
Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

As the head of the Warring States Power Transformers, Su Qin was hung with the Seal of the Six Kingdoms and was famous all over the world. When discussing the efficacy of Su Qin's combination, Tai Shi Gong said this sentence: "Su Qin has about the Six Kingdoms of Zhongqin, returned to Zhao, and Zhao Suhou was crowned as Wu Anjun, but he threw the covenant book to Qin, and the Qin soldiers did not dare to spy on Guguan for fifteen years." ”

In 334 BC, Su Qin went north to the State of Yan to persuade Duke Wen of Yan, and in his support of the states of Shandong, he successfully persuaded the Six Kingdoms of Shandong to join forces. According to Taishi Gongzhi, in the following fifteen years, the State of Qin did not dare to attack Hangu Pass to the east for fear of the world's connivance. But in fact, is the effect of Su Qin's combination really so great?

Perhaps, the Qin people's own evaluation is the most true.

After the six kingdoms of Shandong joined forces, King Hui of Qin complained to Han Quanzi, a virgin of the State of Qin: "Su Qin insulted our country and wanted to make the six kingdoms of Shandong join forces by himself." Zhao Guo will definitely rely on the wealth of the people and fully support Su Qin to contact the Six Kingdoms to oppose our country. The minds of the Shandong states could not be completely unified, just as several chickens could not be tied together with ropes and placed in a chicken coop. I have a long-term hatred for Su Qin, and I plan to send Wu Anzi to the east of Mount Kun to enlighten the princely states! ”

The "Wu'an Zi" mentioned in the mouth of King Hui of Qin was obviously not the famous Wu'an Jun Baiqi in later generations, but he was another military general of the Qin State at that time. He said that sending Wu Anzi to "enlighten" the Shandong countries meant to use force.

Han Quanzi listened and quickly persuaded, "No! Attack the city strategically, please send Wu Anzi to go. If you want the princes to be friendly with our country, please send a guest Secretary Zhang Yi. ”

Han Quanzi did not say any reason why Zhang Yi should be sent instead of Wu Anzi here, but King Hui of Qin did not refute it in the slightest, but instead honestly obeyed Han Quanzi: "I accept mr. Advice." ”

Even if King Hui of Qin knew that the unity of the six kingdoms of Shandong could not be achieved, it might have made him so angry, indicating that the combination promoted by Su Qin really threatened the state of Qin. Therefore, king Hui of Qin, in a fit of rage, wanted to send troops to Shandong and compete with the Six Kingdoms of Shandong. However, the grim situation after the world's union forced him to restrain his mentality, and he could only use diplomatic means to destroy the combination of the two sides--to make the arrogant King of Qin Hui restrain himself, and this was where the power of the Su-Qin combination was!

It's just that the power of Su Qin's combination is really so great that "Qin Bing does not dare to spy on Hangu Guan for fifteen years"?

King Hui of Qin was actually very clear that the combined strategy of the six kingdoms of Shandong was extremely reluctant in itself: the State of Yan participated in the joint connivance, but it was only afraid of being oppressed by the two states of Zhao and Qi; the combined strategy of the two states of Qi and Chu was only trying to use force to pull the Qin state off the throne of hegemony; only the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao, and Wei were indeed facing pressure from the qin state, and they really wanted to join forces to resist Qin. The six kingdoms had different ideas from each other, and the goal of the joint column could not be unified, so that the united column became an extremely loose alliance, which could effectively prevent the eastward expansion of the Qin state?

In 334 BC, because Han Zhaohou built a high gate, the Chu people Qu Yiusu suddenly criticized him: "Han Jun can no longer enter and exit this gate. Why? Because it is not timely. Last year, the State of Qin attacked Yiyang (present-day Yiyang, Henan), and this year there was a great drought in South Korea, and Zhaohou did not sympathize with the people's emergencies at this time, but was even more extravagant, which is the so-called 'doing extravagant things when the fortunes of the times are decaying'! "A year later, the high gate of South Korea was built, but Han Zhaohou happened to die, and he never got out of this gate again!"

