
The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

In the spring of 1944, the Japanese puppet army stationed in Guangde Gate Pond from time to time went to the homes of the masses to "sweep" grain and grasp labor. It can be said that they burned and committed adultery, and there was no evil to do, and the common people were miserable, and they hated the Japanese puppet army to the bone, but there was nothing they could do about it.

On the morning of March 29, Wang Bicheng, commander of the 16th Brigade of the New Fourth Army, received a phone call from Liu Biesheng, commander of the 48th Regiment: "According to the intelligence of the scouts and ordinary people, the Kobayashi Squadron of the Japanese Nanpu Brigade at the Gate Pond stronghold led a brigade of the Japanese puppet army, a total of 200 or 300 people, and at 9 a.m. they brought a few horses and carried a Type 92 infantry cannon to carry out a 'great sweep' near Hangcun. ”

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Figure | King Will Succeed

"Tigers don't threaten, this group of Japanese people really think I'm a sick cat!" When Wang Bicheng heard this, his heart was shocked and angry, and he thought that he had to quickly think of a way to crack it and completely end the increasingly frequent sweeping of the enemy army.

Liu Beisheng and Wang Bicheng are very familiar with the terrain around Hangcun, which is located in a hilly area with abundant rain all year round, and in such a unique natural environment, the grass and trees grow wildly, and the mountains are full of dense forests, which can be described as an extremely hidden ambush area. This provided good external conditions for Liu Beisheng and Wang Bicheng's battle plan.

The two men immediately made a preliminary agreement on the countermeasures for the battle, with Liu Beisheng leading the 1st Battalion to occupy Niutou Mountain, Wang Bicheng leading the 3rd Battalion to occupy Cigu Mountain, and the political commissar of the 48th Regiment leading the 2nd Battalion to set up an ambush on both sides of Guangyi Avenue, northeast of Hangcun, to prevent the enemy from escaping from the north. At the same time, the two directions of Li (lì) Yang and Yixing were blocked, and at that time the enemy would be afraid that it would be difficult to fly with his wings.

After discussing it, Liu Beisheng conveyed the battle plan with Wang Bicheng to the main responsible person in the regiment. After receiving approval, Liu Beisheng also specially arranged for Rao Huitan, deputy regimental commander, to lead the small artillery platoon of the machine gun company to the position of the 3rd Battalion and listen to wang Bicheng's command.

Liu Beisheng knew that this matter could not be delayed, and after all the arrangements were in place, he immediately went to Wentang, where the 1st Battalion was stationed. After hearing the order, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion immediately put down their rice bowls and followed Commander Liu Beisheng, Commander Zeng Dansheng, and Instructor Jiang Ganheng and immediately set off for Hangcun.

For many days, the Japanese army has frequently "swept up", making the people unable to be at peace and living in the depths of the water every day. The soldiers looked at all this in their eyes, and their hearts were very unpleasant, and they had long wanted to teach these Japanese troops a lesson, so as to show this evil breath in their hearts, seeing that this opportunity was in front of them, how could everyone easily let it go?

Liu Beisheng led the warriors all the way, and it took less than half an hour to reach the top of Niutou Mountain. You must know that there is a distance of more than 10 kilometers from Wentang to Niutou Mountain, and it seems that the morale of the soldiers is very high!

Liu Beisheng took the telescope he was carrying with him, looked down the mountain, and saw that on the Guangyi Avenue between Niutou Mountain and Cigu Mountain, there was a large number of triumphant Japanese puppet troops slowly moving south along the avenue from the direction of Hangcun.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Picture | Liu Beisheng

These abominable-looking enemies, carrying large quantities of grain and poultry stolen from the common people, each with a proud smile on their faces, is called a shameless, and it is a shame to see. There were also several ocean horses, some pulling cannons, some packed shells, and two horses on horseback, carrying officers who were flaunting their might.

At this time, Wang Bicheng also rushed to Cigu Mountain with 3 battalions, and quickly occupied favorable terrain and sandwiched the enemy in the middle. The most important thing on the battlefield was the timing, Liu Beisheng reacted decisively and issued an attack order to Xu Chao, the commander of the 3rd Battalion. Xu Chao received the order and led his subordinates to take the lead in occupying the Ancestral Valley Mountain southwest of Hangcun, cutting off the rear road of the Japanese army in one fell swoop, so that the enemy had no retreat to speak of.

