
Composition material: 100 character events, remember that the writing essay is no longer stuck! (Top)

author:Lao Xie Language Hall
Composition material: 100 character events, remember that the writing essay is no longer stuck! (Top)

51. Just after the end of the college entrance examination, the independent enrollment test of major universities has begun, and some of the "brain-burning questions" are like this: Shandong University: What is the relationship between the blackboard and the toilet? Why are manhole covers all round? Nanjing University: Why doesn't "Liang Zhuhua Butterfly" transform into a winged bird? Why is Qu Yuan's portrait thin and tall? South China University of Technology: Using physical knowledge to explain "lion roar gong"... In fact, "brain-burning god problems" are not new. Mr. Chen Yinke once gave a brain-burning question on pairs in the liberal arts exam, with the title of "Sun Xinger", asking students to pair up. Chen Yinke himself said that this question mainly examines the part of speech, flat tone, vocabulary and ideological connotations, and his ideal answers are "Zu Chongzhi", "Wang Yinzhi" and "Hu Shizhi". Savoring these "brain-burning questions", the valuable thing is that they have a bookish flavor, showing the inclusiveness and ambiguity of knowledge. At the same time, let "enlightened thinking" replace "giving knowledge", let "discover value" replace "give meaning". College teachers and students cross the intermediate barrier of "standard answers" and directly achieve a dialogue of thinking.

52. June 10th, the first day of the Jining Secondary School Entrance Examination, coincided with rainy weather. At the test center of Jining Yucai Middle School, it suddenly rained heavily half an hour before the end of the morning test, and 8 SWAT team members braved the rain to stand guard outside the test center to maintain order on the spot. As the rain grew heavier, parents of test takers who were drenched in rain spontaneously took turns holding umbrellas for them to keep out the rain. After the exam, some parents still held their umbrellas until 11:30 a.m. when the SWAT team members were on duty. Parents take turns to hold umbrellas for the on-duty SPECIAL police, making people feel warm, and also form part of the warm picture of society.

53. Since 2012, vegetable farmer Yang Yonghua has carved words on pumpkins and excavated the economic value of pumpkins. Nowadays, the "private customized" pumpkin engraved by him is not only becoming more and more popular, but also the value has risen from 5 yuan to 50 yuan or even 100 yuan. The word pumpkin not only has edible value, ornamental value, but also has special significance, so the economic value is high. It must be admitted that engraving on pumpkins is an innovative move, due to the old melon farmer's love for the art of calligraphy, but also because of the folk wisdom rooted in the countryside.

54, stylist and associate professor, it sounds like a bad match. But in Chongqing Wuyi Senior Technical School, there is a 23-year-old Chongqing sister who specializes in beauty salons and does both things at the same time! Her name is Nie Feng, through 6 years of hard training, in 2015 she held the skills industry "Olympiad" - WorldSkills Competition in Brazil, as the only representative of China, won the championship of the hairdressing industry in one fell swoop, and achieved a breakthrough in China's hairdressing industry. With this result, she not only enjoyed the same treatment as the Olympic champion, but also became an associate professor and enjoyed the special allowance of the State Council.

55, reported, Tongzhou District Zhangjiawan Moon Bay Xiao Town a 4-year-old boy took advantage of his parents to go out to climb out of the bedroom window, the neck was accidentally stuck in the window between the protective fence, the body is suspended, the child almost suffocated, the critical moment, 35-year-old bus driver Liu Yun climbed along the anti-theft window to the third floor, with shoulders and arms to support the child for half an hour, with the neighbors to save the child. The righteous deeds of "Raising Brother" release the pure moral beauty of human nature, shock people's hearts, support the height of goodness and love in the world, and transmit positive social energy. "To lift up brother" and "trust" entrust a civic responsibility, a human touch, and a boundless height of great love. The emergence of "Brother Toju" confirms that social sentiment is not indifferent, and Lei Feng is around us.

56. Recently, the news that a resort hotel in Haikou City, Hainan Province, will hold the "First Firefly Cultural Festival" has attracted a lot of attention. The news said that during the event, "tens of thousands of fireflies will be gathered to light up Haikou", which has aroused the attention of many local environmental protection organizations, and then an environmental protection organization has issued a document saying that "fireflies have high environmental requirements, and release is to die", calling for a boycott of the activity.