In 335 BC, the State of Qin attacked Yiyang in Korea; in 334 BC, Su Qin went north to the State of Yan and successfully persuaded Duke Wen of Yan to participate in the Hezhong; in 333 BC, Su Qin traveled around the world and successfully persuaded the other five shandong states to join the Hezhong.

On the surface, before the Qin state attacked Yiyang, it had nothing to do with the Six Kingdoms of Shandong.

However, nearly thirty years later (307 BC), with the full support of King Wu of Qin, Gan Mao led the Qin army to attack Yiyang again, completely completing the strategic goal of the Qin state of "passing through the three rivers and peeking into the Zhou Room". This meant that even though the Qin army attacked Yiyang in 335 BC, it later returned Yiyang to Korea. Therefore, many years later, the Qin army will attack Yiyang again. When the Qin people returned Yiyang is not recorded in the history books; but without great external pressure, it is obviously impossible for the Qin state to spit out the meat that has been eaten into its mouth.

Based on this analysis, the huge external pressure faced by the Qin state is the combination of the six kingdoms of Shandong. The six kingdoms were extremely loose in form, but the great power contained in them still made it difficult for King Hui of Qin to sleep. In the end, he had to return Yiyang to South Korea.

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

Yiyang and Hangu happen to be in the same direction, and the distance is not too far. The return of Yiyang by the State of Qin did not just corroborate the statement that "Qin soldiers did not dare to spy on Guguan for fifteen years"?

But it's not that simple.

In 332 BC, the State of Wei suddenly sent Yin Jin (present-day HuayinDong, Shaanxi Province) to the State of Qin. Yin jin was originally an important military town of the State of Wei, and when Wu Qi was in charge of Hexi, he once defeated the Yin and Jin dynasties with fewer victories and more, breaking 500,000 Qin troops. ("Wu Zi Art of War, Li Shi", "History of Wei Shijia") Not far to the east of Yin Jin, is the famous Hangu Valley. Such an important military stronghold was not a last resort, and the Wei people would certainly not willingly give it to the enemy country. However, after the defeat of Maling, the Wei state weakened greatly, repeatedly defeated Qin, and was even forced to move the capital from Anyi (安邑, in present-day Xia County, Shanxi) to Daliang (大梁, in present-day northwestern Kaifeng, Henan). Now the Wei people took the initiative to sacrifice Yin and Jin, and they were also under great pressure from the Qin state.

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

However, this was also a prelude to the qin state's total annexation of Hexi.

In 331 BC, the Qin general Gongzi Wei led an army and fought a major battle with the Wei general Long Jia at Diaoyin (present-day Fu County, Shaanxi), resulting in the beheading of 80,000 Wei troops! Subsequently, the Qin army divided into two routes: one way out of Hangu, besieging the Wei state of Jiao (northeast of GuyuCheng, Hubin District, Sanmenxia, Henan) and Quwo (thirty-two miles southwest of Hubin District, Sanmenxia, Henan), and the other across the Yellow River, capturing the Wei state of Fenyin (southwest of present-day Wanrong, Shanxi) and Pishi (present-day Hejin, Shanxi). Seeing that the Qin army was like a bamboo and completed the siege of the land of Hexi, King Hui of Wei had no choice but to obediently offer the entire land of Hexi! In 328 BC, the State of Wei was forced to dedicate Shangjun (上郡, in present-day Suide, Shaanxi) to the State of Qin.

However, the Qin people still did not spare, and then attacked the Wei state of Puyang (蒲陽, in modern Yi County, Shanxi).

In the fifteen years from 333 BC to 328 BC, the Qin army advanced step by step from Hexi to Hangu and even Hedong, but the State of Wei did not have the strength to fight back at all, and where was the deterrent effect of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong on the Qin people? Can it still be said that "Qin Bing did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan for fifteen years"?

However, at this time, the Qin people unexpectedly spared their subordinates, and even returned the Jiao and Quwo lands occupied two years ago to the State of Wei! The importance of the Xunhan channel is self-evident. Why did the State of Qin suddenly open up?

