
Bamboo couplets gather ‖ Fu Shan inscription study couplet

author:Read Chen Ji

A couplet from the online series is said to be from the "Dictionary of Appreciation of Classified Famous Couplets".

Title study

Fu shan

bamboo rain pine organ rhyme; The sound of tea smoke and Wuyue books.

This couplet expresses the author's aspirations and tastes. No verbs are used, and six groups of nouns are used in pairs.

"Piano rhyme" and "book sound" reflect the activities of the study and are the core of the upper and lower couplets, while the first four words are respectively set off by the surrounding scenery. The chastity of the bamboo rain and pine wind sets off the elegance of the piano rhyme, and the haze of the tea smoke and the moon especially shows the clarity of the book. Through this series of symbolic images, Quanlian highlights the image of a noble man who is loyal and elegant.

Lianyu refining words, dual work, deep artistic conception, elegant charm, intriguing recitation. (Zhu Yingping)

Fu Shan, who is Fu Qingzhu, is described as a martial arts hero in Liang Yusheng's martial arts novel "Seven Swords Under the Heavenly Mountain".

Bamboo couplets gather ‖ Fu Shan inscription study couplet

Stills from the TV series "Seven Swords Under the Heavenly Mountains".

Among these people, there was an old man with three locks of long beard, ruddy complexion, and Confucian clothes, and with him was a handsome and beautiful young man, who spoke with a female voice. These two men have a lot to say. The old man named Fu Qingzhu is not only exquisite in medical skills, unparalleled in the world, but also good at martial arts, and has profound attainments in Wuji swordsmanship. In addition, he is also a famous calligrapher and painter, and a wizard in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

- Chapter 1 of "Seven Swords Under the Heavenly Mountain": A woman seeks revenge alone After several tribulations in 16 years, the heroes shot together and shook the three armies on Wutai Mountain

Bamboo couplets gather ‖ Fu Shan inscription study couplet

Fu shan

Fu Shan (1607-1684), the first name Dingchen, the word Qingzhu, changed the word Qingzhu, and also has other names such as Turbidity Weng, Guanhua, Han nationality, Shanxi Yangqu people (now West Village, Xiangyang Town, Jiancaoping District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province). In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, he was a Taoist thinker, calligrapher, painter, poet, and medical scholar.
Bamboo couplets gather ‖ Fu Shan inscription study couplet

Dictionary of Appreciation of Classification and Recognition

Appreciation Dictionary of Classification and Names, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. Editor-in-chief: Su Yuanlei, size: 32, price: 49.00 yuan, edition: the first printing of the first edition in May 2004.

Before writing this article, I had purchased a 95 new (20-year-old book, basically a brand new) "Dictionary of Classification and Appreciation of Famous Couplets" from, and in a few days, you can pick up a new bamboo couplet from this book - Chen Buji.

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