
Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

"The rules set by the military district, you should all listen to the wind, right?" Roll it all for me! ”

One day in the 1960s, in the 11th floor restaurant of the Yan'an Hotel in Shanghai, there was a sudden sound of drinking! An old soldier dressed in plain clothes and with a thin body looked at a room full of diners and shouted. His hands were shaking slightly due to excessive anger. The diners looked at him one after another, confused and unsure of what to do.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

"Still not moving, huh?" Can't I understand my words? Get me out of here! The old soldier roared again.

"Walk around..." A few well-dressed men greeted the woman and the child softly, walking quickly out of the restaurant with their heads bowed, not daring to stay for a minute or a second.

Who is this old soldier? How could his words have such power?

Don't look at him as not amazing, but in the history of New China, he is a figure that must be mentioned. He was Wang Jian'an, a founding general who enjoyed the honor of being awarded a separate title in 1956.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

Wang Jian'an, a native of Huang'an, Hubei Province, was born in 1908 to a family of sharecroppers. Due to the oppression of the landlords, Wang Jianhua left his hometown at the age of 14 and ran to the army of the warlord Wu Peifu to serve as a soldier. Later, he was not accustomed to the style of the old warlords, so he deserted and returned to his hometown to participate in the peasant movement. In 1927, he participated in the famous Jute Uprising and became the first person to climb the northwest wall of Huang'an. After that, he officially joined the Red Army and participated in various anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns and the 25,000-mile Long March.

After coming to Yan'an, Wang Jian'an entered the Kang University to study. During this period, the general Xu Shiyou had an argument with others and wanted to leave Yan'an for a while. At that time, many people were influenced by him and also had this kind of thinking, including Wang Jian'an, Hong Xuezhi, Chen Zaidao, and a large number of later founding generals, who were ready to return to Sichuan to fight guerrillas. But later, Wang Jian'an felt that this matter was inappropriate, so he reflected the situation to the superior leaders, and in the end these people did not succeed. Later, these people became the founding generals of New China. Judging from the subsequent development of events, Wang Jian'an undoubtedly saved them.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

In the ensuing Period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Jian'an, as a brave and resourceful general, played an immeasurable role on the battlefield. In 1943, in the face of the sweep of 20,000 Japanese troops, Wang Jian'an only used one battalion to negotiate with the other side, and finally under the cover of night, he broke through three blockade lines without firing a single shot and successfully broke through; in the Battle of Laiwu in 1947, Wang Jian'an commanded the 8th Column, killed Tian Junjian, commander of the enemy's 77th Division, and surrounded and annihilated two armies under Li Xianzhou; in 1953, Wang Jian'an commanded the 9th Corps, launched a summer offensive on the Korean battlefield, captured many strategic points, and smashed the enemy's plot to sabotage peace talks!

Years of fighting brought great damage to Wang Jian'an's body. He suffered from severe high blood pressure and was gradually unable to support himself on the Korean battlefield. He later returned to China to recuperate, missing the 1955 title. But the Party Central Committee did not forget him, and when he was physically permitted, he was awarded the rank of general separately in 1956. After that, Wang Jian'an served as deputy commanders of the Shenyang Military Region, the Jinan Military Region, and the Fuzhou Military Region, respectively, during which time he vigorously grasped the issue of the work style of the troops.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

During Wang Jian'an's tenure in the Fuzhou Military Region, he once went to major military regions for inspection and exchanges. He came to the Nanjing Military Region, met with his old friend Xu Shiyou, and learned about the specific situation. At that time, Shanghai, the core city of the Nanjing Military Region, was newly established as a high-standard hotel, which was the aforementioned Yan'an Hotel. According to the regulations of the military region, the 11th floor of the hotel is a "special supply floor" dedicated to the dining of cadres at and above the division level. There is nothing special about the specific dishes, that is, you can enjoy some additional subsidies, and the price is relatively cheap. The families of cadres all dine in the lobby on the first floor. After Wang Jian'an heard about it, he decided to come here to see.

However, when he pushed open the door of the restaurant on the 11th floor, he found that there were few diners wearing military uniforms, but a large number of women and children. He knew that this must be the cadre's family members who had mixed in by virtue of their connections. Wang Jian'an hated this style of not distinguishing between public and private and not abiding by the rules in his life, and at that time he became furious and shouted out the sentence at the beginning of this article: "The rules set by the military region, should you all be on the sidelines?" Roll it all for me! Although those diners did not know Wang Jian'an, they were also shocked by his spirit and went downstairs to eat.