Subsequently, Zeng Dansheng, commander of the 1st Battalion, led his troops to occupy Niutou Mountain southeast of Hangcun, forming a left-right attack on the enemy. When most of the enemy puppet army entered our ambush circle, accompanied by the instructions of Commander Liu Beisheng, a burst of excited trumpets broke through the sky, and the warriors launched a fierce attack on the enemy army, catching the enemy by surprise.

The enemy army did not expect that our army would set up an ambush here, and when it was attacked by this, the dragons were suddenly leaderless, helpless, and hurriedly resisted, in a vain attempt to find an opportunity to break through. The battle situation was scorching, wang Bicheng ordered the small artillery platoon of the regimental headquarters to the field, the small artillery platoon has always been accurate, and at once it hit the few foreign horses that pulled the cannons and shells, and the enemy's infantry artillery immediately overturned.

The enemy was overwhelmed, could no longer take care of what he had stolen, and hurried to escape. Liu Beisheng did not want the enemy to flee so easily, and before they could react, he ordered his generals to attack with all their might and spare no effort to continue to attack the enemy. The generals obeyed the order and launched a second round of attacks on the enemy, frightening the enemy into a circle.

The 1st and 3rd Battalions aimed at the timing and rushed down from the dense bamboo forest on both sides. With lightning speed and no cover for his ears, he beat the enemy to the ground, and the squadron leader of the Japanese army also rolled off his horse in an attempt to resist stubbornly.

In fact, the enemy army has also made "efforts", they have shot and fired to resist, but the rain of bullets and bullets in our army is not so easy to provoke, and they are stunned that they have not gained any benefit. Later, the Japanese army was exhausted and could no longer resist.

The captain of the enemy army had to take the lead in taking off his leather boots and fleeing toward the wheat and rape fields. Many enemy and puppet armies followed suit and ran desperately.

Wang Bicheng personally commanded the battle at Mount Cigu, and he stood on Mount Cigu, holding a telescope, and commanded the troops to move rapidly southward, intercepting the Japanese army, and never letting the enemy escape.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Pictured| the Japanese were using the 92nd infantry gun

At this time, Deputy Commander Rao also arrived with two mortars and six shells from the small artillery platoon. Wang Bicheng immediately handed the telescope to Dai Wenhui, the platoon leader of the small cannon, and said excitedly: "Dai Wenhui, come and see if it is a cannon?" Dai Wenhui took a look at the telescope and shouted excitedly: "Yes, that is indeed a Japanese cannon!" ”

Wang Bicheng said: "The armament force is insufficient, and at present we only have three shells in our hands. Dai Wenhui replied confidently: "I have confidence, I am always ready!" Wang Bicheng heard this and shouted, "Hit me, beat little Japan down!" ”

As soon as Dai Wenhui struck, he was the king of the explosion, and the fight was steady and accurate, and several Japanese puppet troops fell in response, frightening the enemy to wander around. This was not enough, Wang Bicheng said again: "One more time, we have to fight little Japan can't turn over!" ”

After Dai Wenhui heard Wang Bicheng's order, he did not hesitate to shoot another shell. Although he could not take down the enemy's cannon in one fell swoop, it was not bad, after all, he knocked down those foreign horses. The horses were wounded, startled and ran wildly, and began to charge the enemy, and the foreign horses and the enemy mixed together, and the enemy's situation became very chaotic.

"Dai Wenhui, your shell hit quite well!" Wang Bicheng praised happily. Dai Wenhui listened to Wang Bicheng's praise with a happy face. At the same time, Wang Bicheng quickly adjusted the strategic layout according to the battle situation, and he ordered the large troops to come out of the mountains and forests on both sides and coordinate to go south to intercept the enemy army.

The battle lasted for a while, and most of the enemy gave up the struggle and were annihilated by our army. Our soldiers charged one by one, bravely killed the enemy, and rushed up toward the puppet army, defeating the Japanese troops and forcing them into a nearby crop field.

The enemy's artillery fell into the ditch on the edge of the field as early as the battle. Zheng Dafang, instructor of the 3rd Battalion, rushed to the front, waved his shell gun, and shouted, "Rush! "A platoon followed closely behind him, engaged in close combat with the enemy, the 3rd and 1st battalions cooperated with each other, and the enemy, under the double attack of our army, could not escape, and laid down their weapons and surrendered.

