
"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

author:Dalian Omiqi West Point College
"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

A cake that novices can easily navigate, without the need to wipe the noodles, nor to cut the fruit to decorate, the method is super simple. The finished product tastes really too light, has the taste of eating ice cream, soft and delicate chiffon cake, with silky cream cheese sandwich filling, sweet but not greasy and very fresh.

Required documents

Cake body ingredients: eggs 3 warm milk 75 g cream cheese 50 g corn oil 20 g low gluten flour 75 g white sugar 45 g cheese sauce ingredients: cream cheese 130 g light cream 50 g white sugar 15 g milk powder to taste

Production steps

1: Stir the cream cheese smoothly in hot water.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

2: Add warm milk and stir smoothly, then add corn oil and stir well.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

3: Sift in a low-powder Z-shape and stir until there is no dry powder.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

4: Separate the egg yolk protein and add the egg yolk to the cheese paste.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

5. Stir smoothly.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

6: Preheat oven, bake up and down, 150 degrees, 10 minutes.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

7. Add sugar to the egg white three times to the state of the big bend hook.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

8: Add one-third of the meringue to the egg yolk paste and mix well.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

9: Pour back into the remaining meringue and mix well.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

10. Pour into the mold and shake the bubbles out of the vibration a few times

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

11: Put in the preheated oven, bake up and down, 150 degrees, bake for 35 minutes.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

12. Take out the baked cake to cool naturally and remove the mold

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

13: Then make cheese sauce and stir the cream cheese smoothly.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

14: Light cream and sugar to five or six distribution.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

15: Stir smoothly with cream cheese.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

16: Let the baked cake cool and cut into four pieces.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

17, then cut each piece horizontally, do not cut to the end. (See picture)

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

18: Squeeze in the cheese sauce.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

19. Stick milk powder.

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

20, on the surface of the sieve milk powder can be ~ ~ ~

"Ice Cheese Chiffon Cake" Is a cold cake that is super easy to prepare

*Graphic source network intrusion and deletion*

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