
"Ten Thousand Sentences in One Sentence": Adult friendships are fragile products

In 2011, Liu Zhenyun won the Mao Dun Literature Award for "One Sentence Top 10,000 Sentences", which is also known as the "Chinese version of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", writing about the loneliness of all sentient beings.

At first glance, I feel that there is loneliness between the lines that cannot be discharged.

After taking a closer look, I found that it was full of paper with fragile friendships written on it.

The protagonist Yang Baishun, with the hot pillow of finding a confidant, has been wandering in the sea of people for decades, but he has never been able to achieve his wish.

He talked to a lot of people, drank wine, walked shoulder to shoulder for a while, and then parted ways with them.

The poet Gu Cheng said:

I see "friendship" like a gorgeous flower, and I know that the flower will wither; I see "friendship" like pure snow, and I know that snow will melt.

The friendship of adults always cannot withstand the toss, and the slightest wind and grass will become a fragment.

"Ten Thousand Sentences in One Sentence": Adult friendships are fragile products


When you are weak, you have no friends

Yang Baishun was born into a poor family, his father used him as a tool to sell tofu, and the two brothers never spoke to him.

He wanted to find someone who could talk, but everyone looked down on him as a poor boy.

Learn to kill pigs with Lao Zeng, and Lao Zeng's wife withholds his remuneration;

Learn to dye cloth with old Jiang, and the workers of the dyeing workshop speak coldly to him.

Learning to break bamboo at Lao Lu's place, Lao Lu thought that he was too loud when he was working, and blew him out of the door.

Until one time, Yang Baishun played Yan Luo in the social fire drama, and his dancing style came alive, which was appreciated by the old county magistrate and hired to work in the county government.

After he entered the county government, the attitude of the people around him suddenly changed.

In the past, Yang Baishun went to mend his shoes, and the stall owner would not let him pay the account; now when he went to mend his shoes, the stall owner would not let him pay for it.

Wu Xiangxiang, the hostess of Wu Ji's Steamed BunFang, took the initiative to recruit Yang Baishun as her husband.

There were friendly faces all around, and everyone was saying kind words.

In fact, these so-called "friends" are only good to him for the three words "county government".

Yang Baishun didn't know anything about it, and he also calculated beautifully: "Even if you come out of the county government in the future, there is still wu ji fengfang's family." ”

Not long after, the county elder Shi fell, and Yang Baishun was expelled from the county government.

Losing the backer of the county government, overnight, all the people around them changed their faces.

The Jiang family, who had a feud with him, sent someone to beat him to the face full of blood.

Wu Xiangxiang, who had the grace of husband and wife with him, swept away all the family wealth and flew away with his sister-in-law.

When a person is weak, he is surrounded by evil people.

Yang Baishun was weak all his life, so he exhausted his life and could not find a friend who could speak, so he could only regard his grandson as a friend and confide in the words that had accumulated a lifetime in his chest.

Writer Cheng Xiaocheng once said a very heartfelt sentence:

"When you have use value, you will be treated as a dish by others; once you lose your use value, it is a dish."

People who are willing to dig their hearts and lungs for you will not meet a few in their lifetime.

A lot of times, people treat you as a friend just because you're useful to them.

With these people, you can only touch the wine glass, and you can't say half a word of truth.

"Ten Thousand Sentences in One Sentence": Adult friendships are fragile products


You treat people as friends, and they pick you up on two skins

I have seen a very heartfelt sentence:

I am not afraid of others stabbing me in the back, I am afraid that after turning back, I will see the person who stabbed me in the back, which is the person I treat with my heart.

Sometimes, it's not the vicious enemies that hurt you, but the friends you trust and rely on.

The adoptive father of the heroine Cao Qing'e, Lao Cao, is a driver who drives a big car for a rich family.

When he went out to run an errand, he accidentally lost 67 yuan to the ocean.

He inquired along the road and came to the door of Old Han's house.

To his great surprise, Old Han actually returned the money bag to him intact.

"Big brother, you're not an ordinary person!" Lao Cao was excited and married Lao Han as a brother.

In fact, Lao Han is not a decent gentleman, and after he and his friends found the money bag, they planned to swallow it alone.

The friend was angry and planned to go to the county town to report to the officials, but Lao Han was afraid of causing trouble, so he returned the money to Lao Cao.

These things, Lao Cao did not know at all, and often crossed the mountains and mountains to visit the old Han family.

Once, Niujiazhuang asked the opera team to sing a play, and Lao Han asked Lao Cao to come to the play and drink.

