
At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Winter is a charming season and a season that worries many people. In addition to being cold, it is also possible for you to turn off the ignition directly on the road. Perhaps, this is not a situation that everyone has encountered, but it is a scene that many people worry about. But it just so happens that some people do not believe in evil, and there is a "fuel saving race" that is exciting enough in the cold Great Northwest.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

In fact, I like the clean and pure and cold Great Northwest, look, the moon hanging in the blue sky can always accompany the left and right, even if it is a lonely journey. It seems that everyone is full of confidence in this fuel saving race, because everyone is confident in Toyota's hybrid technology, 1000 kilometers, many brands have done similar activities, haven't we all successfully completed the task? However, we all overlooked one detail and sold it first.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

The first day of the stage was lighthearted and enjoyable.

I have been to Yinchuan several times, I really like the vastness and vastness of Helan Mountain, even if I just pass by the Western Xia King's Mausoleum every time, I can still feel the thickness of this land, it is not richer and more colorful than the Central Plains, but it still writes the style of China under the illumination of the Ming Great Wall. What could be more shocking than seeing the ruins of the Ming Great Wall standing majestically by the Yellow River?

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

My companion and I very tacitly chose the national road from Yinchuan to Zhongwei, in addition to Helan Mountain, we also wanted to see the legendary Zhongwei independent in the desert. This section of the road is less straight, in terms of driving experience, it does not have any pressure, and the range speed of 70Km per hour allows us not to fall too far behind our opponents who are driving at high speeds. Even, the companions are very cunning to see that the national road is 30 kilometers less than the high-speed journey, who can know, it is these 30 kilometers that saved us the last.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Coming to the Great Northwest, naturally to eat lamb, we naturally did not give up lunch time, and spent a lot of time here, the road is close to three o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, we also chose the highway and adjusted the speed to 90Km per hour during the journey. This is the result of repeated attempts, which do not consume energy at high speeds and can reach the destination relatively quickly. After all, time is also an important criterion for fuel saving.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

After driving more than 200 kilometers, the fuel consumption of our Highlander has basically maintained at around 6.5L, and we are full of confidence in completing the race, and we are very fortunate to have chosen the national highway in the morning, feeling the beautiful scenery and pleasant journey. Entering the Wuwei Realm, the heavens and the earth became more and more white, and for the children of the south, this was an exciting moment. We even began to regret that we should have sailed into the national highway in the afternoon to get up close and personal with the snow, and the Highlander in the camera would be particularly dazzling.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Can't get off the national highway, choose the service area, greet the sunset, everything is just right, just like this unexpected participation, snow, sunset and Highlander, there are some unspeakable accidents and perfect collocation.

The winter sun slid particularly fast, and soon after driving out of the service area, the sky and earth quickly turned black, and we were still more than 100 kilometers away from the destination of the first day, Wuwei. So, acceleration, catch-up, speed for the first time to break through 100Km, however, unexpected things still happened, fuel consumption quickly rose to 6.7L, and there is no downward trend. At this time, we still believe that if everyone is like us, the fuel consumption is close.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

It was dark, close to the Wuwei Expressway, unexpectedly found other models in the activity, Velanda, Leiling, Camry are slowly driving, everyone is like-minded to control the high speed at 60Km per hour. My companions said that they were really chicken thieves, but for the first time I began to worry about our fuel consumption, this day was fixed at 6.8L, and the opponent who was also a Highlander in the car was only 6.1L.

We began to analyze the gap on the first day, and although we arrived first and used time to make up the gap in fuel consumption, we began to worry about the next day's trip. The next day, from Wuwei to Jiuquan, nearly 600 kilometers of mileage, there is still half of the fuel left, but through the calculation of the computer we only have more than 200 kilometers of endurance.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

For the first time, everyone was worried. It seems that the organizers are not just making us "happy to play", nor are they agreed in advance, the real driving real data, we really may not be able to get to Jiuquan. Such emotions began to spread among other peers, and the coaching staff also had different strategies, facing our Highlander group basically belonged to comfort and affirmation, but the Camry group was not very optimistic, and the coach even urged them to drive fast and not fall behind.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

The anxiety of his companion came from the "big" of Highlander, and he even felt that he was not in a good mood, why he had drawn the largest car. If it is a car, let alone a Ralink, even the Camry can basically be easily handled.

Anxiety cannot spread in both at the same time, and I have adopted a policy of relief. The advantage of Highlander is that we can comfortably participate in the whole process, without worrying too much about the fatigue of driving for a long time; we can enjoy the scenery cut off by the high-speed fence, such as the snowy Qilian Mountains, such as the rushing Yellow River; we can even eat the packed snacks without worrying about the inconvenience of taking the paper and throwing away the garbage.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Even so, we still reduced the speed to about 70Km per hour the next day, and even thought that we could find a big car, adopt follow-up tactics, and adaptive cruising would still have some effect. At this time, we found that the altitude of Yinchuan and Jiuquan was lower than that of Wuwei, and the first day of the trip was basically a climbing state, and from Wuwei to Jiuquan, we could use the slope of the road to consume as much oil as possible and store electricity.

