
100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

author:Wings English

39. Smoking has a great influence on our health.

Smoking has a big impact on our health.

Classic Sentence Pattern Analysis 39: Yes... It has a big impact

100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)
100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

have a great influence(impact) on句型

have/exert a strong influence on sb has a powerful impact on someone

great can be replaced by: very good, far greater, strong, majo, large and other advanced words

The following is still through the dictionary example sentences and exam questions to learn, integrated:

And it will in turn have a great influence on your action.

It, in turn, can have a big impact on your behavior. Middle School Entrance Examination True Questions - 2019 Shanxi

The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

The media has a great influence on public opinion.

Those friends are a bad influence on her.

Those friends had a negative effect on her.

She's not a very good influence on the youth of this country.

She has had little influence on the country's younger generation.

TV is a bad influence on people.

Television can have a negative impact on people.

It had a bad influence on schools and the society.

It has had a negative impact on schools and society.

Exam Questions - 2016 Shanxi

Several teachers at school in Liverpool had a special influence on me.

Several school teachers in Liverpool had a special influence on me.

Exam True Questions - 2015 Baotou

Do you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet?

Do you believe we can have a significant impact on anyone we meet?

Exam Questions - 2016 Changsha

His family have been a very positive influence on him.

His family had a very good influence on him.

His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student.

When I was a student, his paintings had a strong influence on me.

Teenage idols have a strong influence on our children

Teen idols have a very deep impact on children.

100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.

She disturbed the rest of the class.

The girls in a class tend to have a civilizing influence on the boys.

The girls in the class tend to make the boys more elegant.

100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting

Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.

Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.

Many other medications have an effect on cholesterol levels.

My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me.

My mother's principle of life was to be upright, and she had a more profound influence on me.

They have had a growing influence on the district.

Their influence in the school district is growing.

Level 4 True Questions - 2018

This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.

The impact of this financial crisis on ordinary people is even more profound.

Society begins to have an impact on the developing child.

Society begins to have an impact on growing children.

The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on heat transfer

The presence or absence of clouds has an important impact on heat transfer.

They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country

They said they expected the conference to have a significant impact on the future of the country.

The collapse of the Iron Curtain had immediate impact on the lives of everyone in Germany.

The collapse of the Iron Curtain had a direct impact on the lives of every German.

The director's childhood experience has a profound impact on his film.

The director's childhood experiences deeply influenced his films.

Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.

Her speech has had a profound impact on everyone.

100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

Such different outlooks had a dramatic impact on performance.

These two different perceptions have a surprising impact on learning performance.

Level 4 True Questions - December 2016

The stories of his unconventional ideas and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so amazing to me and had such a big impact on how I saw life from then on.

The irrational thoughts in his stories and the special patients he wrote about were extremely surprising to me, and they profoundly affected me and made me have a different view of life from then on.

College Entrance Examination True Questions - 2015 Jiangsu

Washing your hands with soap can have a huge impact on reducing the spread of diseases.

Handwashing with soap is effective in reducing the spread of disease.

Exam Questions - 2018 Jiangxi

Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact on college admissions and practical life skills .

Gordon said the "HUNCH" program has implications for both college admissions and life skills.

College Entrance Examination True Questions - 2019

Additionally presents a classic sentence:

She was charged with driving under the influence.

She was charged with drunk driving.

100 Classic Sentence Patterns improve English Combat Effectiveness 1000 (No.39)

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