
Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

author:Dr. Sun's class

High blood pressure, a disease that is becoming more and more rampant in modern civilization, is like a silent assassin, quietly eroding people's health defenses in the shadows. It lacks the compelling warning signs of other diseases, yet once the disease develops, its potential threat can quickly turn into an irreversible and serious health crisis. Especially when there are some specific signals in patients with high blood pressure, this is often an emergency call from the body, and if not treated in time, it can even be life-threatening.

Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

1. The invisible threat of hypertension

High blood pressure, also known as the "silent killer", because it often has no obvious symptoms in the early stage, but persistent high blood pressure can cause damage to multiple organs in the body such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Long-term hypertension will gradually lead to the aggravation of arteriosclerosis, the gradual thickening of blood vessel walls, and the gradual narrowing of the lumen, which will eventually lead to the blockage of blood supply to important organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys, and seriously affect their function. When the following four signals appear in patients with high blood pressure, it is often the body that is sending an urgent distress signal, which must be paid enough attention.

2. Four signals that you must be hospitalized immediately

Severe dizziness and headache

When patients with high blood pressure feel sudden and severe dizziness and headache, it is often a significant sign that high blood pressure has caused damage to the cerebrovascular blood vessels, indicating that cerebrovascular disease is about to occur. High blood pressure increases the pressure on the cerebral blood vessels, and when the cerebral blood vessels cannot withstand this pressure, serious complications such as cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction may occur. At this point, the patient will experience intense headache, dizziness, and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other discomforts. Once these symptoms appear, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately, otherwise you may miss the best time for treatment and lead to life-threatening treatment.

For example, Mr. Zhang is a hypertensive patient who has a stable blood pressure control, but suddenly developed severe headache, dizziness, and even nausea and vomiting. But one day, he suddenly felt a severe headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. He thought it was an ordinary headache and took some painkillers, but the symptoms did not ease. It was only when the family noticed that Mr. Zhang was in an abnormal, pale and painful condition, that he was rushed to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment. After a detailed medical examination, the doctor clearly diagnosed Mr. Zhang as having a cerebral hemorrhage caused by high blood pressure, but fortunately he was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise his condition would deteriorate and the consequences would be unpredictable and extremely serious.

Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

Chest pain

If a person with high blood pressure experiences chest tightness and chest pain, it is usually a sign that the heart may have been damaged. High blood pressure will increase the burden on the heart, and if this is done for a long time, it will lead to problems such as heart enlargement and myocardial hypertrophy. When the heart cannot withstand this pressure, symptoms such as myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris may occur. At this time, patients will experience intense discomfort with chest tightness and pain, and these symptoms may also be accompanied by obvious physical warning signs such as dyspnea and palpitations. Once these symptoms appear, it is also important to seek medical attention immediately to avoid more serious consequences.

Ms. Li is a hypertensive patient, and she usually does not pay much attention to her condition. But one day, she suddenly felt chest tightness and pain, accompanied by symptoms of palpitation. She initially judged that her heart was slightly ill, so she took medication to try to alleviate it, but her condition did not improve. It wasn't until later, when her chest tightness and chest pain worsened, and she even had difficulty breathing, that her family realized the urgency of the situation and rushed her to the hospital. After a careful diagnosis, the doctor determined that Ms. Li's illness was due to myocardial ischemia caused by high blood pressure, and fortunately she should seek medical attention in time, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable and serious.

Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

Blurred vision, nosebleeds

If a patient with high blood pressure has symptoms such as blurred vision and nosebleeds, it is often a sign of fundus lesions caused by high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the pressure on the blood vessels in the fundus, and when the blood vessels in the fundus cannot withstand this pressure, problems such as bleeding and oozing in the fundus may occur. At this time, the patient will experience symptoms such as blurred vision and swollen eyes. If it is accompanied by symptoms such as nosebleeds, it is necessary to pay enough attention. Once these symptoms appear, it is also important to seek medical attention immediately to avoid more serious consequences.

As a patient with high blood pressure, Mr. Wang is quite ignorant of his own condition in his daily life. But one day, he suddenly felt blurred vision, accompanied by nosebleeds. Mr. Wang thought he was on fire, so he took some anti-fire medicine on his own, but his symptoms did not improve and persisted. Until his condition deteriorated sharply, and there was no time to delay, he was rushed to the hospital by his family to receive emergency medical assistance. After examination, the doctor found that Mr. Wang had a fundus lesion caused by high blood pressure, but fortunately he was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise it may lead to serious consequences such as blindness.

Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

Kidney damage signals

The damage to the kidneys from high blood pressure is also a matter of great concern. In the state of long-term hypertension, the blood vessels of the kidney will gradually harden and narrow, which will cause serious damage to the filtration and detoxification mechanism of the kidney, and eventually lead to a significant decline in kidney function. When hypertensive patients experience symptoms such as increased nocturia, proteinuria, and edema, this is often a sign of kidney damage. At this time, the patient must immediately seek medical attention for detailed examination and treatment to avoid further deterioration of kidney function, leading to serious consequences such as kidney failure.

Patients with high blood pressure have 4 signs and must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise their lives may be in danger

3. Self-management is particularly important for patients with hypertension. Through active lifestyle modifications, medication and regular monitoring, patients can effectively manage their condition and maintain their health.

In addition to seeking medical attention in a timely manner, patients with high blood pressure also need to do a good job of self-management. First of all, it is necessary to maintain good living habits, such as a low-salt and low-fat diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, etc.; Secondly, you should monitor your blood pressure regularly to understand your blood pressure status; Finally, take your medication as prescribed, and don't stop or change the dosage of your medication. Only in this way can hypertension be better controlled and complications can be reduced.

In short, patients with high blood pressure must pay attention to their physical condition and seek medical attention immediately once any one or more of the above four signals appear. At the same time, we should also do a good job of self-management, maintain good living habits and mentality, and jointly maintain our own health.