After this incident, Wang Jian'an's reputation for respecting rules and cherishing state property spread throughout the country. The crooked wind that engaged in small actions was also stopped.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

Wang Jian'an did not allow others to waste the state's property, and he himself also lived a clean and honest life, and promoted this style to those around him.

In 1979, Wang Jian'an, together with Fang Yi, vice premier of the State Council, led a condolence group of 43 people to Kunming to comfort the troops. After boarding the plane, Fang Yi received a message from the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee: In order to thank the heads of the condolence group, a welcome luncheon was specially prepared. Moreover, in order to facilitate the activities of the condolence group, a special car was also prepared. Fang Yi showed the news to Wang Jian'an, and Wang Jian'an's face immediately sank. In his life, he hated this kind of socializing that was sent to him the most. How many national resources are wasted on this. So he immediately consulted with Fang Yi and made a clear stipulation: the luncheon was canceled! Car Cancellation! All members of the condolence group traveled by van when they arrived in Kunming. The problem of eating is solved in groups in local restaurants, and the standard four dishes and one soup are never allowed to exceed the standard!

As soon as the plane landed, the members of the condolence group immediately acted in accordance with the regulations. Over the course of a few days, they traveled through the various barracks in several vans. As soon as it's time for dinner, I quit and find a small restaurant on the side of the road for lunch. And no matter how many people in a group, all of them are the standard of four dishes and one soup. On this trip, their standard of food and accommodation is even worse than that of the local people. Wang Jian'an's reputation for being clean and honest has become louder.

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

Wang Jian'an himself does not take advantage of the country, and he hates others for doing so, but he is particularly concerned about the soldiers at the grassroots level. In 1964, the whole army set off an activity to learn the "six companies of hard bones". For a time, the deeds of this heroic force were well known. Amid the praise, Wang Jian'an felt the need to understand the real situation of this unit.

So on this day, Wang Jian'an came to the barracks of the Sixth Company to inspect and found that the internal affairs were very well organized, and the soldiers' quilts were folded into regular tofu blocks. He smiled happily, then touched it with his hand and found that the quilt turned out to be wet. He immediately called the squad leader and asked what was going on. The squad leader said: "In order to make the quilt fold up more honestly, we never dry the quilt." Otherwise, the quilt will bulge up and it will not be easy to tidy up. ”

Wang Jian'an was displeased and strolled to the side of the pigsty. He saw the fat pigs in the pigsty explaining, and began to be a little happy again. He called the keeper and asked, "How many pigs do the troops kill every month?" The keeper replied, "At most two, sometimes not one." Wang Jian'an was surprised and continued to ask, "Raising so many pigs, why don't you kill a few more to improve the food for the warriors?" The keeper scratched his head and said, "Actually, we don't have too many pigs here all year round." They are all killed, and it is not good for people to visit. ”

Admiral Wang Jian'an's eating rules: eat as you like, your family members according to the regulations, and the soldiers cannot be fooled

Wang Jian'an became even more angry and hastily ended the inspection. In the evening, he raised his pen to report to the central authorities, reflecting the real situation of the "six companies of hard bones." In it, he wrote: "Engaging in this kind of trick of the Eighth Route Army to fool the Eighth Route Army may be sloppy in peacetime. But if you really want to fight, you will inevitably pay the price of blood! ”

Through his report, the central authorities began to rectify the exaggerated style of the army and also improved the living standards of the soldiers. Nowadays, the food of the People's Liberation Army is very good, and there is also the credit of General Wang Jian'an.

General Wang Jian'an's simple style was even maintained at his funeral. He has long said: "A person who is incorruptible before death is also a waste if he mourns and is honored after death." After I die, I will not enter the Babao Mountain and will not hold a memorial service. Just sprinkle my ashes in the fields of my hometown and use them as fertilizer. On July 25, 1980, Wang Jian'an died of illness in Beijing. According to his last wishes, the funeral was handled extremely simply, and the scope of the notice was very narrow. Old comrades-in-arms like Chen Xilian, as well as several of his own children, did not even know that Wang Jian'an had passed away. After the cremation, his wife Niu Yuqing scattered his ashes on the land of his hometown. His long-cherished wish of life has finally been fulfilled.

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