57. In the 1980s, when the long-standing fried melon seed workshops developed into "big factories" of more than 100 people, some people at that time thought that it was capitalist exploitation, and the problem of its employment was reflected in the central government. Comrade Deng Xiaoping believes that it is necessary to look at it for two years: "What are you afraid of if you let the 'fool melon seeds' run for a while?" Does it hurt socialism? Today, this kind of "doing nothing" is correct. It is precisely this kind of "doing nothing" that has brought about the prosperity and development of the socialist market economy.

58. When Liu Bang entered Xianyang, he "suspended his sentence to relax his ban to comfort his hopes" and adopted "doing nothing". A few years later, Liu Bei entered Shu, and Zhuge Liang "used the law of might" and "limited it to the lord", and adopted the principle of "doing something". "For" and "not for" go to the same destination, both of which have won the hearts of the people and achieved great governance. The reason lies in judging the hour and sizing up the situation: the Qin Dynasty was harshly governed, the people were miserable, did not rule for it, and conformed to the will of the people; while Liu Zhang, in shuzhong, had long been weak, powerful and dictatorial, and had to be severely punished. Throughout the ages, the avenues have been connected, and "for" and "not for" are all based on the situation.

59, the ancients cloud: "The mind is not single-minded, can not be dedicated." "If you are not dedicated or insincere, can you achieve something?" Historically, after years of lying down and trying to be bold, angry and strong, cao Xueqin "read for ten years, added and deleted five times", the words seem to be blood, writing an immortal chapter. Today, Tu Youyou relies on the tenacity of dripping water through stones, after 190 failures, and finally extracted artemisinin that saved countless lives; Huang Danian, with the hard work of "not crazy devil, not living", did not give up day and night, devoted himself to scientific research, and led China into the "deep earth era". The footprints of any successful person are engraved with hardship and persistence, and focus has become their indispensable quality.

60, between gains and losses, there is room for leisure in the heart. During his exile, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shi had an epiphany after chatting with a monk, swept away his numb and sad state of mind, and wrote down the famous sentence "Because of the words of the monks in the bamboo courtyard, I have to float for half a day". Only when we see through the gains and losses can we have spare time; only when we have spare time in our hearts can we be broad. Aesthetician Zhu Guangqian criticized modern people for being "diligent and spare, and their hearts are idle", which not only makes life boring, but also makes the heart become complicated and trapped in the lock of fame and fortune. The reason why some people feel tired is that their hearts are too much and too full, so that they are overloaded with weight, and even forget their original intentions and lose their way. Learn to "stay left", adjust the rhythm of life in time, and the good times can stop more.

61 The philosopher has said, "Man is ultimately concerned with his own existence and its meaning." Sticking to dreams, pursuing glory, and connecting your life with more distant places and more people can also make the "ordinary road" of ordinary people lead to an extraordinary world. If you have a scientific dream, you may wish to be like Nan Rendong, chief scientist of the "Chinese Heavenly Eye", "only doing this one thing in more than 20 years"; if you want to strike the long sky with an eagle and learn from Li Zhonghua, even if you are thrilled, you must bravely climb the peak; if you want to serve as an official, learn from Huang Dafa, and dig a water canal of hope in the cliff... Building a home for oneself, for people, and for society that allows life to be trusted, for the soul to inhabit, and so that the spirit can be crossed, may be the value pursuit that everyone in modern society should pursue.

62. Mass entrepreneurship and innovation, which have set off a boom in the city, have also gained another expression and release in local China. In Nantong, Jiangsu Province, villagers learn to explore opportunities in the big market of the Internet, and there are more than 300 online stores in one village; in Zunyi, Guizhou, 58-year-old migrant worker Ma Yi returned to his hometown to establish a rattan weaving factory, which solved the employment problem of more than 250 people; in Liuzhou, Guangxi, Long Gexiong, who has been a migrant worker for more than 20 years, returned to his hometown to open a mountain fruit cooperative, making a century-old village more vibrant from hollowing out...

