
China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

China has always respected other countries from ancient times to the present, as a country of etiquette, our country pays attention to peace when cooperating and exchanging with other countries, our country has hardly taken the initiative to launch wars with foreign countries, China has also respected the development of other countries after the founding of New China, China hopes to be able to develop friendly with other countries, and respect the 5 basic principles of peaceful coexistence of other countries, it is under such a premise that we have established friendly relations with many countries on the way to development. There are also many countries that hope to cooperate and exchange with China, but China and this country have no grievances and no hatred in history, but they have been attacked by the conspiracy of this country three times, and this country has supported Japan's invasion of China three times, but the end is also very happy.

China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

The contradiction between our country and Japan has a long history, Japan has launched war against China 5 times, the most serious of which is the War of Resistance Against Japan, our country paid a great price in order to be able to deal with Japan, when Japan put forward the slogan of destroying China within three months, such arrogance, but also let China feel very hateful, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, our country sacrificed a lot of heroes and sons, and finally spent 14 years to drive Japan out of China, Japan's impact on China is very huge, And there is such a country, he has three times openLy Japanese invasion of China, this act is very hateful, seriously hurt China, this country is Poland, and the final result of Poland is even more gratifying, because this country was tragically destroyed.

China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

Poland always stands on the opposite side of history in the international community, he has stood wrong every time, and has been destroyed several times, the first time to stand up to support Japan is the Paris Peace Conference, Japan forcibly occupied Germany's rights and interests in China's Shandong, although our country is a victorious country, but to encounter this kind of arbitrary and unreasonable thing, China feels very resentful, and demands that Japan recover Shandong rights and interests, when Japan invaded China's Shandong, Poland is the only country that supports Japan's invasion of China, he is like a beam-jumping clown. And our country also because of its influence led to a change of public opinion, and finally the negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference failed, but we do not understand why Poland should do this.

China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

The second time was after the 918 incident, when Japan forcibly occupied the Shandong region of China, Japan's invasion of China made our country feel an unprecedented blow, many countries in the world have given China support, and expressed strong condemnation to Japan, but Poland jumped out again, he not only openly supported Japan's war of aggression against China, but also sent the top cryptographers in the country at that time to help the Kwantung Army decipher the code of the Chinese army, this behavior is simply in the fight with China. Many countries and even Japan's allies remained silent at the time, and Poland's move caused outrage.

China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

The third time was the time of the July 7 Incident, when Japan carried out a full-scale war of aggression against China, the world anti-fascist war also officially began, Japan was condemned by the whole world, everyone expressed strong dissatisfaction with fascist ideas, otherwise at this time it jumped out again, ignored the opposition of the whole world, openly supported Japan's measures to invade China, and also defended Japan's invasion of China, believing that Japan's approach was right, otherwise the main reason for this move was to hope that Japan would be able to contain the Soviet Union and prevent him from czarist Russia. At that time, even the United States was on the side of China, hoping that China could survive, but otherwise this practice made us feel very heartbroken, but unfortunately Poland was wrong, and his final outcome was very miserable.

China and this country have no grievances and no enmity, but they have supported Japan's invasion of our country three times, and the end is very happy

Germany's blitzkrieg in World War II is very famous, invincible on the battlefield, smoothly can end the battle of Germany, lightning struck Poland, resulting in the destruction of Poland, the Soviet Union and Germany did not give Poland much buffer time, but directly prevented him from revolting again, at that time there were still many excellent elites in Poland, but the Soviet Union killed them all, and Japan did not pay attention to Poland, his thigh is indeed wrong, Poland's move also made many people feel ridiculous, Nowadays, China has become the world's second largest economy and the world's third largest military power, and our country's international status is getting higher and higher, and Poland is still unknown in Europe.

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