After the battle, only a few enemy troops fled to the outside of the crops early, and more than 70 Japanese puppet troops were killed by our army. Later, our army found the Japanese 92 infantry guns and 3 shells in the ditch, and Dai Wenhui led several subordinates to pick up several empty shell shell shells. In this battle, the Forty-eighth Regiment won an absolute victory!

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Pictured| the Japanese artillery captured by our army

Immediately, Wang Bicheng issued an order: "The grain and money captured in this battle are the things of the common people, and we must return them all and must not take them for ourselves." We can leave behind the captured armaments and strengthen the armed forces of our army. ”

After repelling the enemy army, the soldiers were very happy, and the people were very grateful for the righteous deeds of our army, when a folk song was popular in the village:

Hangcun fought a good battle,

The military and the people resisted the war;

The Japanese lost their lives and lost their guns,

The Japanese have since swept away!

This was specially made up by the people of Hangzhou Village to praise our army. After this battle, it greatly encouraged the morale of the army, and also taught the Japanese invaders a harsh lesson, which played a great deterrent role, killing two birds with one stone, and forgive them for not daring to come to the village easily to sweep up in the future!

The Japanese had lost the cannon, were anxious to sleep and eat, and were eager to retrieve the cannon, so why did the enemy value the cannon so much?

At that time, the Japanese army used the Type 92 infantry gun in the war, which was a new type of artillery. Development of the cannon began in 1928 and was first used in warfare two years later. Caliber 70 mm, total weight of about 200 kg, each shell weighs 3.8 kg, and the body tube is short, compared with other artillery, the lethality is large, light and easy to carry, flexible and easy to disassemble.

At that time, our army's weapons were still traditional white blades, with limited lethality and could not be fought at a distance, and it was inevitable that they would fall behind in this regard.

The Type 92 infantry gun is not only functional and durable, but our army originally captured many of these infantry guns in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Later, during the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, it was also used to fight against the enemy army, and it was powerful and powerful.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Because of their limited numbers, the Japanese were generally only assigned to more advanced combat units. When our army fought against the Japanese army, the other side knew that we did not have artillery, and with this advantage, they did not pay attention to our army at all, and did something harmful to the people. But our army is sometimes helpless, and Wang Bicheng is also very distressed about this situation.

Now that our army has captured the Japanese Type 92 infantry gun, this means that we have eliminated the original disadvantage on the battlefield, and we no longer have to worry about the problem of no artillery, and we can also show our fists on the battlefield, the enemy no longer has an advantage to speak of, and our army's combat confidence has also been greatly enhanced.

Therefore, when the Japanese invaders heard the news of the loss of the artillery, they would be anxious and uneasy. I heard that the Japanese general had a good temper tantrum against his subordinates at that time. They thought that the loss of the cannon was an insult, and they also understood that once they fell into the hands of our army, the consequences would be unimaginable, so they immediately dispatched more manpower, assembled a large lineup and a strong fighting force, and immediately went to Hangcun, intending to carry out a new round of retaliatory "sweeping" of the common people, and issued a threat: "You must get the cannon back, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat." After receiving the order, the Japanese puppet army immediately began to move, and the vicinity of Hangcun was surrounded by japanese puppet troops, and the Japanese army did whatever it took to find the cannon and forced others to lead the way for themselves.

In fact, Wang Bicheng had expected that the Japanese army would come to look for cannons, and arranged a few powerful subordinates in advance, hoping to take advantage of the dark wind of the moon to transfer the cannons overnight. But contrary to wishes, this place is located in a hilly, mountainous, rugged and difficult to navigate, during the day, at night, the mountains can not see the five fingers, it is even more dangerous, if you have to transfer the cannon must go over the mountains.

Although this cannon has been improved, its weight should not be underestimated, it requires the cooperation of five or six adult males to lift, and now the two mules in the army alone really cannot be pulled, but it will seriously delay the march. Moreover, the pursuing soldiers are rushing toward our army non-stop, and there is not much time left for our army, and we must find a solution.

