
3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

Since ancient times, "Wen Wu is the first, Wu wu is the second", in order to compete for the false name of the first, I don't know how many readers have broken their heads.

Therefore, the tradition of literati being light on each other has a long history. Many famous literati, regardless of their own moral character, always show no mercy to their competitors. I am a real swimmer, a reader who loves couplets. Remember to follow me.

Today I share with my friends 3 pairs of puns, skillfully fighting back against each other's rudeness, warning the world that the literati should not be light!

The first couplet: the east bird flies west, and the phoenix on the ground is difficult to get off; the south lin walks north, and the wild beasts in the mountains bow their heads.

I remember that in the TV series "Young Bao Qingtian", the screenwriter quoted a couplet of the ancients.

Bao Zheng and other Jiangnan readers went to the capital to take the imperial examination, and as a result, the talents of the north looked down on the readers in the south, and they also wrote a special shanglian to mock the southern readers.

The upper league is like this: "The east bird flies west, and the phoenix is full of difficult feet." ”

Shanglian refers to Sang scolding huai, which means that the level of readers from the southeast is too low, and in front of the "phoenix" in the northwest, there is really no place for self-tolerance, and there is no foothold at all.

Later, when Bao Zheng saw this shanglian, he was also very angry in his heart, so he wrote down the lower link: "Nanlin goes north, and the wild beasts in the mountains bow their heads." ”

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

Bao Zheng compared the southern readers to the noble divine beast of "Qilin "Qilin", saying that Qilin came to the north from the south, and the northern readers were like a group of "beasts", and after seeing the Qilin, they were ashamed of themselves and could not raise their heads.

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

The upper league did not have good intentions, and the lower league vigorously fought back, dealing a fierce blow to the arrogant attitude of the northern readers.

Therefore, the witty Bao Zheng who came out of the lower link instantly attracted the cheers of southern readers and the attention of many readers.

Obviously, this couplet was based on the folk couplet story, the screenwriter moved flowers and trees, and put them on Bao Zheng's body. But I have to say that the screenwriter still uses it more cleverly.

The second couplet: Wu Dao came south, originally a vein of Lianxi; the big river went east, nothing more than the aftermath of xiangshui.

Coincidentally, in the late Qing Dynasty, there was also a famous couplet related to "literati being light".

In the late Qing Dynasty, there was a scholar, a Hunan native, whose name was "Wang Minyun".

Wang Minyun had a Hunan compatriot surnamed Wei, who was transferred to Nanjing as an official.

As a result, Nanjing readers believe that Nanjing is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, the humanities are gathered, and the Nanjing literati are far of a higher quality than the Hunan literati, and they think that the people who come out of Hunan are uncultured.

The literati in Nanjing looked down on this official surnamed Wei in various ways, and when they found an opportunity in their daily lives, they ridiculed this official surnamed Wei, saying that the cultural level of this Hunan person was too poor and too ungrade.

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

Of course, the surname Wei is also very angry, but he is indeed not at a good level of education, and he cannot "fight with his tongue" and save face for himself.

Moreover, this matter is not only related to his own face, but also to the face of Hunan people.

As a result, the official surnamed Wei thought of asking Wang Minyun for help.

When Wang Minyun heard about this incident, he was very angry and felt that these Nanjing literati were really too much!

So Wang Minyun wrote down a couplet and asked his friends to bring it to the literati in Nanjing.

"When I came south, it was originally a vein of Lianxi River; when the great river went east, there was nothing more than the aftermath of the Xiangshui River."

What does this couplet mean?

Shanglian is to say that the key figures of the "Confucian orthodoxy" and "theoretical inheritance" that readers believe in are Zhou Dunyi, a Hunan man during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Zhou Dunyi, known as Lianxi, was the originator of Confucian thought. Since the Nanjing literati claim to be literati, they can't help but recognize Zhou Dunyi as the old ancestor, right?

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

The lower link is to say that although Nanjing has a magnificent Yangtze River, the Yangtze River is "the aftermath of the Xiang River", and without the savings of the Xiang River, where is the greatness of the Yangtze River?

Didn't the Nanjing literati ridicule the Hunan literati for not having culture?

Therefore, Wang Minyun directly fought back from the source, which belonged to the bottom of the cauldron, and instantly left the Nanjing literati speechless and self-contained.

When the official surnamed Wei saw this couplet, he was overjoyed and overjoyed, and when he returned to Nanjing, he immediately hung the couplet in the living room and invited those literati and colleagues who looked down on him.

Boy! After the Nanjing literati who were originally on their toes saw this couplet of Gao Ren, they were silent one by one, had no place for themselves, and hurriedly resigned, and never dared to underestimate the Hunan literati again.

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

The 3rd pair of couplets: a cup of wine cuts off Yan Liang, Hebei heroes qi lose their courage; a single knife will lu su, and Jiangnan celebrities will bow their heads.

Wang Minyun is also a very interesting person, he has written a couplet to win glory for the Hunan literati, but he feels that he is not yet happy, and he still wants to let the Nanjing literati know how powerful it is.

Coinciding with the completion of the Guandi Temple in Nanjing, friends asked Wang Minyun to write a couplet for the Guandi Temple.

The couplet hangs in the Guandi Temple, of course, to write the story of Guan Yu. As a result, Wang Minyun went around and combined this matter with the Nanjing literati.

Shanglian is talking about Guan Yu's achievements in beheading Yan Liangwen ugly, and it is talking about Guan Yu's exploits in the north, which is the meaning of the title of the Guandi Temple.

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

The lower link is interesting, saying that Guan Yu went to the meeting with a single knife, which made the famous people of the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period bow their heads.

Obviously, Wang Minyun's pun on this next link, don't mean anything else, saying that "nanjing literati are just like this", when encountering real high people, you still have to bow your head and admit defeat.

Of course, the Nanjing literati were very angry when they saw this couplet, but who let them take the initiative to provoke and beg for bitter food?

If it wasn't for the ridicule of the Hunan literati, how could they have suffered the shame they have now? What a stone-stomping!

3 pairs of one-sentence puns, cleverly countering the other party's rudeness, leaving the other party dumbfounded

Therefore, the literati should not be light! You know, there are still many high-ranking people in the world!

Ordinary people know how to respect and understand others. What's more, how can a reader who is familiar with the "Way of Confucius and Mencius" be able to "lightly look down on the literati" and casually look down on others?

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