63. To let traditional culture enter the blood of the times, it is necessary to stretch the "life scene". Traditional culture should not only be placed in the exhibition hall, but also should not be arbitrarily stacked warehouses, the former is only suitable for viewing and admiration, the latter is no different from the pearl dark projection, but should truly become a "living culture" integrated in the daily use of morality. In the mobile era, relatives are big, "often go home to see" chenghuan parents under the knees; stranger society, with people for kindness, give the cleaning sister, courier brother a smiley face; the network world, cautious and cautious, so that the virtual space is more clear... Traditional culture and modern life should be so "blended". It is impossible for us to go back to the era of wearing Hanfu and Tang costumes, and putting up a few line-bound books and putting a few fake antiques are just vassals and elegant, let alone feng shui and public opinion, asking for signatures and asking for advice. It is the best inheritance and development to better integrate the connotation of excellent traditional culture into the life scene and transform it into an indispensable daily component.

64, a young teacher on the edge of the West Lake, bathed in the east wind of the Internet, from the English corner to the translation agency to Alibaba, confided in a speech: "Grasp what you have, what you want, give up, then you will always have a future"; a college student who has tasted poverty, touched the boom of the logistics network, from copying envelopes to selling CDs to running Jingdong, sighed in an exchange: "Posterity will eventually record our generation, this is a great era, it is worth recording and struggling for each of us." A female reporter with a jumpy mind but a weak nature, sucking the rain and dew of the sharing economy, plainly telling the funny story of the birth of Mobike, "Great things, in fact, all start from a party." ”

How far away are the times? Closer than you can imagine.

65. The word "dry" is the magic weapon for our party to win new victories, and it is also the spiritual character of hundreds of millions of Chinese. Industrious and brave, self-improvement, hard work, consideration of the overall situation... When I am backward, I try to find a way out, "although I die nine times, I do not regret it"; when I build, I would rather live 20 years less and desperately want to win the big oil field"; when I dedicate, "if I do not subdue the wind and sand, let the wind and sand bury me." In the nearly 40 years of reform and opening up, from the "chicken feathers flying to the sky" in Yiwu to the "family" in Wenzhou, from the entrepreneurship of Wu Renbao to the boldness of Yuan Geng, from the "jiaolong" into the sea to the "heavenly eye" sounding, behind it are all the extraordinary work and hard work. "History will only favor the firm, the enterprising, and the fighters, but will not wait for the hesitants, slackers, and fearful people." Toward the future, we need such a burst of energy.

66. The new judgment synchronized with the times is also in line with the demands of ordinary people. In 1983, the "Santana" car entered China, only more than 30 years later, today many cities in China have begun to study the withdrawal of fuel vehicles, focusing on environmental quality; in 1987, Beijing citizens queued for two hours just to taste fresh foreign fast food, today more people pursue to eat "low fat and low sugar", health and safety become the first choice; in 1997, 620,000 Chinese began to "touch the net", today there are more than 1 billion people with mobile phones to access the Internet, network security is more important than network speed... The main contradictions that were once the main contradictions have promoted a history of reform and helped people enter a new era. And when it becomes history, it also means that China needs to move towards the next goal with a new attitude.

67, 2017 Tmall "Double 11" just started 12 minutes, it completed the signing of the first order of the day. Being able to achieve "minute-level delivery" is behind the benefits brought by the new retail concept. The essence of the new retail is to maximize the integration of online and offline logistics for consumers through data-driven, so as to break through the various scene barriers of traditional retail and let consumers "think of what to do". The shopping spree interprets the use of social collaboration to meet people's pursuit of a better and happier life.

68. The famous painter Huang Yongyu wrote in a letter to the playwright Cao Yu: "I don't like your post-liberation plays. One didn't like it either. Your heart is not in the play, you have lost the great spirit treasure jade, you are wrong by the position! Shrinking from an ocean to a small stream... No one says bad. Always 'High!' ''Good! These praises do not deceive you, but they confuse you and degrade you. Writing this, I can't help but think of a sentence in Shakespeare's "Macbeth": 'Wake up, Macbeth, drive away the sleep!' In order to remind himself at all times, Mr. Cao Yu framed Huang Yongyu's letter and hung it at home.

69, Wolfland, a German friend who has been engaged in The Import Affairs of the Far East for more than 50 years, lamented that "Chinese is the most trustworthy"; Teresa, a freelance writer from Seattle, USA, believes that she has found the familiar taste of her hometown in Changzhou, China; "Although she is a country, it is more like a home, when you come to China, you will definitely like her..." Recently, two foreign singers made cameo appearances in "tour guides", holding selfie sticks to share life, riding shared bicycles through the streets and alleys, leading the audience to experience the joy and excitement of walking in China. Let an English song called "I'm going to China" go viral. There is no doubt that this appeal of China to the world is intrinsic and deep-seated.

