
Release of 100 opportunity list projects Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area "bank government undertaking enterprises" earnest talk will seek common development

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Wu Xuemei photo report

On January 19, Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area held the 2022 Top 100 Key Projects Conference and the "Bank-Government Undertaking Enterprises" Earnest Discussion Meeting at the Yibin International Convention Center, building an investment and financing platform for high-quality projects in the region, sharing the dividends of open cooperation, and seeking a common development path and future.

Release of 100 opportunity list projects Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area "bank government undertaking enterprises" earnest talk will seek common development

Meeting site

At the meeting, Sanjiang New Area released 100 opportunity list projects, and carried out the signing ceremony of 128 billion yuan of credit for project investment in Sanjiang New Area in 2022, and the signing ceremony of bank-government enterprises.

Release of 100 opportunity list projects Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area "bank government undertaking enterprises" earnest talk will seek common development

First round signing ceremony

The rapid development of the city has spawned a large number of investment and financing needs

Yibin Power Town, Yibin Olympic Sports Center, Twin Cities Phase II University Student Supporting Service Center, Yibin Lingang Senior High School, Hewan Wetland Park, Bamboo Culture Museum, Financial Technology Industrial Park...... This is part of the 100 opportunity list project released this time, and it is a large number of investment and financing needs generated by the rapid development of Sanjiang New Area.

Release of 100 opportunity list projects Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area "bank government undertaking enterprises" earnest talk will seek common development

The rapidly developing Sanjiang New Area issued an invitation to build the project

The reporter learned at the scene that this batch of lists includes 86 project demand lists, including a beautiful life, livable ecology, smart environmental protection, intelligent production, smart governance and other scenarios, in 2022, the total estimated total investment of the project is 101.01 billion yuan, the proposed financing is 31.1 billion yuan, and the next three years the project investment is nearly 400 billion yuan, and the proposed financing is 200 billion yuan. There are 14 project supply lists, including production services, scientific and technological services, education services, and a better life.

"Project construction is the 'bull nose' that drives economic growth, and we warmly invite financial institutions and social investors to participate in the development of Sanjiang New Area in an all-round way." At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of Sanjiang New Area introduced the advantages of Sanjiang New Area in investment and financing from four aspects: deep industrial foundation, solid financial guarantee, strong strength of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, and excellent financial ecology. Among them, in recent years, Sanjiang New Area has vigorously implemented the industrial development concept of "continuous development of the dragon head and supporting the lead", and successfully attracted a number of leading enterprises in the industry such as Ningde Times, Huawei, and Geely Automobile, and the industrial foundation has become deeper and deeper.

The bank and government undertake the contract to expand the cooperation space and create a new situation

The meeting also held a signing ceremony for "bank-government-undertaking enterprises" in four rounds. Among them, the Sanjiang New Area Management Committee signed the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with the Yibin Municipal Financial Work Bureau and the Yibin Branch of the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, and jointly built the Sanjiang New Area into a southbound open and innovative financial demonstration zone and a green ecological finance model area through the continuous deepening of cooperation between financial regulators and local governments.

In addition, Sanjiang New Area also actively introduces the headquarters of various financial institutions, focuses on cultivating and developing landmark financial formats such as industrial finance, science and technology finance, and supply chain finance, and helps Yibin City to create a regional financial center; comprehensively promotes the diversified cooperation and exploration of state-owned enterprises and banking institutions in key areas such as infrastructure construction and industrial development in the region, continues to tap strategic opportunities in the construction of sub-centers in the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle, and establishes a long-term, stable and win-win comprehensive strategic partnership Support and guide financial institutions to serve the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises in Sanjiang New Area, and make strategic emerging industries bigger and stronger.

Release of 100 opportunity list projects Sichuan Yibin Sanjiang New Area "bank government undertaking enterprises" earnest talk will seek common development

The power battery industrial park area development project is one of the opportunities list released this time

The main person in charge of Sanjiang New Area said that the rapid development of Sanjiang New Area depends on the all-round and deep-level cooperation of all parties in planning and guidance, financial investment, mechanism innovation, and regulatory escort. Looking forward to the future, Sanjiang New Area will actively build a cooperation platform, expand cooperation space, strengthen regulatory services, optimize the financial ecology, and work with all parties to build a good financial ecology of performance guidance, benefit priority, risk sharing, and benefit sharing, and create a new situation for win-win cooperation.

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