version, Jin Yong slowly changed Zhang Sanfeng from a god to a man. In fact, Zhang Sanfeng in the heavens was originally a human being, and any depiction and argument that deified him was unreasonable.

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