
What should a qualified ex look like?

What should a qualified ex look like?

Wen Shu zhenqu is unknown

Source 丨 Heartfelt Song Unknown (ID:zhongquwuwen)

A reader asked me backstage, the ex is looking for her to reunite, there is no previous love, but a little itchy, what to do?

I said, it's like you have a dress you like, but you lost a button and suddenly couldn't find a suitable fit.

The clothes are in the closet, and you still like it, but you don't wear them anymore, thinking to yourself, maybe one day the button will automatically appear in some corner.

You've been thinking about it for a long time, and the buttons have really appeared, but you've changed your clothes. You wait for winter, you wait for spring, the button appears again, it is already autumn.

The same is true of the relationship between people, there is no one who is really inseparable from whom, only who does not cherish whom. Whether it is a former friend or a red face, one turn is two worlds.

What should a qualified ex look like?

I have a friend who said harsh things to his ex when he broke up. I think she eats barbecue is unhealthy, I think she cut her hair short like a dog that lost her family, I think she is too fat and never lose weight, I think she has no taste in Brush Korean dramas.

Later, she began to boil porridge every day, left waist-length hair, reduced to 96 pounds, and learned "Glory of Kings". However, they were still not able to get back together.

Later, she got married, married to a man who brought her a barbecue late at night, said she was fat and cute, and expected her to cut her hair short and chase the drama with her.

Wrong love, can not come back to a pain is good, if the grievances seek perfection, the loss is the self.

Don't pick up what you've lost, don't inquire about the scenery you pass by, and don't dwell on the lost.

Toast the past a glass of wine, no matter how much love will not look back.

Li Qingzhao wrote in "Slow Sound" that when it is warm and cold, it is most difficult to rest. Three glasses of two light wine, how to oppose him, late wind is urgent.

But I still recommend that when you are alone, it is best not to think about the person who is willing to hurt you.

Even if you really want to, it can only be "It's cold today, I miss you a little, I don't know if your coffin board leaks?" ”

Therefore, some people will say that a qualified ex should be like a dead, Qingming Chongyang a glass of wine, the first fifteen two incense.

No matter how rich or poor, sick, healthy, beautiful, or ugly, they don't belong to each other anymore. You'll never mumble me to apologize and coax you to sleep again, and I'll never again pretend not to care but expect to meet you.

At first, I was still thinking that this was just a cold war that was similar, and when I returned to God, I began to hesitate, wander, then I was afraid, collapsed, and finally silent, desperate, it turned out that you really did not intend to come back.

Some people's breakups are tearing their faces, unforgivable mistakes, and fading away from their hearts.

Some people's breakups only come to an abrupt end, the day before they were still laughing and scolding, and the next day they raised their heads, but they left a city that no one cared about.

The one who gives the most is like a widower who refuses to give up.

Since love is already dead, let it be buried in peace, do not have to lie next to the corpse to corrode their anger day by day, and deceive themselves that they will encounter a magic doctor who rejuvenates.

I also have a friend in the writing circle who, when he was most depressed, liked a girl.

In order to buy a plane ticket to meet her, I could only be a gunman for someone, 60 yuan a thousand words, and i wrote five thousand yuan in one breath.

The girl took him out to meet friends, a large group of people ate together, for the sake of the girl's face, he bought the order hard, and half of the five thousand pieces were spent.

It was the most profound inferiority he felt because of his poverty, and he secretly vowed to make a lot of money, and with money there was a future between them.

He wanted to make himself 1 million as soon as possible by trying to make her family accept him.

He wanted to buy her tens of thousands of bags and take her around the world by trying to buy her.

He wanted to try to get them to travel in a hotel that was a few thousand dollars a night because she had a fetish for cleanliness.

So, he wrote desperately, even watching a play would be guilty. He is particularly cruel to himself, is not allowed to eat without inspiration, and slaps himself when he is irritable.

He has really worked hard, but only feelings, hard work is useless.

What should a qualified ex look like?

Later, the girl proposed to break up and said to him, "Let's be friends again." ”

In the middle of winter, he didn't eat for three days, ate and vomited; played games all night to numb himself, and the next day went to work in a fog; sat in the stairwell in his pajamas late at night, hoping that the biting cold would arouse the desire to survive.

Later, he spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a dress that the girl once liked GUCCI on the Internet, and wrote a paragraph when mailing:

At first I thought you were just air to me, but lost it to know you were oxygen. I can't be friends with you, but I can have nothing to do with you, and you can die as me.

I often have readers who ask me about emotional issues, and in many cases I can give them some advice, but I don't know how to comfort them when breaking up.

Saying that time is a good medicine, where there is no herb at the end of the world, is.

Anyone who has experienced a little struggle, tasted some pain, and committed some unspeakable is a red crisp hand in the West Building under the moon, and he has no words to open yellow vine wine.

It is better to forget each other than to forget each other. A qualified ex should be like a dead person, completely disappearing into the other person's life.

No blessing, no denigration, no paranoia, no entanglement, no immoral kidnapping, no self-touching, no total denial of the past, but not too much to disturb the other party.

No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life, it is no accident, he will definitely teach you something.

You can certainly say to him, "If you don't know what it is to cherish, I teach you, starting with losing me." ”

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