
Graphics card price reduction? Intel graphics performance is on par with the RTX 3070

2021 has passed, PC users feel the most is probably last year's graphics card price increase, whether it is AMD's RX 6000 or NVIDIA's RTX 30 series, the price has doubled, the threshold for chasing game cards has been raised to more than 3,000 yuan, and high-end cards cannot be taken down without a 5,000-6,000 budget.

What will happen to the graphics card market in 2022? I believe that what everyone is most looking forward to is that the price of graphics cards returns to normal, this matter is completely expected to AMD and NVIDIA two is not OK, foreign technology media Digitaltrends put hope on Intel's first high-performance exclusive ARC "Alchemist" series.

It is the previous DG2 unique display, now the brand is set as ARC, "Alchemist" alchemist is the first generation of products, based on Xe HPG architecture, Intel officially confirmed that support ray tracing and XeSS technology, the latter is similar to NVIDIA DLSS game technology, performance is claimed to be more than 2 times higher.

Graphics card price reduction? Intel graphics performance is on par with the RTX 3070

Intel has not announced the specific performance of the first ARC graphics card, but the previous revelations show that the series focuses on the desktop and notebook game market, including at least three cores, six models, the highest-end has 512 execution units, 4096 cores, with 256-bit 16GB GDDR6 video memory, while the lowest end only has 96 execution units, 768 cores, with only 64-bit 4GB GDDR6 video memory.

In terms of performance, the 512-unit, 16GB ARC high-end graphics card is rumored to be the benchmark NVIDIA's RTX 3070 or even RTX 3070Ti, and the positioning is relatively high-end.

As for the price, there is naturally no credibility now, Intel previously stressed that their graphics card will not take the low-cost route, but everyone does not have to expect the price is too high, it feels that it will be between AMD and NVIDIA, after all, they are still new.

The biggest variable in the graphics card market in 2022 is the addition of Intel ARC graphics cards, Intel's declaration of war on AMD and NVIDIA will enhance market competition, if the arc graphics card performance is as rumored to be very powerful, forcing AMD and NVIDIA to reduce prices there is hope.


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