
The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

In 1919, the Paris Peace Conference was held as agreed, and China was also invited as one of the victorious Allies. This is the first time since the Opium War that China has participated in diplomatic negotiations as a victorious country, and Chinese diplomats have also threatened before leaving: We are going to Paris this time to enjoy the fruits of the victors, and we must let the Shandong Peninsula return to the embrace of the motherland. There was a cheer at home, and everyone was immersed in this hard-won victory, but the good times did not last long, and it was said that Japan proposed at the Paris Peace Conference to inherit Germany's rights and interests in the Shandong Peninsula, and the great powers actually agreed to this shameless condition, and the diplomatic ambassador Gu Weijun argued on the basis of reason to no avail, at this time, China was emancipated after the baptism of the new cultural movement set off by Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and others, the mind was emancipated, and the people's wisdom was civilized, and it was in this context, coupled with the failure of the diplomacy of the Paris Peace Conference. The May Fourth Movement broke out violently. With students as the vanguard and workers as the main force, the May Fourth Movement was a thorough anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement, marking the official entry of the proletariat of our country onto the stage of history, and also meant that our country would transition from old democracy to the new Three People's Principles. Shortly after the May Fourth Movement, the Communist Party of China was formally founded. Since then, countless patriots have devoted themselves to the revolutionary cause, and some have joined the Communist Party of China since they were teenagers and dedicated their lives to the motherland. Wang Feng, the protagonist of this video, is such a person.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

Wang Feng, formerly known as Wang Junzhi, was also called Wang Wenli before changing his name. He was born in December 1910 in Lantian County, Shaanxi Province. He joined the Communist Youth League at the age of 16, and he was only 17 years old when he officially became a member of the Communist Party of China. From 1928 to 1948, in these two decades, Wang Feng successively served as the director of the Organization Department of the Military Commission of the Shaanxi Provincial COMMITTEE of the CPC, the secretary of the Hanzhong Special Committee of the CPC, the secretary of the Guanzhong Special Committee of the CPC, the director of the United Front Work Department of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, and the secretary of the CPC Shaanxi South District CPC Committee. After the founding of New China, he left Shaanxi for Gansu, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and other places as party secretary and a proletarian revolutionary who dedicated his life to China's political cause. At the same time, he was also the first secret messenger to contribute to the united front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

The incident occurred in the winter of 1935, when the Red Army had just been stationed in northern Shaanxi, the number of medicines and supplies and troops was seriously insufficient, and the roof leaked during the overnight rain, and the Red Army was also surrounded and blocked by the Kuomintang and the Northwest Army in such a situation. Chiang Kai-shek completely ignored the japanese aggressors' insistence and still strictly ordered Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng to carry out "encirclement and suppression" in an attempt to completely eliminate the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. On November 29, 1935, Mao Zedong met wang Feng in northern Shaanxi, who had just been rescued by Jia Tuofu. Mao Zedong carefully analyzed the situation for Wang Feng at that time, pointed out the links and contradictions between the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, and Chiang Kai-shek at the present stage, and decided to send Wang Feng to Xi'an on behalf of the Red Army to meet Yang Hucheng, hoping that Yang Hucheng would take into account the overall situation, aim his gun at the Japanese, and unite with the Communist Party of China on the anti-Japanese front. Hearing the chairman say this, Wang Feng reported to the chairman one by one what he had learned about Yang Hucheng in Shaanxi in recent years. Overall, Yang Hucheng made friends in Xi'an, including many Members of the Chinese Communist Party, which shows that Yang Hucheng is still relatively friendly to the Chinese Communist Party. Moreover, he also brought good news, that is, Yang Hucheng was very disgusted with Chiang Kai-shek's blind flattery of the Japanese, and was an active anti-Japanese element who wanted to attack Japan. Therefore, Wang Feng had great hopes for the negotiations, and he immediately issued a military order to the chairman: it is bound to promote the success of this negotiation, even if there is danger, he will not back down.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

A few days later, Wang Feng embarked on the road to Xi'an with three handwritten letters from Mao Zedong to Yang Hucheng, Du Bincheng, and Deng Baoshan. In order to ensure that he could reach Xi'an safely, Wang Feng disguised himself as the accounting clerk of the business name, and even if he was so careful, Wang Feng's identity was almost exposed. One morning, when Wang Feng was about to arrive in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, two plainclothes men suddenly stopped Wang Feng in plain clothes to search him, and in the midst of this chaos, Mao Zedong's handwritten letter to Yang Hucheng fell to the ground, and the envelope seemed to read "Yang Hucheng's Pro-Qi" On the envelope, Wang Feng was in a hurry and wisdom, and brought out the name of Dang Bo Arc, the county magistrate of Changwu County, pretending to be on the orders of Dang Bo Arc, secretly collecting intelligence, and preparing to return to Xi'an to report the news. The two plainclothes who had never seen anything on the market listened, and immediately paid tribute to Wang Feng, apologized to Wang Feng, and invited Wang Feng to dinner to make amends. At night, Wang Feng carefully considered what happened during the day, in case today's events were leaked by these two nameless people. At that time, not only will he be arrested, but more importantly, after he is caught, who will negotiate with Yang Hucheng? Isn't this a waste of the chairman's painstaking efforts? After thinking about it again, he decided to go to see Dang Bo Arc first, hoping to get help from this old friend. So the trustee relayed the news of the meeting outside the city to Dang Bo Arc, and after the two met, Dang Bo Arc happily agreed to Wang Feng's request. In the end, Dang Bo Arc decided to use a prison cart to send Wang Feng to Xi'an, so as not to arouse the suspicion of others. The next day, Wang Feng, accompanied by two escorts, continued to march towards Xi'an. After several ups and downs, Wang Feng finally lived up to his mission, successfully met General Yang Hucheng and handed over Mao Zedong's letter to Yang Hucheng. After Wang Feng settled down, the two sides quickly had a second meeting.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

