
The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

Title: The Most Wronged National Hero in History: Nailed to the Pillar of Shame for Many Years, Now Finally Rehabilitated

In 1894, the Sino-Japanese Naval Battle officially broke out, when the Qing government was in a hurry to deal with the enemy, and had no choice but to lose, this war directly shattered the Qing government's dream of huang tianda, and the Beiyang military divisions built by learning Western technology at that time were all destroyed. It is precisely because this war has caused China to be hit hard, and the country has also suffered serious setbacks, and later generations have left tears on this crisis, and more than 80 years later, a movie has been released, which brings us back to that era again.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

Before the release of the film, we did not know who this person was, let alone his life, Liu Butou was the steward of the Dingyuan ship and an important naval leader. Since the release of this film, he has also become the focus of discussion. Some people say that he is a particularly righteous person and give him a grudge behind his back, while others say that he is a coward, a true villain, and it is precisely because of these two different views that it has triggered a huge discussion in the academic community.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

Liu Butou was born in Fujian, he was relatively intelligent since he was a child, and he was already admitted to the Fuzhou Shipping Bureau at a young age, and he was the best among the members who studied with him. Later, he served as the national soldier ship pipe belt, representing China to learn the knowledge of the navy, and when he was in England, he humbly sought advice, so the results were always particularly good. After returning from school, it was reused by the Qing Dynasty. He often said that China should defend itself with war, and it should also strengthen our sea defense line.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

After the start of the war in the Yellow Sea, the Beiyang Fleet was ordered to set out and engage in a fierce struggle with the Japanese, in which Ding Ruchang was seriously wounded, so General Liu took over his orders and continued to fight. With his excellent command, he defeated the Japanese army and achieved a partial victory. In the second year, the Japanese continued to invade the Weihai army, and there was no way to resist, so Liu Butou said to destroy the Dingyuan ship, only to hear a cannon, he sank into the sea with the ship, and died.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

After Li Hongzhang received this news, he especially regretted that such a talent had disappeared, and from here it could be seen that he had always represented a positive patriotic image. Later, people found out that everything he said was the truth, but now it was too late to understand, because the Beiyang Navy had been completely destroyed. Man is not perfect, and he once had nightmares, described in a book as a cowardly and shameless villain.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

Later, more and more anti-current ideas appeared, and some people even called it a coward, listing his various crimes, because this scholar's status was relatively high, so his words were also recognized by everyone, so Liu Butou was crucified in shame with a stick. It is really more wronged than Yue Fei, the most wronged good person, but the truth will never be buried, in the future scholarly research career, found that he is not a single person who is afraid of death, but a patriotic hero.

The most unjust national hero in history: nailed to the pillar of shame for many years, and now finally rehabilitated!

Finally, the same view is that Liu Butou performed relatively well, leading by example, although he lost the battle, but although he lost Yu Rong. So to say that he is a villain, a coward, such a view is maliciously smeared. The controversy over him finally came to an end. The truth will never be erased, it is only a matter of time, and after years of discussion, we have finally let the national hero wash away his grievances.

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