Carefully driving through the 200-kilometer highway in the morning, there are fewer people at lunchtime on this day, and many people are looking for ways to cope in the anxiety of rushing and fuel consumption.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

In the walkie-talkie, the coach's inquiries and exchanges became more and more frequent, reminding us to report when we had 50 kilometers left. At this time, everyone realized that we really needed to wait for rescue on the road. But the instructor also strongly encouraged us to drive the rest of the road, and the mileage was only an estimate of the last driving, and it did not have much to do with the current driving.

However, the fuel consumption in the afternoon was still very bad, and the increase in slope made the endurance quickly drop to less than 50 kilometers, and everyone had to get off the highway and change to the national highway.

I don't know if the car navigation system has a rough calculation of our driving in these two days, and after getting off the highway, we chose a county road with few vehicles. After the review, perhaps it is because of this county road that we have saved a lot of power consumption. First of all, it is in good condition, the road is straight, and the state of moving at a uniform speed allows us to reach the finish line safely.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Of course, it is also perfect after the accident, behind the prefectural road is the village road, and the bend saw the most beautiful northwest scenery. It's cold, it's lonely, but it's also vast and full of life. In the distance are coal wagons driving quietly on the railroad tracks, and there is still residual snow in the rice fields, many of which have turned into ice, some of which have become fertilizer for winter, and the hard work of the croppers will contribute to the harvest in the coming year.

On both sides of the road are leafless trees, and it has been said that in the cold and green places, there are many tall poplar trees, and the afterglow spills through the leaves to the car, which is particularly beautiful. We've almost given up on the idea of getting to our destination before sunset, whether it's a ride or a journey, isn't the happiest thing to do is to meet some unknown beauty? We saw it in the winter of 2021, and the sunset behind Qilian Mountain was also shy, which also relatively alleviated our unwillingness and anxiety about running out of oil.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

The coaches should have worried about us for a long time, but it seems that they don't think we can't reach the end, that the vehicle's reserve of fuel can support 100 kilometers, and we are just 100 kilometers away from our destination. At this time, Highlander really exerted its greatest effect.

Even speed forward, do not violently refuel, do not slam on the brakes, which in the usual driving many people do not want to do the action is actually the most energy-saving, two days of fuel consumption for the first time to 6.0L, which is already quite good for the Highlander this big car. At the end of the prefectural road is downtown Jiuquan, which coincides with the evening rush hour, and the abundant power provides additional help for us to move forward at low speeds. At this point, our speed dropped to 50km per hour and continued until the end.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

Entering the national highway turned out to be the last difficulty. The roads are narrow, the cars are lined up and squeezed, and the high beams from time to time can also stimulate your adrenaline. Unknown last few liters of oil, do not dare to rush to speed up, the line behind us is getting longer and longer, we seem to have become the public enemy of the big cars, the sound of horns, the sound of the roaring traffic, fortunately the car is still relatively quiet, we look at the dashboard while watching the navigation and praying.

"The No. 8 (Highlander) was completely in bed 10 kilometers from the finish line."

This is a very unfriendly message to us, and the relatively relaxed mood mentions the throat eye. The other party consumes less fuel than us and should have traveled farther than we did, but... We didn't have much movement, we didn't stomp on the oil uphill and stored the electricity as soon as possible downhill. Closer and closer to the finish line, we have traveled 100 kilometers without showing the mileage, the Leiling group that arrived first brought back the news that they finally traveled 70 kilometers, and the Camry group brought back the news that they had traveled 130 kilometers and had not yet stopped.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

The moment we reached the finish line, we both sighed at our own rigor from beginning to end, and marveled at Toyota's real efforts to turn the tide when it was in danger. Hybrid technology isn't useless, it's not so elusive, it only delivers the highest quality driving experience when you need it most.

At minus 20 degrees, how far can Highlander run with a tank of fuel?

It does not venture forward or fear, just like the book "Returning from the South to the North" carried by this trip, how the masters in the war have established the most solid core force for Chinese education in the chaotic world. During the war, they appeared small; but after the war, they and their students provided the most powerful support for the construction of new China. Perhaps, this is, the southwest has the southwest show, the northwest has the northwest Liao, and in the end, they make up the most magnificent scenery in this land.

Final tips:

1, each car has a lot of reserve oil after the fuel meter lights are on, but this is not the reason why you do not refuel for a long time, and the reserve oil of each car is different.

2, practice out of the truth, not the lower the speed of the more fuel-efficient, as far as Highlander is concerned, the speed of 70-90Km/h is the best, that is to say, the suburbs and counties are the most ideal driving places for everyone. At high speeds of 120Km per hour, the instantaneous fuel consumption is only 6 o'clock, so don't be too deliberate.

3, minus 20 ° does not have much impact on vehicle driving, so fuel consumption do not worry too much.

4, the same car small partner finally perverted off all the smart devices, but in fact, there is no impact on fuel consumption; air conditioning is the same reason, we have been turning on the air conditioning, minus 20 ° who can carry it!

5, winter, must go to the north for a walk! (Only for friends in the South)

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