
These few learning tips, simple and easy to use, the effect is very magical, do not want to try it?

A few days ago, Chang Dad sent a tweet to "criticize" the "learning style theory" that will be popular on the Internet from time to time (to measure whether the child's learning style is visual or auditory?). Pseudo-science demon wind is blowing again), and predicted that the next will introduce you to some simple and easy-to-use learning methods, during the home learning period, just practice!

This didn't come today!

The methods introduced today do not have complex processes and various precautions, but they are all supported by scientific theories, can withstand tests and tests, and the effect is obviously good!

There are some that we may have heard of before, but we only know them but do not know why they are, or they only know one and do not know the second... Parents come to learn it, and then use it with the children, there are good learning methods to bless, so that the learning efficiency doubles!


Poor stationery?

No, this pot stationery can not be backed

"People are still addicted to food, and there are many stationery for poor students", everyone has heard the phrase, right?

It is estimated that many parents have also used this sentence to "educate" their children. Subconsciously, those children who do not learn well, once they are fascinated by a variety of stationery, their minds are even more unable to concentrate, and their grades are even more "unbearable".

(A variety of stationery, the scale is comparable to a small stationery store, all piled up into a hill)

But today, Chang Dad wants to give the children with more stationery "right name": a variety of stationery may not necessarily be able to drag the child's grades back!

For example, color pens and highlighters, which are very common when we were young, are small artifacts that can help children remember.

This is the first "small and beautiful" learning method that Chang Dad wants to introduce today: skillfully apply highlighter/color pen to double the memory effect.

There is a scientific basis for this. At present, color has been shown to be able to affect memory performance by improving the brain's attention level. Experimental results have shown that colored learning materials can induce learners to produce a positive emotional state, activate the brain to concentrate and process information, and thus improve the learning effect.

Beware though – not all colors contribute to memory.

The use of warm colors in learning materials can create a positive and motivating learning environment that not only helps learners to have a positive perception of the content, but also promotes learners to become more involved and interact with the learning material, thereby improving memory.

A 2015 study confirmed

When the object is red or yellow, the color binds more strongly to the object in the memory, and when the object is blue or green, the color combines with the object in the memory more poorly.

In this experiment, the researchers set four conditions (A-word, B-picture, C-visual scene, D-random learning). Participants were asked to memorize each sample, as well as the color of each sample, for subsequent memory tests.

After the test, it was found that participants were more likely to correctly classify the red and yellow samples than the blue and green samples. That is, when the object is red and yellow, it is easier to remember.

However, it is not recommended that you use a highlighter to draw everything in one go, otherwise everything will become the focus, and you will naturally not be able to harvest a good memory effect.

Summary: Using warm pens such as red and yellow in your learning materials can help you remember more firmly. It is recommended to paint only the key parts, such as using red notes to highlight important information.

In addition, we should remind everyone that the basic principle of efficient learning methods is "active return to ideas", so using only highlighters to highlight the key content of textbooks is an inefficient learning method, and a better way is to use these gadgets on the learning materials organized after active recall.


Sharpen the knife without mistakenly chopping wood

Exercising before learning is a good thing!

During this time when children are at home, learning and exercising can be said to be the two things that parents are most worried about.

After all, the grades and the body, which can not be delayed, in order to coordinate these two aspects, parents are also painstaking, not only to worry about the child's online classes, but also in the after-school, to choose the right sports place for the child.

But did you know that learning and sports are not isolated? 2 minutes of high-intensity exercise before learning can help improve efficiency!

According to the latest research results, 2 minutes to 1 hour of aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensity can improve attention and learning and memory function for up to two hours.

Researchers at Jönköping University in Sweden analyzed 13 studies conducted by scientists between 2009 and 2019 on the effects of exercise on people aged 18-35 years. They found that exercise, combined with a short recovery period, could improve concentration, concentration, and working memory.

So, saying two minutes may be a bit exaggerated, but it is really not necessary to go out every day to play ball, nor do you need to go to the swimming pool to train for an hour, just need the child to start sitting down to learn, go downstairs to run a few laps, and then come back to learn, you can double the efficiency, you say God is not magical?

So, no longer have to worry about how to squeeze a large chunk of time out of your child's exercise! Take time to exercise in the gap between online classes, even if you can't go downstairs, you can jump rope in the corridor, at home "Compendium of Materia Medica" or play with silent balls, which can not only enhance physical fitness, but also double the learning effect, killing two birds with one stone.

However, it should be noted that exercise must be aerobic exercise.

