
Night reading—kindle, like a friend who can only accompany you on a journey

When cleaning the closet, a gray screen appeared in the corner, and I didn't think about it, so I quickly tucked the clothes in my hand into it so that it could continue to sleep in the corner.

It was a kindle that had witnessed that I hadn't read in a long time. I heard that Amazon's e-book reader Kindle has recently been out of stock across the board, which has also triggered speculation among netizens about whether it will withdraw from the Chinese market. If this is true, then the Kindle may not even be fragrant after that.

I suddenly wondered how many Kindles I had bought. Open the shopping record, a 4-generation Touch, two K8, an Oasis, a total of 3331 yuan, as well as 216 yuan and 610 yuan of two screen changes services, about 25 yuan of the shell of three, a total of more than 4,000 yuan. Good fellow, is it really enough to buy, read a book worth 4,000 yuan? I don't dare think about it.

And that's not even my first Kindle. In the second half of 2010, the most difficult winter of the examination and research, the school library was overcrowded, could not find a place, the cold and bone-chilling examination and research classroom, I met a science and engineering bully.

This brother studied a major he didn't like at Nankai University, simply dropped out of school and retook the exam, reviewing the exam preparation and playing like a child. Self-proclaimed dead rationalists, believe in the supremacy of technology. When I was dead with "abandon", he calmly dismantled the phone next to me, dismantled and cleaned it up, and then put it back in.

One day, he handed me a small, square screen and said: You use this thing to memorize words, it's easy to use. Under his enthusiastic advocacy, I only heard for the first time that the ink screen is more eye-friendly than the electronic screen; I knew that the e-books of Hanwang and Founder were "followers" of the Kindle; I knew that if I found the right channel, I could realize the freedom of e-book resources, and e-reading was more convenient than paper books.

I don't know if this ancient kindle played a role, did not use it to memorize words, but read a few English classic novels. I learned English, and finally got 89 points in English, and said goodbye to 60 points of anxiety happily. That newborn kindle has become a souvenir left to me by this comrade-in-arms, but unfortunately it is now nowhere to be found.

After the "cover bubble noodles" stem spread, in the context of social networks, the kindle became a weapon for ordinary young people to wear literature and art.

However, it did usher in the era of e-reading for many people, creating a unique reading experience. Back in the countryside during the winter vacation, there is no one to contact. Under the stove, the flame licked the bottom of the pot, and the fire reflected on the Kindle's electronic screen, and then refracted the sentence into my brain. This scene constitutes an important memory of my reading era.

Memories are memories, and the shortcomings of the Kindle are really being set off more and more by peers.

The operation is not friendly, any transmission strategy is four or five steps up; in recent years, the technical upgrade in the product iteration has almost stagnated; the mobile phone configuration in the hands of the public is getting higher and higher, and various reading software is redefining electronic reading; and I don't know if the fragility of the screen is a common disease.

Moreover, there are more and more ways to pass the fragmented time, and attention has become a scarce resource that needs to be scrambled. The major APP such as the warbler swallow, the posture is boundless, are doing everything in their power to open, read, share, who can remember, there is a gray autumn, simple and unpretentious screen in the corner waiting for pampering.

In our lives, there are always some friends who can only accompany you on a journey and forget about each other. Those electronic products that have been updated and replaced can finally struggle to be a wallpaper calendar, and it is not a bad destination.

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