70, respectable and cute good teenager, small shoulders and big responsibilities. "Small" people tell the whole society with actions: We are post-90s who have great energy and transmit positive energy. He Ping, the pillar of the difficult home, Ye Xiaowen, the "most beautiful girl" who saved people in the fire, Zhou Chuanjin, a "righteous man" who defended justice in front of the gangsters, Wang Junwang, a migrant worker who sacrificed his life to save others, Wu Linxiang, who carried a family with one hoe, He Yue, a 12-year-old girl who donated liver and kidneys... Behind the rebellious, unique, and non-mainstream appearances in the eyes of ordinary people, we see the figures of the "post-90s" and even "post-00s" who walk on the moral front.

71, once, "passers-by" became synonymous with "indifference". When we are still accusing passers-by of indifference and lamenting the social sadness, the "most beautiful girl" Diao Nashe saved the life of a car accident woman on one leg, "private car public uncle" Anivar Mangsu picked up old and weak passengers tens of thousands of times for free, Shen Xing and Yang Peng stepped forward to save others, refused to be indifferent passers-by... These unknown people use the goodness of human nature to "break the ice" for the moral winter.

72. There is such a group of practitioners in China's food industry, who are honest and honest, and defend the moral code of this era with a good "grain" heart.

Rest assured "fritter brother" Liu Hong'an, Xi'an Aiju grain and oil industry group's presiding family Member Jia Heyi, grow "conscience dish" farmer lin shuiying, let the child drink assured milk Wang Jinghai, "fool" grain and oil store owner Cao Wei ... They are "calculating" in a green onion, a bag of milk, a grain of rice, a steamed bun, and a piece of ginger, have a conscience, talk about conscience, break the strange circle of no adultery and no business, and guard the virtues passed down from generation to generation by the Chinese nation.

73, whether to be a big official or to do big things is the division of life ambitions, which determines the pattern of life and also determines the end of life. How many people have dedicated their lives to the cause of the people and achieved the value and meaning of life. "I don't have time, and the academician has to spend a lot of time sorting things out, or do a good job of the things at hand first." Huang Danian is reluctant to apply for academicians, and is bent on improving the research level of national geophysics, which is a vivid portrayal of doing great things. In recent years, some people who have fallen off the horse, at the beginning they also wanted to do a career, but after the promotion was hopeless, they turned to degeneration and corruption, and eventually slipped into the abyss of lawlessness and crime. These cases warn us that if the will to do great things is not firm, sooner or later there will be problems.

74, China's first "International Hans Christian Andersen Award" winner, children's writer Cao Wenxuan said, "In China, to say that a person is powerful, powerful and capable, will say that this person has a 'background', and my 'background' is China." This country, which has endured countless hardships and disasters, has always stood behind me, and in addition to giving me the will, she has been providing me with a steady stream of unique and valuable writing resources. More than thirty years ago, with her inner impulse of life, she broke the closed pattern, and since then she has faced the world and shown a strong desire to integrate into the world, and it is precisely because of this that she sees the world, and the world sees me, my literary works. I am willing to stand under this 'background' for the rest of my life, and be a 'person with a background' for the rest of my life."

75. "The more difficult it is, the more energetic it is," this is Deng Xiaoping's strategic choice; "the more difficult it is, the more we have to do it." This is Lu Xun's attitude toward the world. Without hard work, where is the mighty wave? "If mountaineering does not stop at difficulties, it will be steep." All extraordinary achievements come from not abandoning the trickle of effort; brilliant brilliance is often hidden behind difficulties. Only by being willing to do difficult things can we be competent for big things. "Don't be afraid of the bitter cold, and be proud of yourself." Unremitting efforts, persistent struggle, a person can achieve self-achievement, write brilliant performance.

