
The graphics card is not out of stock? Nvidia says the 30 Series is fully on sale and calls you to buy a 3070 graphics card

Since many countries around the world to crack down on virtual currency mining, absenteeism is no longer a large number of cards, the price of graphics cards gradually declined, last night Nvidia GeForce official blog released news that GeForce RTX 30 series graphics cards are now fully on sale, start now, and recommend players to upgrade the graphics card to RTX3070.

The graphics card is not out of stock? Nvidia says the 30 Series is fully on sale and calls you to buy a 3070 graphics card

NVIDIA not only shouts you to buy a graphics card, but also buys a high-end graphics card, calling on players to pull the graphics card combat power to RTX 3070 or more, and the e-commerce platform they recommend is all high-end graphics cards, the top is the RTX 3090 Ti graphics card, priced at up to 16,000.

The graphics card is not out of stock? Nvidia says the 30 Series is fully on sale and calls you to buy a 3070 graphics card

The cheapest is also RTX 3070 Ti graphics card, priced at 5199 yuan, the comparison is the listing price of 7999 yuan, but do not be confused at this point, RTX 3070 Ti's official suggested price is 4499 yuan, the price of 7999 yuan was originally the graphics card listed when the virtual high, now below the issue price of only part of the graphics card, there are many graphics cards higher than the recommended price, pay attention to discernment.

The graphics card is not out of stock? Nvidia says the 30 Series is fully on sale and calls you to buy a 3070 graphics card

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