
Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

The progress of history is promoted by both the working people and the heroes. In ancient China, there were many figures who influenced the course of history. For example, qin shi huang Yingzheng, in 221 BC, unified the six kingdoms and established the first great unified dynasty in Chinese history, the Qin Dynasty, laying the map of China for more than 2,000 years. There are also Emperor Wudi of Han Liu Che, Tang Taizong Li Shimin and so on. However, there is light and darkness, and some people have a great negative impact on history, such as the four historical sinners mentioned today, which have set China back at least hundreds of years, the most hateful of which is a woman.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

Sima Yan

The Three Kingdoms were a big drama, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others were all unworldly tyrants, and Sun Quan's young talents occupied the land of Jiangdong enough to protect themselves. They fought for decades and staged one big battle after another, but no one really defeated anyone, and there was only one winner in the end, that is, Sima Yi.

Strictly speaking, however, Both Sima Yi and his son Sima Zhao only usurped power, not the throne. Usurper was Sima Yi's grandson Sima Yan. On 8 February 266, Sima Yan forced the Wei Emperor Cao Huan to proclaim himself emperor and change the state name to Jin.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

At that time, Liu Chan of the Shu state had already surrendered, and only the state of Wu was guarding the dangerous pass. After Sima Yan became emperor, the annihilation of Wu was imminent. In 279, Sima Yanxing's army marched south and finally attacked the state of Wu.

Since Dong Zhuo's chaotic government, the pattern of the chaotic world has finally been equalized. If Sima Yan continues to work hard, I am afraid that he will be a great monarch who has been passed down through the ages. However, after Sima Yan pacified the State of Wu, he began to slack off in political affairs.

The Western Jin Dynasty under Sima Yan was a power system established around the protection of the interests of the warrior clan and consolidating its own autocracy, the privileges of the clan were extremely great, and the imperial power was extremely weak, and eventually the imperial power was divided by the clan, so the rebellion of the eight kings broke out.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings was the most serious civil unrest in Chinese history, socio-economic and military strength was seriously damaged and weakened, so the nomadic peoples in the north took advantage of the situation and invaded, resulting in the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty and the turmoil of nearly three hundred years, the history called "Five Hu Chaohua" After the Three Kingdoms, the people of the Central Plains, who had a chance to breathe, were once again caught in the war, and the Central Plains fell into the hands of the Hu people, and history was regressed for at least hundreds of years.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

An Lu Shan

The Tang Dynasty was a strong and open country in China's history, to what extent was it open? People from foreign countries could also become officials in the Tang Dynasty, and many of them became high officials. For example, An Lushan is a good example, An Lushan was born in 703 in the Western Regions of Kangguo, during the Tianbao years by Tang Xuanzong instruments, Pingbu Qingyun, concurrently serving as the three towns of Pinglu, Fanyang and Hedong Jiedushi envoys.

In the fourteenth year of Tianbao (755), in the name of killing the chancellor Yang Guozhong, he launched the Anshi Rebellion. Unexpectedly, the road was like a bamboo, and even attacked the two capitals, the Old Book of Tang Guo Ziyi's biography recorded: "The palace was burned, ten did not exist" The Tang Dynasty also turned from prosperity to decline.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

Qin Juniper

Speaking of Qin Juniper, many people immediately think of General Yue Fei. Yue Fei has been determined to serve the country since he was in his twenties, and has joined the army four times and participated in countless large and small battles. In the tenth year of Shaoxing (1140), after Emperor Yanzong destroyed the alliance and attacked the Song, Yue Fei waved his northern expedition and defeated the Jin army. After making a great contribution, Qin Ju felt that his position was threatened, so he falsely accused Yue Fei of rebellion, and recalled him to death on trumped-up charges. The military power of the Southern Song Dynasty, which had lost Yue Fei, was greatly weakened, and the Jin State, which had been suppressed, had a chance to breathe, and Qin Ju became an outright capitulation faction, even advocating that Zhang Zhao kneel to receive the holy will of the Emperor of jin. Zhao Zhuo was a king without opinion, and the Southern Song Dynasty eventually came to an end under the leadership of Qin Juniper.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!


In 2008, the Xianfeng Emperor died at the Rehe Summer Resort, and the Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun succeeded to the throne, and the Tongzhi Emperor at that time was still young, so it was the Tongzhi Emperor's biological mother, Empress Dowager Cixi, who was the emperor to listen to the government, in addition to Empress Dowager Cixi, there was also Empress Dowager Ci'an and the King of The Council, Yixuan.

However, in January 1875, after the death of The Tongzhi Emperor, Cixi made her nephew Ai Xinjueluo Zaixiang emperor, still the empress dowager of the two palaces, but on April 8, 1881, Empress Dowager Ci'an suddenly collapsed, and folk history believes that Cixi was victimized. It is not known what it was, but Cixi was completely dictatorial from then on.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

Empress Dowager Cixi, who was in full power, lived a lavish life, focusing only on personal pleasure and completely disregarding the lives of ordinary people. At that time, because of the invasion of Western powers, it could be said that it was a internal and external trouble, but Cixi was very extravagant, and officials from all over the world also went up and down, scavenging the people's fat and people's ointment. What is even more hateful is that Cixi withheld all the reparations in the unequal treaties signed with the Western powers in the people's taxes, and the more the losses, the greater the pressure on the people's lives, and the people were all miserable, which eventually made China a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, which greatly hindered China's development.

Only because of these 4 major sinners in history, China has set back hundreds of years, and the fourth of them is the most hateful!

Therefore, if it is to be said that the most hateful person can only be the non-Empress Dowager Cixi, if it were not for Cixi, the famous "Pengshu Reform Law" in modern history could not have become just a "Hundred Days Restoration", originally the change of law can effectively promote the development of national strength, but because the change of law threatens the interests of Cixi and other conservative people, it will eventually die in the hands of Cixi.

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