76, emphasizing that only innovators are strong is not a complete denial of the meaning of imitation and running. In fact, as a late-developing economy, many Chinese companies have experienced the follow-up process. China's high-speed rail on the basis of absorbing the strengths of all people "the introduction of digestion, absorption and innovation" to achieve independent innovation, Huawei also after several rounds of long-distance running before daring to say that it saw the "no man's land", Tencent before launching WeChat has not been able to get rid of the traces of imitation... However, looking at the fall of Kodak Film and the transformation of Nikon for a hundred years, companies must survive for a long time and also face the transformation from entrepreneurs to innovators. Microsoft warned its employees that "Microsoft is only 18 months away from going out of business", because of fear, so always innovate, this is the secret of the winner.

77, Jobs's same jeans, T-shirts, may have more than a dozen. If you are dirty, you can change it casually, and don't bother with it. However, at work, a detail is not satisfied, and he can toss himself and his subordinates to death. Jin Yong's Zhang Sanfeng is also like this, a Qingdao robe is filthy, known as a sloppy Daoist, but the great festival and righteousness are not ambiguous.

The clouds are light and the wind is light, and it is not easy? Great, but one thing must be kept: there must be a place to go. If you don't insist everywhere and follow the current, you can only drown in the crowd and lose yourself.

78, interesting people, have a great love for life. Sometimes, even in the face of adversity, they can live happily; even if the eyes are full of hardships, they can always find poetry and distant places. Su Shi is a very interesting person. After being demoted, he did not worry about it, but discovered the truth and fun of life. In Huangzhou, he made pork with "price like dirt" and "nobles refuse to eat it, and the poor don't cook" into "Dongpo meat" with full color, aroma and taste, and wrote an essay "Ode to Pork" to talk about the experience of firing. In addition to "Dongpo meat", there are also "Dongpo elbows", "Dongpo fish" and "Dongpo cakes", all of which are sensational and widely circulated. Living on a tight budget, Su Shi cultivated the land, taking pleasure in this, and wrote poems such as "Eight Songs of Dongpo" and "Vegetable Garden After rain", which was pleasant and self-satisfied, jumping on the paper.

79, interesting people, not only harvest happiness themselves, but also bring happiness to others. And once people are bored, they can't help but look abominable and avoid them. Now, young people who grew up in the Internet era usually take pleasure in "fighting pictures" and seek pleasure from various small games and small programs, and once they close the computer and lock the mobile phone, they often have their eyes swollen, their brains are dazed, and their fun is lost. Such fun is not really interesting in the end. You may wish to learn from the predecessors, discover more, dig out the fun of life, absorb more and absorb all aspects of knowledge, make yourself interesting, and make life tasteful.

80. One year, a newspaper published a photo of Stetson and lewis, the world sprint champion at the time, in which Stetson sat quietly in a wheelchair, Lewis stood beside him in a graceful manner, and the two hands clasped tightly together. This photograph is a good representation, because although the skin of the two of them is significantly different, on another level, they are real confidants. Although the frail Shi Tiesheng could not even stand up, his soul was running unrestrained, running as fast as Lewis, even faster than Lewis. Lewis had read Stetson's book, and he respected the Chinese writer in a wheelchair, an athlete who stared at Stetson with a look of not pity but respect. Their souls are connected, in a sense they are all runners, they are racing against fate, against the tragedy that humanity is born with.

81 In Walden, he was willing to give up the superior and rich city life, build his own log cabins, personally cultivate, sow, plant crops, and live self-sufficiently. Thoreau truly returned to the essence of life, he re-recognized himself, calmly faced life, thanked all the prosperity and beauty, returned to simplicity, returned to a simple, simple, pure original ecology. The quiet Walden Lake filters the impurities of thought, making Thoreau's life deeper, purer and more beautiful.

82, walking in the streets, the prosperity of material shocks our impetuous hearts, and few people give up prosperity like Thoreau, and quietly cultivate alone, quietly thinking, quietly pursuing. The days are always light, the pages are turned, and few people can taste its true meaning. So, we should sit by our own Walden Lake and live our own lives.

83. In that era when scholars were involuntary, Chen Yinke, a master of traditional Chinese studies, was able to filter and purify his own soul, adhere to an independent personality, maintain a free literary heart, and have the sentiment of an upright scholar and a scholar and a scholarly chinese cultural habit. Especially during the "ten years of turmoil", the high-pressure control of ideology did not allow Chen Yinke to make the slightest academic concession. Instead, he suggested that scholarship should not be influenced by politics. People who do not have the "spirit of independence and the idea of freedom" cannot talk about "modernization," let alone "citizens of the world."