Since he could not move away, he would take apart the cannon, take away all the important core components, put the unimportant ones into the box, and find a place to hide for the time being. These parts are enough to fit into three large boxes, which shows how big the cannon is. Later, Wang Bicheng led his men to dig several hidden caves and buried the three large boxes together.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Figure | Type 92 infantry gun

Wang Bicheng led the large army to take the lead, leaving a few soldiers to stay in the local area, dressed as ordinary people, secretly monitoring the enemy's every move, and reporting to Wang Bicheng at any time. A few enemy troops were not too stupid, and when they saw that our army did not rush with artillery, they suspected that the cannons were hidden, so they led a group of Japanese puppet troops to dig up in the mountains and forests day and night, so that they could go back to the officers for their lives.

But they underestimated the size of the mountainous area, where finding cannons is like finding a needle in a haystack. The enemy army dug for several days, and did not even see the shadow, so the dog jumped the wall, started the people's idea, and threatened the people, hoping to get the news of the cannon.

Ordinary people are sensible, and this trick does not work for them. Don't say that they don't know where our army hides the cannons, and even if they do, they will never be able to confide half a bit of news, and our army is full of confidence in the common people. Sure enough, the Japanese army did not ask anything in the end, thinking that the enemy would give up on this, but they still did not die and came up with another method.

They openly posted bounty notices in the village to induce the common people, indicating that as long as any villager was willing to provide information about the whereabouts of the cannon, they would reward the person with a large amount of money. The enemy believes that the poor people will certainly not be able to hold on to the heavy bounty, and scramble to say the location of the cannon.

But this is meaningless, they underestimate the consciousness of the common people, no matter what tricks the enemy uses, the people are not moved. In the end, the enemy still did not find any news.

Thinking that the Japanese army was really helpless, he wrote a letter to Commander Liu Beisheng, saying: "If we can't bring the cannon back, then we will all be severely punished, and if you are willing to return the cannon to us, the conditions will follow you." ”

After reading the letter, Wang Bicheng said to Liu Beisheng: "You directly tell the Japanese that this cannon is in our hands, and if you want it, you can take it yourself!" I'd like to see if they have the ability to do this. Liu Beisheng laughed loudly, and the enemy army saw that our army had a resolute attitude, and had no choice but to abandon this ridiculous trick and continue to lead his subordinates to look for the figure of the cannon in the Guangde Mountains, but found nothing.

Finally, the enemy army became angry and began to sweep the village, and began to burn and kill and plunder. When Wang Bicheng heard the news, he was furious and could not bear the bad behavior of the enemy army, and immediately led his subordinates to launch a Jedi counterattack against the Japanese puppet army.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Pictured| Japanese troops entering the village

Our army, which was highly morale, drove out the Japanese puppet army with a single blow. After that, Wang Bicheng led his troops back to the base for training, and in many confrontations with the Japanese army, Wang Bicheng realized that only by improving his own ability could the Japanese army see our strength and dare not bully the people at will.

In particular, to put the technology of the 92 infantry gun in place, if it is difficult to have a cannon but will not use it, this is not to make people laugh off the teeth. Everyone also understood that their own strength was not strong enough, so they stepped up their practice day and night at the base, and no one wanted to drag their feet.

Because the artillery shells of the troops are too scarce, they must be used to fight japanese troops on the battlefield, and it is impossible to use them for training. Therefore, the soldiers made a wooden shell head for practice, so that it was not wasteful and could be repeated, which was a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Later, the higher-level leaders organized a "commemorative meeting for the 7th anniversary of the War of Resistance Against Japan." At this meeting, Wang Bicheng's captured Type 92 infantry gun was placed in the most conspicuous position, majestic and domineering, and the soldiers rushed to take photos with it.

This cannon always feels less interesting to look at, and everyone wants to try its combat effectiveness. Later, in the Battle of Changxing, this cannon was also put into use, and the soldiers finally got a glimpse of it. "There are no guns and no cannons, the enemy has made us..." The lyrics perfectly interpret the real scene of the Eighth Route Army fighting against the Japanese invaders.

The 92nd infantry artillery was captured by Wang Bicheng, and the Japanese generals were impatient and offered a heavy reward, what was the significance of it

Pictured| soldiers and cannons

Later, the Type 92 infantry gun has been playing its role, fighting with the Eighth Route Army in the south and the north. After the founding of New China, the 92nd infantry gun was collected by the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution.

On March 13, 1989, Wang Bicheng died of illness in Nanjing.

Countless revolutionary martyrs have fought all their lives for the future of the country, guarding the land with blood and lives. It is precisely because of their all-out efforts that we have a better life today, and our descendants must inherit their revolutionary spirit and build the motherland into a better and stronger one!

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