
The homely practice of grass carp - braised grass carp

author:Foodie cooks

Braised grass carp is a traditional dish that belongs to the home cooking of Sichuan cuisine, which is characterized by spicy and refreshing flavor.

The homely practice of grass carp - braised grass carp

The homely practice of grass carp - braised grass carp


Grass carp, green onion, ginger and garlic, large ingredients, dark soy sauce, soybean paste, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, chicken essence, salt.

The homely practice of grass carp - braised grass carp


1, chop the grass carp into pieces, use cooking wine, vinegar, salt, spread well, marinate for about half an hour;

2, the marinated fish evenly dipped in thin flour, fried in oil until the surface is slightly yellow;

The homely practice of grass carp - braised grass carp

3, pour oil into the pot, put in the large ingredients, onion, ginger and garlic stir-fry;

4, then add the fried fish pieces, add half of the water, simmer, turn the noodles halfway;

5: After the water is boiled, add the soy sauce, soybean sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, chicken essence, sugar, salt and simmer for about 20 minutes.

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