84 This is the son of a chief who voluntarily renounces his inheritance "never wants to rule an oppressed tribe as a chief"; this is a black iron man who threw his best 27 years of life into a prison window in order to eliminate racial discrimination; this is an optimistic father who has suffered countless humiliations, discrimination, and betrayals, but in a letter to his daughter that "as long as there is a will of steel, you can turn misfortune into an advantage"; this is a painter who opened a painting exhibition at the age of 84 and focused on prison life; this is an expression" If I can't leave my pain and resentment behind, then I'm still in prison" Nobel Peace Prize winner; this is a retired president who tasted power in his later years but took the initiative to hang up the crown and just wanted to "walk on the hillside where I played in my childhood"...

What Mandela means to us is what he has, precisely what we lack. The pursuit of power and wealth, the abandonment of tolerance and mutual trust, the foolishness of dedication and sacrifice, the loss of vividness and color in life, the more condescending contempt, ridicule and even hatred of people who are more unfortunate and humble than us... Can such a life not be eclipsed in the face of Mandela, who has spent his life pursuing freedom and equality for others?

85 Mandela's forgetting stemmed from his broad mind and the realm of kindness and tolerance. In prison, he endured heavy physical labor, harsh scolding and endless hope and disappointment of prison guards, while his spiritual world underwent a phoenix nirvana-like change, and his radical heart gradually became gentle. After countless deep reflections, Mandela realized that bravery is not fearlessness, but conquering fear.

86. Without the assistance of Lin Huiyin, liang Sicheng would have a hard time completing the History of Chinese Architecture. Zhang Qingping uses the ancient architecture that Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng have been obsessed with all their lives to compare their combination: Liang Sicheng is a solid foundation and pillar, a grand structure and support, while Lin Huiyin is a flexible cornice, exquisite carving, beautiful railing. They are one thick and solid, one light and agile, and their combination is irreplaceable.

87. At the end of World War II in 1945, Lin Hui, then a professor in the Department of Architecture at Tsinghua University, was invited by the US military to mark the location of famous cultural monuments on the upcoming Nara bombing map to avoid being bombed. Many people may not know that Lin Huiyin's family was nearly killed in the Bombing of the Japanese Army twice in November 1937 and January 1939, and the third brother Lin Heng was also killed in the war against Japan in 1941.

88. Professor Rawls of Harvard University, who has not published any articles for 15 years, has been pondering his "Theory of Justice". He lectured very seriously, and when he said goodbye to everyone after a semester of lectures, the students invariably gave a standing ovation. He was far from the classroom, and the students were still applauding—applauding for his academic spirit. Some Chinese students present asked, when are you going to drum? They replied that Professor Rawls could still hear the applause from afar. Now the Treatise on Justice has become a classic, and there are more than 5,000 specialized treatises on it worldwide.

89, Yuan Longping struggled for most of his life, dealing with hybrid rice. Magellan's masterpieces completed throughout his life are nothing more than confirmation of the common sense that "the earth is round", which today's young children also know; Cao Xueqin's painstaking efforts, "a handful of bitter tears", is only in exchange for "full of absurd words", a book has not been written; the Wright brothers have been busy for a lifetime to talk about love in order to let the plane leave the ground, they humorously said: "We have no time to take care of the plane and take care of our wife, and we can only do one thing in our lives." ”

90. The German writer Glass, a Nobel prize winner, recounts his 17-year-old SS service to the Nazis in his memoir "Peeling the Onion". The confession of a dying old man in his memoirs about his disgraceful experience is a confession and a manifestation of responsibility for history, and he deserves to be respected.

91. In January 2015, Kitalovic, who was successfully elected president of Croatia, called himself a "woman from the people", did not mind making fun of his ordinary origins, and repeatedly stressed that he was a "country girl" in public. And the simple rural life also taught her a lot of excellent life skills. Later, until she held an important position as NATO's assistant secretary-general, she often quipped to people: "Maybe I am the only woman on NATO staff who can milk cows." ”

In the past 92 and 55 years, the builders of Saihanba Forest Farm in Hebei Province have worked hard and dedicated themselves on the desert sand land of "yellow sand shades the sky, birds have no perch trees", created a human miracle of changing the wasteland into a forest sea, interpreted the concept of green water and green mountains is the golden mountain and silver mountain with practical actions, and in the collision of iron pickaxes and mountain stones, in the sound of sounding again and again, cast the Saihanba spirit of keeping in mind the mission, hard work and green development. Their deeds are deeply moving and a vivid example of promoting the construction of ecological civilization.

