
Why were Puyi's two dozen "Imperial Forest Troops" captured by the Japanese gendarmerie and tortured?

We know that torture has been accompanied by the social development of various countries for a long time, but looking at human torture, it is not difficult to find that in every country and at all times, the people who suffered from Kuzhou are a minority. It is rare in the history of human society that such a large number of people as puppet Manchukuo have been tortured to death and maimed.

The scope of torture in Japan is far beyond our imagination, and all the Communists who were arrested by them to engage in anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese activities, cadres and fighters of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, intelligence personnel of the Kuomintang and the Communist International, leaders and soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, ordinary people, Soviet army and prisoners of war in Outer Mongolia were all the targets of their torture.

Although there were slight scruples about social dignitaries and celebrities in the former Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, they were also tortured. As long as the Japanese Kwantung Army, gendarmerie, and Japanese officials at all levels are dissatisfied with the puppet Manchu military and political personnel, relatives, and friends who violate their interests, dignity, and will, they will also be tortured, and even the Japanese police who have committed crimes will be tortured and tortured by the Japanese gendarmes.


In June and July 1932, Ma Zhongjun, who was formerly stationed in Harbin as the General Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Railway Negotiation Bureau, the director of the Municipal Administration Bureau of the Eastern Province Special Administrative Region, and the patriotic old man, was already idle at home, and was arrested by the Harbin Japanese Gendarmerie for helping Ma Zhanshan resist japan, and a gun was found in his home.

A high-ranking official of puppet Manchuria

At the end of March 1936, at the meeting of the governors of the puppet Manchurian Xing'an Province, Ling Sheng, the governor of the puppet Manchurian Xing'an North Province, strongly opposed the japanese "pioneer group" moving into the Inner Mongolia region, opposed the monopoly of power by Japanese officials, and opposed the interference of the Japanese Kwantung Army in "local power", which caused the anger of the Japanese Kwantung Army. Ling Sheng and his secretary Hua Lintai returned from Xinjing, the capital of puppet Manchukuo, to Hailar, the capital of Xing'an Northern Province, and were arrested by the Japanese gendarmerie in Hailar. Subsequently, Ling Sheng's brother Fu Ling, brother-in-law Chunde and 13 others were arrested.

In prison, they were all tortured and forced to confess to the crime of "Tongsu". The real crime given to them by the Japanese Kwantung Army was "the Mongols led by Ling Sheng engaged in Mongolian independence." At 10:00 a.m. on April 24, 1936, Ling Sheng, Fu Ling, Chun De, and Hua Lintai were executed by firing squad at the pseudo-New Jingnanling Execution Ground. The Case of Ling Sheng shows that although he is in a high position as the governor of the province and is also the "founding father" of the puppet state of Manchukuo, as long as he is angry with the Japanese master, what awaits him is torture and death.

The protector of the puppet Manchu Emperor

On Sunday, June 27, 1937, more than two dozen "Yulin Troops" of the puppet Manchu Emperor Puyi went to "Datong Park" to play, and were found by Japanese plainclothes who were often spying on them. Through conspiracy, the Japanese Kwantung Army did nothing wrong, deliberately provoked, sent a squad of soldiers, led by two staff officers, disguised as tourists, pretended to come to the park to play, and as a result, they fought with the escort army on the pretext of competing for yachts.

The Japanese gendarmes followed and ordered Tong Jizhao, the head of the guard department, to immediately hand over the guards who had caused the incident. Tong Ji chest is an old courtier of the Qing Dynasty, has always followed Puyi's side, loyal, but the official is bold and small, especially afraid of the Japanese, seeing the Japanese gendarmes have straight eyes, quadriplegia soft.

Why were Puyi's two dozen "Imperial Forest Troops" captured by the Japanese gendarmerie and tortured?

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