
The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum



As the saying goes, a good wife helps me Ling Yunzhi, and when I go ashore, I will cut off my chaff wife first.

In the first year of marriage between Song Yun and her husband Xiao Minghua, her husband proposed that she wanted to quit her job and go to graduate school and continue to pursue her dream.

At that time, Song Yun had just found out that she was pregnant, and her parents advised her not to agree. After all, once a man is rich, powerful, and educated, he will become bad. What's more, Song Yun was pregnant at this time, and her son-in-law went to graduate school, and there was no financial come, who would raise the child after birth.

Song Yun also took this into account and persuaded her husband to give up, saying that it was really impossible to delay it for two years, and wait for the child to be a little older before going to graduate school. But her husband disagreed, thinking that Song Yun did not support him to pursue his dreams.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


Song Yun was told by her husband that she was very guilty, and she also knew very well that her husband had always wanted to go to graduate school and fulfill her dream back then.

It's just that she just found out that she is pregnant, and she has a mortgage, and if her husband is dedicated to going to graduate school, then all the burden will be on her.

Song Yun thought that Xiao Minghua was a little selfish and only cared about himself. But her husband came up with a big reason again, and said that the reason why he was admitted to graduate school was also to improve the life of the whole family. As long as his academic qualifications come up, he won't have to worry about not being able to earn money in the future.

Song Yun was persuaded by her husband and agreed to her husband's resignation to go to graduate school. And after more than half a year of hard work, my husband was finally admitted to graduate school. Looking at her high-spirited husband, Song Yun felt honored.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


It's just that my husband was admitted to graduate school, and what followed was to raise my family and children to pay off the mortgage, as well as my husband's tuition and living expenses for graduate school.

Thinking that she only had a salary of 8,000 yuan a month, but she had to pay tens of thousands of yuan in expenses, Song Yun couldn't sleep and had insomnia all night.

Song Yun wanted her husband to find a way to find her in-laws, after all, her in-laws also have a pension, although it is not much, but the two of them add up to more than 5,000 per month, although it is not much, but it can cope with her husband's living expenses.

But my husband refused, saying that I was married and had a family, and even had a son, where could I go to my parents to ask for money to study for graduate school, wouldn't I be scolded for being unfilial? Anyway, it's only three years, and it's going to pass quickly, and if you grit your teeth and confess to me, we'll be able to live a good life.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


Her husband promised her like this, and Song Yun couldn't say anything if she refused, so she could only go back to her parents' house to cry and complain. The parents felt sorry for her and the child, so they took the initiative to bear the mortgage of 5,000 yuan per month, which allowed Song Yun to support her family and elderly husband wholeheartedly.

My husband's tuition fee for graduate school for 3 years is 40,000 yuan, plus 3,000 living expenses per month, 15,000 yuan for one semester, 30,000 yuan for a year, and 90,000 yuan for 3 years.

Therefore, when her husband was a graduate student for three years, Song Yun took out 130,000 yuan before and after, plus additional expenses, such as mobile phones and computers, etc., at least 200,000.

In the past three years, Song Yun has spent not 800,000 yuan on her in-laws and husband, but 500,000 yuan, and even her own dowry money has been emptied, and her parents have been affected.

has to support both the family and the children, and the elderly, Song Yun feels that she is about to run out of breath.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


Fortunately, three years passed quickly, and seeing that my husband was about to graduate and could come out to earn money to support his family. But soon after he found a high-paying job, he filed for divorce on the grounds that the husband and wife had nothing to talk about in a long-term distance and Song Yun was too controlling.

Faced with her husband's accusations, Song Yun felt very aggrieved. Because she has long found clues of her husband's cheating in her husband's mobile phone.

My husband has time to chat with other female classmates to enlighten his mood, but he doesn't have time to call her, caring about whether she eats or sleeps, and whether the child listens or not.

And Song Yun said a few more words, and her husband would be angry at her, saying that she didn't understand him, saying that their current cultural level was different, and they couldn't talk together. He's improving, while she's been regressing, dragging him back and making him a joke on the lips of his colleagues and friends.

Looking at this negative man, Song Yun felt that all her efforts in the past three years were a joke.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


A man is obviously eating your soft rice, but he said where he eats soft rice, we are husband and wife, I pursue progress, keep working hard, and let you support me for a few years, is it wrong?

The husband refused to admit that he was a soft rice man, at most he just advanced the joint property of the husband and wife to pursue his dreams. Looking at the man opposite who was eating soft rice and hard food, Song Yun was so angry that he slammed the table.

Xiao Minghua always looked at Song Yun with an outsider attitude, as if it was not his wife or the mother of his children. Song Yun didn't agree to sign the divorce, so Xiao Minghua called every day to urge, saying that you are self-aware, since you are not worthy of me, you should take the initiative to leave.

Song Yun, who wanted to compromise for the sake of the child, couldn't stand this anymore, and directly proposed 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid off at one time, and the two of us got together and dispersed.

The husband wants his wife to support the family and go to graduate school by herself, and divorces after going ashore, wife: 500,000 yuan for 3 years, paid in a lump sum


As soon as he heard that he wanted to repay the money, Xiao Minghua, who was very arrogant just now, suddenly became anxious, 500,000 yuan in 3 years, you might as well grab it. We are husband and wife, it is only natural for you to raise children to raise me and my parents, why should I pay back 500,000?

Song Yun is no longer pulling with this shameless and selfish man, maybe his divorce has long been on the horizon, but she herself is obsessed with her past feelings and is deeply trapped in it without knowing it.

Looking at a large number of parents who were still working odd jobs to pay off her mortgage at an age, Song Yun felt that she had made the wrong choice for the first time.

A man who eats soft rice and has a big face, such a man, she can only stop the loss in time, otherwise she will have to take the rest of her life with her children and her parents.

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