93, a destitute appearance, often has the most fulfilling and luxurious spirit. You look at Haizi, you can say that he was poor, but he was blessed with every mountain, he gave them a warm name, he is a rich man with thousands of mountains and rivers; you look at Sister Deland, you also think that she is poor, after all, her relics are only a pair of sandals, three old clothes and a portrait of the Passion of Jesus, but her benevolent mission has more than four hundred million dollars in assets, she is worthy of the real rich; you look at Xu Wei, a life of poverty, food and clothing, is an authentic poor, but his scrolls, Each piece of Danqing is worth a lot of money.

94 Einstein's genius created the theory of relativity, which no one denies. But when people opened his manuscript, they found that there was no complicated calculus, no exquisite syllogism, only tens of thousands of seemingly ordinary calculations, reasoning, and proofs. Each calculation, reasoning, or proof is tiny in itself, but it is these tiny details that have contributed to a breakthrough and leap in the history of human science.

95, Zhang Ailing is not beautiful, but her talent and unique temperament emanating from the heart will make many people marvel and praise; Sanmao is not beautiful, but the olive tree and the Sahara Desert in her dream make many people intoxicated; Einstein is even very ugly, but it does not prevent us from appreciating his enthusiasm for science, Van Gogh can even be described as terrifying, but it does not prevent us from appreciating his obsession with art... Just from a different perspective, these imperfect people in appearance leave us with memories that span the long river of history.

96. When countless envious eyes are focused on the famous contemporary writer Haruki Murakami, who can imagine that he and his wife opened a small shop and spent all day worrying about the trivial troubles of chai rice oil and salt? How can a pen that can engrave mountains and rivers and write life in order, be able to steam up the ink in the secular world? He resolutely decided that his family would move to the countryside and live a quiet life. Finally, he became a purest writer, he found literature, a stage that truly belonged to him, and he created the most dazzling success!

97, "Living in the Potala Palace, I am the king of the snow." Walking in the city of Lhasa, it is the most beautiful lover in the world. This is the poem left by Cangjia Gyatso, and it is also an irresistible portrayal of his instincts for human nature. His legendary life was all about this instinct. He does not covet power, let alone be tempted by wealth, his heart, always looking for the most true emotions in the world, he puts the truest love in the world, and releases the most beautiful nature in the world to the fullest.

98 Audrey Hepburn, she has an angelic smile, she used to be a ballet dancer, but when she found her hopeless to become the lead dancer, she chose to act, but the superb dance skills gave her more applause. Audrey once regretted that he could not stand in the center of the stage of his dreams and dance his own dance steps with his toes. But when she entered the world of actors, she unexpectedly discovered the value of the dance foundation she had. The nobility of ballet is vividly interpreted in her body, and the beauty of ballet is brought to the screen by her, into every role she plays. The original dance foundation, Hepburn found its other value, even if you can't be a principal dancer, you can make yourself complete one gorgeous turn after another on the screen.

99 When people close their eyes and enjoy the natural voice of Bell Cannon, will there be a voice that reminds you that he has worked hard in politics? Every day and night, when he was speaking around as Brazil's minister of culture, with a dry mouth and a bad throat, Bell would sit in a quiet corner, he would expect change, he would do something really appropriate and interesting. Finally, there is one less politician in the political arena who is obviously not too slippery, and there is one more singer in the music world who can stir people's hearts. Yes, he stood on the right stage, in front of the microphone, and sang the strongest voice of his life, a choice that is undoubtedly more moving than countless programmed speeches.

100, when countless applause resounded throughout the arena, Isinbayeva, the queen of the pole, once again faced the smile that successfully bloomed her fragrance. When she was as beautiful as a rose, who knew that she had faced a gymnastics arena? The sudden increase in height forced her to say goodbye to gymnastics. But she chose a field that suited herself more, and from then on, a pole, a beautiful woman, interpreted a fairy tale in the sports kingdom, and her name, swayed at the top of the incomparably gorgeous life. On that side of the stage, what rewarded her was not only fame and fortune, but also a kind of extreme joy from the bottom of life.

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