
In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

author:The little spider next door

Hello everyone, I'm Little Spider.

The story of Egghead Island Egghead Egghead involves the history of 900 years ago, and the global live broadcast of Vegapunk shocked everyone, after all, the future world will sink into the sea to surprise anyone, and the world that was sunk into the sea 1000 years ago means that there are more secrets in the depths of the sea, even huge treasures and so on. So many pirates also want to go to the sea to explore unknown adventures, but the real story is not over yet, the latest words Oda Okami buried a lot of small foreshadowing, and the Four Emperors Kaido, Aunt is closely related, as well as the follow-up of ancient robots.

Oda Okami is crazy to give Cake Island a shot! It is implied that Big Mom and Kaido are not dead and return to Cake Island to heal

Recently, with the opening of Vegapunk's global live broadcast, Oda Okami has made many old faces return, and some giant pits have also begun to be backfilled, such as the 26-year-old Ah Jin and so on; In addition, Yamato's story is also serialized on the title page, and this foreshadowing is obviously for the follow-up of [Kaido and Aunt], why? Because Cake Island appears many times in feature comics.

In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken
In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

Chapter 1119 was given to Cake Island again, and the long-lost figure of Katakuri appeared, and it was quite surprising that he was still on the island. I thought that Katakuri would set off to save Brynn, but I didn't expect him to be so calm, after all, I'm not sure what they were arresting Brynn for, and they can't blindly break into the territory of the Four Emperors. But as long as there is a chance, Katakuri will definitely save his sister.

In the previous 1114 chapters, the figure of the paddling king Smuji also appeared, and her appearance greatly increased the possibility that the Four Emperors Aunt and the Four Emperors Kaido did not receive a boxed lunch, otherwise she would definitely not have such an expression.

In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

These two pictures plus Yamato's title page story, if Oda doesn't take this opportunity to fill in the pit of the Four Emperors and Kaido, I really don't know when it will be realized, after all, no one believes that Kaido and Aunt, who are monsters, will be afraid of the magma, plus there are many secrets on their bodies, and Kaido hates the Draco people very much, and he can join forces with Luffy to attack the Draco people in the future.

Aunt is not interested in the Tianlong people, and the pit between the aunt and the nun has not been filled, plus the next chapter of the giant clan, it is too boring for the aunt not to participate.

In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

A new quest for ancient robots! Help Luffy (Joey Boy) stop the five old stars

In addition to the pit on Cake Island, the ancient robot finally showed amazing combat power in this episode, and it was indeed the last combatant arranged by Oda Okami to help the Straw Hats escape from Egghead Island Egghead.

In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

Because from York's words, it can be known that the five old stars must completely defeat the ancient robot and destroy the live phone bug inside in order to completely terminate this world live broadcast, otherwise Vegapunk will still intermittently release some content to people all over the world.

For this reason, the ancient robot helped Luffy (Joey Boy) face the five old stars, and for what Joey Boy said back then, everything was for the critical moment.

So this time, the ancient robot will not be attacked by Mercury like last time, it will definitely perform well and justify the technology of 900 years ago.

In One Piece Chapter 1119, Oda hinted that Kaido and Aunt went back to Cake Island to heal their wounds, and the ancient robot was broken

Of course, the ancient robot will not be completely destroyed in this battle, because it will be needed in the final battle in the future, and there may be more than one ancient robot, and there are many sleeping somewhere waiting to be awakened one day.

This time, you won't lose!

This is all the content of this issue and the personal opinion of the little spider, and fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message to discuss. I'm a little spider.,A lover who likes to talk about anime and collect figures.,Follow me if you like.,We'll see you next time! Text: Little spider

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