
Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

When mentioning Li Liejun, the elder of Xinhai, most of whom are familiar with his people and their affairs, can't help but give a thumbs up and praise: "Good hero, good man, single-minded for the country, loyal all his life." ”

But isn't it?

Li Liejun died of illness on February 20, 1946, and the then Nationalist government gave him a state funeral, and zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu, the heavyweight elders of our party, personally went to mourn.

Below, and Rong Laoqin briefly talked about li Liejun's life.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

Li Liejun, a native of Luoxi Pingyuan Village, Wuning County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, was born in 1882 – 18 years before his birth, when the vigorous Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement ended.

The reason why this is mentioned is because Li Liejun's father, Li Junxing, had participated in the Taiping Army of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

In the second half of his life, Li Junxing lived in seclusion in the countryside, concentrated on farming, and taught his son all his good martial arts.

Li Liejun was talented and intelligent, originally a good seedling of reading, influenced by his father, partial to martial arts, chivalrous, gave himself the word "xia ru", named "xia huang", and became both literary and martial materials.

In 1901, Ling Aicai of Peng County, Wuning, selected Li Liejun to enter the Jiangxi Wubei Academy—the starting point of Li Liejun's career.

Because of his excellent performance, Li Liejun was selected to be sent to Beijing, and then selected by the Beijing Military Training Office to study the army in Japan.

It is said that the Qing government was very interesting to Li Liejun.

However, Li Liejun's "chivalry" is mainly manifested in anti-Qing and platoon filling.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

During his stay in Japan, he became acquainted with Huang Xing, Sun Yat-sen and others, and was like-minded and secretly anti-Qing.

After Li Liejun returned to China, he successively served as the pipe belt of the 54th standard and the first battalion of the Jiangxi Mixed Formation Association, the instructor of the Yunnan Daowu Hall and the promotion of military equipment, and the general office (principal) of the army primary school, and frequently carried out anti-Qing underground revolutionary activities.

When the Wuchang Uprising broke out in 1911, Li Liejun served as the chief of the general staff of the Jiujiang Military and Political Branch of the rebel army. After taking the Jinjipo Fort and the Madang Fort in the Yangtze River Fortress, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the Navy and Army; Erguang fu anqing, served as the governor of Anhui; and advanced wuchang, and was appointed by Li Yuanhong as the commander-in-chief of the five provinces of the united army.

In 1912, the Republic of China was established, and Li Liejun accepted The appointment of Sun Yat-sen as the Governor of Jiangxi.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

In March 1913, Yuan Shikai sent people to assassinate Song Jiaoren, the chief of agriculture and forestry of the Nanjing Provisional Government, in order to steal the country.

Li Liejun vigorously raised the banner against Yuan, quickly set up the General Headquarters of the Yuan Army, and made himself commander-in-chief, firing the first shot of the second revolution.

In fact, the revolutionary forces at that time were very weak, and among the governors of all provinces in the country, the only people who raised the banner against Yuan were Li Liejun, the governor of Jiangxi, Bai Wenwei, the governor of Anhui, and Hu Hanmin, the governor of Guangdong.

Li Liejun himself also knew that the success rate of his move was very low, but he wrote very clearly in the telegram to the whole country: "I would rather be a free ghost than an autocratic slave." ”

Sure enough, under the strong suppression of the Yuan army, in just two months, the second revolution was declared a failure.

Li Liejun was forced into exile.

In early 1915, Yuan Shikai announced the restoration of the imperial system, and Sun Yat-sen sent a telegram urging Li Liejun to return to China to participate in the armed struggle against Yuan.

Li Liejun infiltrated Yunnan from Nanyang and instigated the warlord Tang Jiyao in the southwest region to woo Yuan, who himself was the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, Cai Yi was the commander-in-chief of the First Army, and Tang Jiyao was the commander-in-chief of the Third Army.

Yuan Shikai was sick and troubled, angry and hateful, and died soon after.

In the 1917 and 1922 Wars of Protection of France, Sun Yat-sen made himself Grand Marshal of the Navy and Army, and Li Liejun was also appointed Chief of Staff of the Grand Marshal's Office. However, after the failure of the second Dharma Protection Movement, Li Liejun lost his military power and fell from the main team member to the bench player.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

When Chiang Kai-shek sat up, Li Liejun gradually transformed into a wooden carved clay figure, and became an embellishment and decoration of Chiang Kai-shek's "respect for the elderly" and "respect for the elderly".

However, Li Liejun did not give up on himself, and still promised himself that "the world rises and falls, and the pirate is responsible".