Wang Feng learned from Mao Zedong's train of thought and gave Yang Hucheng a detailed analysis of the current situation, but to Wang Feng's surprise, Yang Hucheng actually interrupted his analysis in a cold tone and raised three extremely sharp questions: First, I had previously provided help to the Red Army according to the agreement, but the Red Army attacked Hanzhong without a sound, causing me to suffer a lot of losses, what should be explained; second, the Red Army set up an ambush to kill Zhang Hanming, commander of the Third Brigade of our garrison, although he was a communist, I never had any dissatisfaction with him. Third, the main force of your Red Army went north to resist Japan and advocated uniting all the anti-Japanese forces, which is a good idea, but what good is it for the Northeast Army and the Seventeenth Route Army? In the face of Yang Hucheng's aggressiveness, Wang Feng did not confuse himself because of this, only to see him leisurely pick up the tea cup, drink a sip of tea and say unhurriedly: When the Red Army attacked Hanzhong, the spearhead was not aimed at the general, but hoped to attack Hanzhong and then control the southern Huzong stationed in Tianshui. This move makes Sun Bu have better opportunities for development. On the question of Zhang Hanming, his killing was nothing more than an accident and, in the final analysis, a misunderstanding, but the general took advantage of this misunderstanding to clarify to Chiang Kai-shek that his troops did not have the Chinese Communist Party. The first two questions are explained clearly, and the third question is even more important. If you and the Red Army are on the same front, will not only be conducive to domestic stability and development, but will also be able to coordinate the enemy's efforts to drive the Japanese out of China and save the people from fire and water, wouldn't that be the greatest benefit? Wang Feng's words were clear and logical, and Yang Hucheng could not find any mistakes and omissions for a while and a half, and his look eased up a lot. He made it clear that he advocated a positive anti-Japanese attitude, laying the groundwork for the subsequent "Xi'an Incident" . As a secret messenger sent by Mao Zedong, Wang Feng did not disappoint the hopes of the party and the people and successfully fulfilled his task brilliantly. It laid a good foundation for the series of substantive negotiations that followed, and made important contributions to the formation of the anti-Japanese national united front.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg in Wang Feng's resume; in the early 1960s, the whole country was affected by the Great Leap Forward and left-leaning mistakes, the domestic economy stagnated, productivity and production levels plummeted, and it suffered unprecedented economic difficulties. At this time, Wang Feng was serving as the first secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, and gansu at that time was seriously short of grain, far below the national production level. Because they have lived a long-term life of starvation, the local people have fled, wounded and died. In order to effectively solve these problems, the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1961 put forward the eight-character principle of "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment, and improvement" and began to readjust the national economy. Wang Feng was duty-bound to lead Gansu agriculture in resuming production activities, hoping to change the critical situation of hunger and disease. The first thing Wang Feng did was to transfer rations from other provinces to provide security for people's lives. Subsequently, he aimed at improving the peasants' enthusiasm for production through a series of measures such as returning compensation, rectifying the wind and rectifying the society, restoring the reserved land, opening up the market trade, and experimenting with the package production to the household. A rectification plan was also put forward for the people's commune system. He dissolved the original public canteen and implemented measures such as the organization of the small community team, abolished the supply system, and downgraded the basic accounting unit to the production team. In order to strengthen the agricultural front, he decided to adopt all the methods that could improve the basic conditions of agricultural facilities, such as reducing basic investment, readjusting the structure of industrial enterprises, and streamlining the urban population. After Wang Feng's drastic reforms, the recovery of agricultural production in Gansu was effectively promoted. Wang Feng has played an important leading role in the recovery of agricultural production in Gansu, made great contributions to the recovery of agricultural production in Gansu, successfully reversed the difficult situation in Gansu, and provided a solid agricultural guarantee for the future development of Gansu.

The cause of the Xi'an incident was a letter? What role did he play in the former secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee?

In December 1998, Wang Feng died in Beijing at the age of 88. He was born in the winter and died in the winter. He spent his whole life draining blood for China, and his ashes did not remain in the small urn, but quietly lay in the Babao Mountain and watched our country getting better and better with evergreen pines and cypresses.

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