
Efficiency & Probability Workshop: 100 Basics: Yataro Matsuura's Life Creed

author:Fei Ge notes
Efficiency & Probability Workshop: 100 Basics: Yataro Matsuura's Life Creed

Efficiency & Probability Workshop:

Improve the efficiency of doing things, amplify the probability of success,

Advance to the age of ten times faster individuals.

Adhere to the principle of efficiency & probability, increase productivity, and complete more results in less time.

Methods and tools precede action, and if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first use it.

WeChat public account "Non-Brother Notes", more wonderful.

Excerpt from "100 Basics: Yataro Matsuura's Life Creed"

——Yataro Matsuura (Editor-in-Chief of Life Handbook, bookseller and writer)


>> Whatever you do, think of the next person. When going to the toilet, think of the next person to use. When throwing garbage, think of the people who send the garbage to the garbage dump, the people who recycle the transportation, and the people who dispose of the garbage. When we do magazine work, we think of the people who proofread the manuscripts, the people who print them, the people who bind them, the people who transport books to bookstores, the people who sell us books, and the readers.

>> Become a greeting master. Take the initiative to say hello before others greet you. I use "Become a greeting master" as a daily slogan. People who live near home, colleagues in the workplace, acquaintances who can't be called friends, can't communicate with these people very deeply. Getting to know each other and getting the other person to know us are also difficult things. But, simple greetings, for anyone can do it. It was only a few seconds, but it was also a great exchange.

>> Do not treat wallets casually. Do not keep your wallet low. The wallet contains money for this important friend, so it cannot be treated casually. When you get home, don't keep your wallet low. Instead, it should be placed in the same place as a family photo or souvenir, or in a place like "If you want to decorate something important, just here" and "if you want to have something you are glad to have, put it in this place where you can see it." This reflects the importance attached to money.


>> Whether at work or in personal relationships, the best way to be valued by others is to let the other party have something to gain.

>> you can't learn anything without buying it, and it costs a lot of money to want to know. The only thing you really want to know is to spend money. For example, if you want to know what it's like to carry a million yen bag, what is the structure of such a bag, why it is worth a million, you only have to spend money to buy one. In this way, not only a bag is obtained, but also information worth one million yen, and even if it fails, it is a kind of learning. Some experiences have to be "bought for money" themselves, rather than asking the person who owns them.

>> Nothing on the table, starting from the state of a blank piece of paper. For the sake of putting nothing on the table, tidy up. From the state of a blank piece of paper on the table, start the daily work. Every day, the state of clearing zero and turning yourself into a blank piece of paper begins. Work is not about dealing with what's in front of you, but about finding the problem yourself and solving it. This is a daily lesson called "thinking". Don't let superfluous things such as calendars and paintings get out of sight, it's important to keep them simple and clean. Pay attention to the ideas that come up when the white paper is placed in front of you.

>> The stairs are one step up. No rush, no short cuts. Everything goes through the necessary procedures and time. Jumping up a flight over one step won't do any good. No matter how anxious you are, you have to go up the stairs step by step. Jump on it in one breath, something bad will happen, and you have to start over. When the traffic lights go out, even if it looks like you can go, don't rush to leave, I hope to cultivate a calm attitude.

>> Don't be afraid of failure, and make "failure notes". Because every day is a challenge, naturally there are failures every day. Even if things don't go well, don't be depressed, because failure can become an experience. Failures bring more useful information than success, and may have an impact in the future. Face the challenge with the awareness that everything can fail. In addition, by taking "fail notes" and formally sorting out your own mood by writing this act, you can solve the problem with peace of mind and without attack.


>> love is to give each other the space to show, and to love each other is to let both parties have such freedom. Gentleness does not equal love. No matter what kind of kindness, as long as you want the other person to change according to their own will, it is not love. Love is to let the other party stretch their wings in the relationship with themselves, and let the other party stretch the wings in the name of possibility to a farther place. Dominating the other person in the name of love is the most terrible and false love.

>> don't put "no money" and "no time" on your lips. There is often a lack of money and time, but do not say such things. When I couldn't help but say it, I forcibly swallowed it back. I don't think these words should be uttered in any way. Because it is your responsibility to move things forward in a limited amount of time and money. The reason why neither is enough may lie in one's own attitude towards life. If you blame it on "the fault of society, the fault of the world," you will never have enough time and money.

>> sow, water, nurture, harvest, be a farmer. There are two types of man: the hunter who goes out in search of something ready to be found, and the farmer who sows, waters, nurtures, and harvests on his own land. I'm not saying that these two types are better or worse, but I just want to be a farmer, at the most suitable time in my life, at the most comfortable rhythm of my own, and repeat the process of sowing seeds to harvest.