When the "September 18" incident broke out in 1931, Li Liejun felt that the country was in imminent danger, repeatedly called to urge Chiang Kai-shek to resist the war, and sent his five sons to join the army without hesitation.

Li Liejun and his wife Hua Shiqi had ten children in symbiosis, because he was from Jiangxi, belonging to horses, and his father's name also had horses, so when naming these ten children, the word "Gan" was used in the middle, and the last word was mostly on the side of the horse.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

His eldest son was Li Ganpeng, the second son Li Ganju, the third son Li Ganxiong, the fourth son Li Ganji, the fifth son Li Ganhua, the sixth daughter Li Ganhua, the seventh son Li Ganhua, the eighth daughter Li Ganhe, the ninth daughter Li Ganju, and the tenth son Li Ganluo.

The eldest Li Ganpeng studied medicine at St. John's University in his early years, and after graduation he became a doctor in Hong Kong; the elder Li Ganpeng was too young. Then, those who were sent to join the army were the second oldest Li Ganju, the fourth oldest Li Ganji, the third oldest brother Li Ganxiong, the fifth oldest Li Ganhua, and the seventh old Li Ganhua.

In February 1946, after Li Liejun's death, at the state funeral held for him, someone wrote such a note and gave him a high evaluation:

Lake mouth smoke, Pearl River bullet rain, Dianchi Lake Junlang, Yan Sai Zheng dust, the pillar of the year in the middle of the stream all rely on a brigade;

Lu Lian fought righteously, Wuxiang used soldiers, Gao Man's heroic name, Fu Bo Tao Strategy, and the revival of the elders of the Revival Of Several See si people.

As early as 1925, when Sun Yat-sen died, some people also mentioned Li Liejun in the elegy written to Sun Yat-sen:

Twenty years of revolutionary hard work, full of inverted Yuan, the only Li who relied on each other in a hundred battles;

Forty million people wish, rejuvenate the country, and regret in Sanchen.

The "one Li" mentioned here refers to Li Liejun.

It can be said that Li Liejun's lifelong spirit of great loyalty and righteousness runs straight through the sun and the moon.

However, in recent years, the Internet has quietly circulated a rumor of Li Liejun "killing friends and taking wives".

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

This rumor says that when Li Liejun was promoted to the post of governor of Jiangxi, he did not forget his old friend and hired his childhood friend Gong Yong to come and be his lieutenant. He later learned that Gong Yong's wife Hua Shiqi was a descendant of Hua Hongshan, the Ming Dynasty xiangguo of Wuxi, and that he looked very beautiful and had the color of a country and a city, so he was ill-intentioned and sent Gong Yong to Fuzhou for official business, and at the same time secretly ordered Sun Daoren, the governor of Fujian, to kill Gong Yong. After getting rid of Gong Yong, Li Liejun pretended to be benevolent and falsely righteous, and cared for Gong Yong's widow Hua Shiqi in every way, and finally touched Hua Shiqi's heart, and the two married and gave birth to ten children.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

At the end of the rumor, it is also said conclusively that the inside story of Li Liejun's "killing friends and taking his wife" was made by Sun Daoren, the governor of Fujian Province.

This rumor is really full of loopholes.

First of all, the Ming Dynasty did not have xiangguo Hua Hongshan and its people.

Secondly, the character of Gong Yong is purely fictional.

Third, Sun Daoren's time as the governor of Fujian was very short, and he and Li Liejun did not deal with each other, and it was impossible to be at the command and mercy of Li Liejun; after the outbreak of the second revolution, he was declaring Fujian independence, and was immediately expelled by Li Houji, living in Shanghai, wandering and frustrated, and would not openly and wantonly say bad things about Li Liejun.

In fact, Li Liejun's wife Hua Shiqi is a native of Fujian, graduated from Fuzhou Girls' School, is a very cultivated and intellectual woman, and has not married anyone else before marrying Li Liejun.

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

Moreover, she was led by her friend Song Qingling to marry Li Liejun.

Finally, I would like to add that Hua Shiqi left many photos, both young and old, and it is not false to look good, but it is a bit too much to say that it looks like "Hua Rong is unique, and there is the color of the country and the city".

Coveting the beauty of a friend's wife, killing a friend and taking his wife, and giving birth to 10 children? Let's talk about Li Liejun and his people

As for saying that she looks like the historical Xi Shi, Marten Chan, Chen Yuanyuan, attracting many heroes and good men to fight for me, and even performing dog blood dramas such as killing friends and taking wives, it is too outrageous.

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