The study focused on moderate to intense walking, running, and cycling. But any exercise that raises the heart rate, such as skipping rope, push-ups, and squatting, is effective as long as it reaches 60-70% of the maximum heart rate.

Summary: Aerobic exercise for two minutes before studying helps to improve learning efficiency. You can jump rope, squat jump, in the corridor can be completed, convenient and convenient, but also will not disturb the people.


Multi-Front Operations Improve Efficiency?

No, I'm afraid it will be more than worth the loss!

I remember that when Chang Dad was in school, the primary school mathematics had specifically talked about Hua Luogeng's "overall planning method", interspersed with different tasks, which could improve work efficiency.

(Now there are also math questions in the exam that specifically examine the "overall planning method"))

In fact, the introduction of the mathematical concept of "overall approach" into life does make people feel that people who multitask at the same time are more efficient and more advantageous than people who can only complete a single task at a time. However, this method is really not recommended for learning. Studies have shown that multitasking actually reduces learning efficiency.

In a 2013 study, three groups of participants (the no-distraction group, the low-distraction group, and the high-distraction group) took notes while watching the video lectures and completed two after-school assessments.

The results showed that students in the non-distraction group wrote down 62 percent more information, took more detailed notes, were able to recall more detailed information, and scored 1.5 points better than those in the low and high distraction groups.

Here we're talking about multitasking, which involves trying to do multiple things at the same time, quickly switching between different tasks, or trying to perform tasks one after the other quickly. For example, when a child writes homework, he may find various reasons to go to the toilet, eat an apple, and fix the Lego he just built...

Or more commonly: memorize ten minutes of words, then do fifteen minutes of manual work, then water the flowers and plants, and finally come back and memorize ten minutes of words...

In fact, this is very unfavorable to learning, and the correct approach should be to avoid multi-front combat and only solve one problem at a time.

During the period of home learning, many parents wanted to let their children take this opportunity to "overtake in curves", wanted to let their children fight on multiple fronts, complete their homework early, and have spare energy to learn more other content. But in fact, it is not scientific to frequently let children switch states. It is recommended that children memorize today's words wholeheartedly before proceeding to the next task, so that one by one, they are orderly and more efficient.

Summary: Multi-purpose "is not advisable, multitasking will reduce learning efficiency." When learning, it is best to come one mission at a time, and do not fight on multiple fronts.


It's hard to chew on big projects scattered to do

Better than holding on for a long time

This is what we usually call "distributed learning", which is specifically suitable for those hot potatoes that are difficult to nibble.

There is a saying, "You can't eat a fat person in one bite", which probably means this. Instead of stumbling on a time-consuming learning project, it is better to split it into smaller parts and put it in different time periods to learn.

In 2011, researchers conducted an experiment in which students were divided into two groups, one for a 6-month course and the other for a 2-month course. The two groups of students learned the same content, the difference being that the second group had a more focused learning task because of the short learning time.

The results showed that in the final test, students who studied for 6 months performed better than those who studied for 2 months.

Therefore, splitting a long-term learning task into several small parts and learning in different time periods makes each learning have a larger time interval and is more conducive to memory and knowledge.

Let's take memorizing words as an example. Words can be said to be the most typical "long-term combat" subject. If you use a day or two to memorize words, you can't remember anything, and your head will still buzz. Conversely, the word tasks are scattered each day, accumulating over time, and hundreds of words are easily memorized.

(When it comes to memorizing words, Chang Dad has the most to say.) The Cambridge Children's English Vocabulary Encyclopedia L1-L3 developed by Chang Dad's R&D team uses a decentralized learning method, combined with the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, to easily remember KET words, which is no longer difficult)

This method also applies to memorizing ancient poems. Some parents in order to be fast and efficient, buy some books similar to "300 Tang poems learned in 30 days", not to mention whether this can be remembered, even if it is remembered, the effect will not be good.

The same idea can also be used in the pre-exam review: advance the revision time, the front line is lengthened, and the effect will be much better than the front-line assault.

Summary: In the face of difficult subjects, spending a little time on them every day is more effective than studying for a long time in concentration, allowing children to learn information more deeply and remember more information for a long time. The same is true for pre-exam revision, which extends the revision cycle much better than the surprise effect in the days before the exam.

How about today's several learning methods, are they simple and easy to use, and they can be practiced in minutes?

In fact, the learning method is similar to the learning habit, and the focus is on persistence. Even if it looks ordinary, but sticking to it can give children endless help to learning.

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