>> Always 15 minutes in advance. "Everything is 15 minutes early" and "always 15 minutes early" are my rules. Arrive at the meeting place 15 minutes early and the meeting 15 minutes early, so always maintain this awareness. Sorting out the mood in advance and entering the state of readiness is the meaning of 15 minutes in advance.

>> Don't forget to convey your feelings. There are often cases of others doing something for themselves and giving themselves something. For the kindness of others, you can't simply say "thank you". When you accept something, be sure to convey your feelings to others. That way the other person will be happy too. To put it simply, when eating someone else's snack, you can't just say "thank you", but after tasting it, you should convey the feeling of "it was this good taste". This is an important communication between people.


>> it's life, not work, that makes us human. I don't want to be someone who has nothing but work. I want to be able to enjoy life even if I don't have a job. Life is the stage that makes work active. What a lonely thing it would be to become a workaholic who is "very good, but finds it boring to meet on holidays."

>> constantly think about how we can do better. After thinking deeply and putting it into action as much as possible, things will have a rough outline. But that's not the goal, it's just the beginning. Once things are roughly done, consider various ways to do it better. In the moment of "done", do not interrupt the attention to this matter, but obsess about how to do better. Deep thinking is the key to progress.


>> if you add one thing to your side, find a way to subtract one. Books, clothing, home furnishings, stationery, ornaments. If there is anything around you that adds one, find a way to subtract one. Anticipate your own capacity and don't let items increase without preparation. Everyone has a total of items that suit them and maintain a balance. Sometimes things increase inexplicably, and it is better to maintain the habit of "reducing something".

>> spending money on bedding and furniture without stinginess. Nearly a third of the day is spent in sleep. The same is true for a lifetime. Since so much time is spent sleeping, bedding must be of the highest quality. It's also an investment in yourself. Sheets, pillows, beds, all within the scope of the ability to choose the highest. Furniture should be selected as its own property, which can be used while repairing and repairing for a lifetime. The more things that do not show people, the better they are used, which will enrich our hearts.


>> Be friends with time. Do the work that time likes, and live a life that time likes. Money, tools, the objects around you, and all these things are important to build a relationship like a friend. Among them, I especially want to be friendly with time. Always remember to do the work that time likes, and live a life that time likes. With time, it is not the relationship between catching up and being chased, but being together and spending every day smoothly. Time is not an object, the eye cannot see, but how you survive is closely related to the way you interact with time.


◆ COW BOOKS' "100 Basics"

>> In addition to what needs to be done, I also developed new rules based on some past failure lessons, which eventually formed the "100 Basics" of COW BOOKS.

>> at work, remember that the guests were watching us. A shop is like a stage for the staff, and the guests are the audience that comes specially. How hard you work and how you guard important things will be seen by your guests. Don't forget that you are not only selling goods, but also learning and growing, and this work posture is being watched by guests. With the awareness that "the guests are watching us", it is natural to look up and straighten our chests.

>> always think about what you can offer your guests. For guests who come to the store, they spare no effort in "what they can give" and "what kind of joy they can get". Let them feel "it's so nice to pass by here" and "it will be in a good mood for several days in a row" and bring this pleasure as a gift to the guests. Guests who do not buy anything should also let them go back with a happy mood. It's also your own pleasure to make people happy, so it's also a pleasure to think about "how to make your guests happy."

>> Add some material to a simple "thank you." When sending guests, instead of simply saying "thank you" and ending, try to add some words. "Thank you for coming from afar", "I hope you come again", "Please be careful on rainy days" and so on. Instead of following the script, I added the language I thought of and thought about how to express my gratitude to each guest. Convey to them the mood of "I did not ignore you, you are an important guest".

>> create something that has never been done before. In terms of expression, service, means, etc., it is important to think in ways that have never been seen before. Of course, we must not forget the common practice. In this way, a whole new "take for granted" is created, rather than clinging to the idea that "this has always been the case" and "it is generally the case". Only by detaching from these ideas will the value of the challenge be understood. Failure after repeated attempts can become a precious treasure.

>> Clarify your plans for two months from now and prepare for them. Each day's work is a back-and-forth between "today's work" and "job preparation in two months' time.". Asked "What should I do now for the job in two months' time?" "Be able to give a clear answer. Whether it's running an event, doing a project, or learning a new job, it can't be completed in a month, and it's too time-consuming to start three months ago. So two months in advance and get ready. "Take today's work seriously, and the work in the future will not slacken off" is one of the basics.

>> Define your goals for today, for this week, for this month, and for two months.

