
East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

author:Graduate education

In order to help you choose a better school, the freshmen have compiled the analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Applied Psychology of East China Normal University, including the number of enrollments, test subjects, bibliography, admission scores, national line, tuition fees, scholarships and grants, adjustment destinations, proposed admission list and other information, I hope it will be helpful to you!

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

1. Introduction to the school's major

East China Normal University, referred to as "East China Normal University", is located in Shanghai, directly under the Ministry of Education, and is a comprehensive research-oriented national key university jointly established by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education. It is ranked in the "Class A of World-class University Construction Universities", "985 Project" and "211 Project", and has been selected into the "Strong Foundation Plan", "2011 Plan", "111 Plan", "National Training Plan", and the training plan for top-notch students in basic disciplines.

II. Admissions Colleges and Majors (2024)

Applied Psychology of East China Normal University is affiliated to the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, one of the ace majors of Shihua Normal University, with a full-time enrollment of 23 students, divided into three directions: human factors engineering and user experience, industrial and organizational psychology, and clinical and counseling psychology.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

3. Subjects of Applied Psychology Examination of East China Normal University

Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science and Engineering is a master's degree, the English test is English II, and the professional course test is 347 Psychology Professional Comprehensive, which is a large comprehensive, with a total score of 300 points, and a total score of 500 for the three subjects.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

4. Bibliography of Applied Psychology of East China Normal University

Peng Danling, General Psychology

Guo Xiuyan "Experimental Psychology"

Lin Chongde, Developmental Psychology

Xu Yan "Personality Psychology"

Qian Mingyi "Abnormal Psychology"

Qian Mingyi, Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy

Dai Haiqi, "Psychological and Educational Measurement"

Zhang Houcan, Modern Psychology and Educational Statistics

Chen Guimei, "Developmental Psychology of Preschool Children"

Che Liping, "Management Psychology"

5. Distribution map of the results to be admitted

East China Normal University applied the distribution of psychological scores, in previous years, it was mainly concentrated in 344-386 points and 386-428 points 2 stages, which can refer to their own re-examination advantages, the advantage is obvious can be the first one, the advantage is not obvious, try to test the last one.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

(The above data are all from the graduate school entrance examination Tianyan+)

6. Analysis of the proposed admission of applied psychology to East China Normal University in previous years

The highest score of applied psychology in East China Normal University is about 390-420, the lowest score is about 340-350, and the lower is generally a special plan, and a volunteer is recommended to score about 360-400, we take a median value, and if you score more than 380 points, the chance of going ashore will be greater.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

7. East China Normal University applies psychological score line

East China Normal University's applied psychological score line is self-scribing, and the 24-year re-examination line is 350 points.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

8. The source of applied psychological adjustment in East China Normal University

In 24 years, the overall score has dropped a lot, so the school has made adjustments, basically all of them are from 985 universities, and a small number are from 211 universities, such as South China Normal University.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

11. Tuition fee of applied psychology system of East China Normal University

East China Normal University has a 3-year program of applied psychology, with tuition fees ranging from 132,000 to 240,000 yuan.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

12. Applied Psychology Scholarship and Scholarship of East China Normal University

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!
East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

13. The list of proposed admissions for the applied psychology part of East China Normal University

The school's proposed admission list announced the preliminary examination results and re-examination results, and also announced the individual subject results, we can see that the total score is relatively high, but most of them are transfer candidates, and there are more transfer candidates than one choice, and the difficulty of landing is relatively large.

East China Normal University Applied Psychology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Analysis, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

The above data are all from the big data of graduate students, graduate school entrance examinations, and students who want to know the professional graduate school entrance examination data of other colleges and universities can check the graduate school entrance examination Tianyan!

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