
Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

During the Three Kingdoms period, countless heroes emerged, among which Sun Ce and his brother Sun Quan were two famous people in Eastern Wu at that time, Sun Ce was not only brave and good at war, but also blessed, because he married a beautiful wife, Big Qiao, and later Sun Quan became emperor, which was also stained with the light of his father Sun Jian and his brother Sun Ce.

Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

The beauty of the two daughters of the Qiao family is spread far and wide, far away in Luoyang Cao Cao and Cao Zhi father and son have heard of their good names, once Big Qiao and Little Qiao came to the street, often the door is not out of the second door they are fortunate to be seen by the people on the street, people say that they are fairies under the mortal, simply beautiful.

Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

Sun Jian and Sun Ce had already laid the foundation of Jiangdong, but Sun Ce was assassinated at the age of 26, at the age of youth and vigor, but was assassinated by a poisonous arrow, at that time his wife Big Qiao was only 20 years old, sun Ce's 18-year-old brother Sun Quan took over the affairs of Jiangdong and became a prince of the party, these two brothers are not simple, the elder brother Sun Ce is brave and good at war, and the younger brother Sun Quan is good at strategizing and knows people, but unfortunately Big Qiao was widowed at a young age. After Sun Ce was assassinated, how did his younger brother Sun Quan treat the beautiful sister-in-law Big Qiao after he took over Jiangdong?

Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

Experts in the study of historiography once said: Sun Quan's approach is very rational and quite clever. In ancient times, people married relatively early, although Sun Ce died at the age of 26, but he already had a son, it was Big Qiao who was born to him, it is reasonable to say that after his death, he should be inherited by his father, but his eldest son was only a young hairy child at that time, not enough to hold power, so his younger brother Sun Quan took on this burden, and later under the administration of Eastern Wu Sun Quan was also quite strong, much better than when his father and brother were there.

Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

After Sun Quan came to power, he did not embarrass his sister-in-law Big Qiao and her children, but demanded that Big Qiao must be widowed for his brother Sun Ce and send their mother and son to a special place to enjoy a peaceful life, which was actually house arrest, and he did so for two purposes.

First, the sister-in-law looks beautiful as a flower, although now a widow, but has been coveting her beauty is also a large number, if you let her remarry, then it will only smear the Sun family, to her must be widowed is to maintain the face of the Sun family, in fact, Big Qiao did not have the idea of remarrying, she has always been deeply in love with Sun Ce, although Sun Ce is not shallow but not blessed, he has been busy with the Southern Expedition and the Northern War when he was alive, and the time with Big Qiao is not more than half a year.

Second, if the brother is still alive, this Jiangdong foundation is afraid that it will not be his turn to inherit, because he still has a son, if Sun Ce's son is older, I am afraid that it will threaten his own position, but Sun Quan cannot openly do anything to Big Qiao's mother and son, so he will protect them in his name, that is, house arrest, and will not let Sun Ce's heirs touch government affairs, and when he grows up, he will only know how to play.

Sun Ce was killed at the age of 26, how did his wife Big Qiao end up? Historian: Sun Quan's approach is very clever

Although Sun Quan worked hard, he played a crucial role in the development and construction of Eastern Wu, and when the world was in chaos, he was able to defend Eastern Wu, stabilize Jiangdong, and make the people live and work in peace and contentment, compared with the other two regimes, the life of the people of Eastern Wu is the happiest.

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