>> The original purpose of the work is not to sell books, but to bring joy to the guests. "Don't think about what you should do to sell a book, but think about how to make your guests happy" This is the basis of all work. If you just aim to sell something, you lose the fun. The result of blindly thinking "to sell, to sell" is that nothing can be sold. What should be seriously considered is how to make the guests happy and spend effort on it, so that the desired results will naturally be obtained. In this way, the purchase is not just a consumption behavior, but there will be repeat customers.

>> Be sure to check how well you've achieved your goals during the process. Checking from time to time in the process of achieving the goal is ultimately unattainable. It is necessary to always confirm how many percent are completed, how much is left, not to be confused, and never to be accommodating until the last step. After each person has published their goals for the week, at the end of the week, colleagues ask each other how much they have accomplished to confirm how well they have been achieved.

>> get used to a job, it is necessary to improve the quality of further challenges. Once we learn and get used to something, we feel like, "That's it." This is a trap at work. In order not to fall into the trap, we will continue to challenge to improve the quality of our work. Whether it's cleaning or hosting guests, it's not our goal to get it done. Thinking "How can I do better than I'm doing now?" "What do you do to get better?" , constantly challenging higher goals. Thinking like this all the time, there will be no time to slacken off.

>> At the meeting, after discussing new proposals and new methods, they will be implemented immediately. The focus of the meeting was not attendance, but preparation. New ideas, schemes, and methods are released at the meeting, discussed with everyone, and if a good idea is born at the meeting, it is immediately prepared for implementation. In this way, everyone will do their homework in advance in order to attend the meeting. Even if there is no meeting, it is basic to be ready to publish new proposals at any time.

>> Nothing is reported ex post facto. Reports should be submitted voluntarily before being questioned. Regardless of anything, post-event reporting is absolutely prohibited. There is no way to have an accident that is not expected, but in addition, it is necessary to report it as early as possible before being questioned. This provision should be fully enforced.

>> Every day, make some changes in the way books are displayed. Yesterday's new is different from today's new. It is most gratifying to have a guest say, "Every time you come, you can feel the change." Innovate every day. Based on the question of "Is there a new side today?" we change the store display every day. The same product can only change in the way it is displayed, but it can also make the store look new. If you only change it a little, just do it at the time of cleaning. If you need to re-plan, arrive thirty minutes early. These measures are effective when turnover cannot rise.

>> work hard to make guests remember themselves. It's important to know that just trying to sell things at first often doesn't turn out to be the way you want. Let the guests know you first. When others understand you, they will have trust, and once the sense of trust is generated, they can enter the stage of product description. When you introduce products to others, it inevitably becomes a "how about this" promotion model. At this time, we must remember that the most important thing is the communication between people, and to deepen further communication between yourself and guests.

>> Look around the store closely and check it out after leaving a little bit. If you don't change your perspective, what you see will not change. If you want to inspect the store, you sometimes need to look closely. There are no stains, no damage. Bring your face closer, touch it with your hand, and investigate carefully. Some things are too close to each other, but they will not be seen, so they need to look at it from a distance. Capture the whole picture to see what is wrong. To hold the two viewpoints of the microscope and the telescope, this is necessary in all aspects of life.

>> always think about what is lacking in our work and what has not been done. Today's challenges, this week's challenges and other goals are not new ideas, but to always consider "what is lacking in your work and what you have not done in your daily life." In this way, the moment you are asked about the "goal", you can blurt it out. If you look at your shortcomings objectively, you will be able to better understand them. Before being accused, the person who can realize that "he must pay attention to this" is the truly remarkable person.

>> often think about how to make others happy. Guests, clerks who work together, people in this community, think more about how to make people other than yourself feel happy. Through work, we can do something for society, and we can use this as a base point to carry out work. If all people feel joy, the last joy can also come to themselves, and this order is just right. If you give priority to your own happiness in everything, you will only have small goals, you will not be able to improve your motivation, and you will not be able to do a good job in terms of results.


◆ Build your "100 basics"

>> Anything is fine, try to write down the things you think are good. Don't be embarrassed to turn into words, this is not something for others to see. Very small things, you can think of things at any time, in short, write down and try. Don't think about doing it all at once, let the corners of the mind and the mind shine into the sun, and write the contents of those corners according to the original idea. The awareness of not deliberately putting together the number of 100 is also very important, whether it is not complete, or more than 100, do not mind. Once you start writing, try to read it once a day. Then rewrite, add or delete according to your own ideas. In the one-day glance, thinking will be inadvertently formed. In the process of repeating, you will see 100 basic rough outlines of yourself. Then add new ideas, delete things that you don't think you recognize, or change the way you say them. The "100 Basics" are life beliefs that can start at any time and can be achieved by anyone.

Efficiency & Probability Workshop: 100 Basics: Yataro Matsuura's Life Creed

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