During the banquet, Lao Han said mediator for his friend's son Niu Shudao. After the play was over, he personally went to Visit Lao Cao's house.

Old Cao saw that Niu Shudao was full of etiquette, so he gave his daughter Cao Qing'e Xu to him.

After marrying into the Niu family, Cao Qing'e found that the whole family had been deceived by Lao Han.

Niu Shudao's respectful look was all pretended by Old Han teaching him, and the real Niu Shudao was a messy mess.

Old Han was well aware of Niu Shudao's temperament, and he also knew that Cao Qing'e would never have happiness in the past when she married.

But he still did not hesitate to deceive Lao Cao and take Cao Qing'e into the marriage pit.

Decades later, Niu Shudao died, and Cao Qing'e cried in the cemetery:

"My life was ruined at his hands."

Lao Cao's credulity buried the happiness of his daughter's life.

There is a classic line in the TV series "Langya List":

People will only be betrayed by their friends, and the enemy will never have the opportunity to "betray" and "betray".

Not afraid of the enemy running thousands of miles, afraid of friends stabbing in the back.

The road knows the horsepower, it takes a long time to see people's hearts, and the friendship that has not been tested by the years is mostly plastic friendship.

A little familiarity, just "digging your heart" into your friends, is the starting point of all harm.

Leaving no bottom line for friends will only end up with scars.

"Ten Thousand Sentences in One Sentence": Adult friendships are fragile products


Destroying a friendship, one small thing is enough

Niu Aiguo and Feng Wenxiu are friends they have known since childhood.

They fed the rabbits together, ate together, and had a lot of fun.

The friendship that Yang Baishun never got in his life, they got it when they were very young.

When Niu Aiguo joined the army, Feng Wenxiu clenched his fists and said excitedly: "No matter if you go to the north of the South China Sea, we will be good for a lifetime." ”

Five years later, Niu Aiguo returned to Qinyuan County, and the two still drank and chatted frequently.

They believe from the bottom of their hearts that even if things change, they cannot destroy their friendship.

However, this pair of friends who did not say anything eventually lost to a small thing.

Soon after, Niu Aiguo's wife Pang Lina came out of the wall, and Niu Aiguo was furious.

He asked Feng Wenxiu to confide in his heart, and Feng Wenxiu comforted him well.

One day, Niu Aiguo went to Feng Wenxiu's butcher shop to buy 10 kilograms of pork, and forgot to give money in a hurry.

That night, Feng Wenxiu's wife came to ask for money, and Niu Aiguo was not happy in his heart, he thought:

"So many years of friendship, not worth 10 pounds of pork?"

He said some angry words to several craftsmen, and one of the bricklayers, Old Xiao, secretly told Feng Wenxiu about it.

Feng Wenxiu felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and drank some wine that night, and with the strength of the wine, he shook out all of Niu Aiguo's heart.

Ten passes, ten passes a hundred, and the next day, the whole Qinyuan County knows Niu Aiguo's heart.

A pair of hardcore friends, from then on, each going their own way.

There is a saying on the Internet: "Perseverance is never a virtue of mortals, and if it is to be unswerving, man must be a god." ”

Sincere friendship is the enemy of suffering, but it cannot be compared to a seemingly insignificant little thing.

Perhaps, a conflict of interest is enough to make a good friend turn his face; once he does not speculate, the two will never interact for life.

Even, a moment of impoliteness will make the two people feel angry.

Friendship that goes too far cannot withstand the vicissitudes of time; friendship that goes too close cannot tolerate a little sand.

If you are not careful, the days and nights that have been there for a long time will become a meeting of Pingshui.

"Ten Thousand Sentences in One Sentence": Adult friendships are fragile products


Niu Aiguo once had a drink with Feng Wenxiu, but became a stranger overnight.

He could only travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, taste all the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, and find another confidant.

There is a true and heartfelt saying in the book: People are everywhere in the world, and those who speak are difficult to find.

In order to speak, we often hope to expand the space to find people to talk to, but the results often backfire.

Life is a lonely journey, confidants can not be sought, and people who can say confidants may be difficult to meet in this life.

Instead of struggling to maintain a fragile relationship and go to a distant place with no end, it is better to learn to enjoy loneliness.

As the saying goes, "If you are lonely in the world, completely lonely, you use this loneliness as your comfort and your strength." ”

The highest state of life is nothing more than burying the inner bitterness, enduring hardships and tortures, experiencing sorrow and bitterness that have nowhere to rest, and still having good hopes for a better future.

Running on the road of fighting loneliness, while full of hope, while striving forward.

Author: Insight Ling Fox Shaochong

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