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

First of all, after the Qin state gained a foothold in Hedong, the strategic position of the Kunhan Passage had been greatly reduced. Second, the occupation of the Kunhan Passage was too much of a deterrent to the Six Kingdoms of Shandong, making it possible for the Six Kingdoms of Shandong to form an alliance against Qin— a situation that the Qin State did not want to see. Therefore, the Qin people still temporarily abandoned the Kunhan channel!

It can be seen from this that although the six kingdoms could not completely prevent the eastward expansion of the Qin state, it still delayed the eastward expansion process of the Qin state.

While wantonly attacking the State of Wei, the State of Qin also launched an invasion of the Han and Zhao states at the same time in the past fifteen years.

In 328 BC, the Qin army attacked Zhao, killed the Zhao general Zhao Yao, and seized the Zhao state of Lin (on both sides of the present-day Yellow River Jinshan Gorge) and Lishi (離石区, in present-day Lüliang, Shanxi). Soon after, however, the State of Qin returned these two pieces of land to the State of Zhao.

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

Almost at the same time, the Qin army suddenly sent troops to attack the Korean army (陉, in present-day northwestern Quwo, Shanxi). It is close to the political core of the old Jin Dynasty. Once lost, the entire Area of the Fenhe River in South Korea could no longer be secured, threatening the Shangdang. As a result, half of Korea will be lost! However, seeing that the Wei army was defeated and retreated by the Qin army, the Han people no longer dared to resist, so they immediately sent people to the Qin state and offered to exchange the land of Nanyang. Nanyang is a vast area between the Taihang Mountains and the Yellow River in Shanxi. Once this land became the territory of the Qin state, the Qin army entered the Central Plains and was no longer under the control of the Kunhan Passage.

Since Korea offered to exchange, King Hui of Qin unceremoniously agreed. However, he ordered the Qin army to continue to attack Xi. Seeing that the Qin army did not stop attacking, the Han people had no choice but to take another step back, simply did not submit a change, but ceded Nanyang! But after receiving Nanyang, the Qin army still continued to attack Xin!

Just when South Korea was almost desperate, the Qi warlock Chen Yi stepped forward and broke the siege for South Korea.

He advised King Hui of Qin: "The situation in Korea is unfavorable, so they proposed an exchange, and they did not have diplomatic relations with the State of Qin, so they ceded the land." Now that Korea has ceded land to the Qin army but has not stopped attacking, the subordinates are afraid that the six kingdoms of Shandong will not cede the land to serve the king. Moreover, the king did not succeed in asking for hundreds of gold in Sanchuan, but he could ask for thousands of gold in Korea and get it in one dynasty. Now that the King continues to attack Korea, this is a severance of diplomatic relations with important countries and a severance of his own financial means, and the subordinates privately believe that the King's move is inappropriate! ”

After hearing these words, King Hui of Qin asked the Qin army to stop attacking.

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

The core key point of Chen Yi's remarks is that the Six Kingdoms of Shandong will no longer be kind to the Qin State - "I am afraid that the Six Kingdoms of Shandong will no longer cede land to serve the King." In this year, the State of Qin waged a collective war against the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao, and Wei, and once the anger of the people was aroused, the six kingdoms of Shandong joined forces to attack the State of Qin, and perhaps they would repeat the mistakes of the defeat of Guiling and Ma Ling, the king of Wei Hui! The reason why King Hui of Qin returned Lin and Lishi to the Zhao Kingdom and stopped attacking the Korean Emperor was, in the final analysis, he was still afraid of the cooperation of the six kingdoms of Shandong!

It can be seen from the above that in the fifteen years after the merger of Su and Qin, the process of the eastward expansion of the Qin state did not stop. On the contrary, the State of Qin launched several attacks on the Three Jins in Hedong and achieved considerable results. Therefore, Tai Shi Gong's statement that "Qin Bing did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan for fifteen years" was actually just an exaggeration.

However, did Su Qin's hezhong have no effect at all?

Su Qin joined forces for fifteen years, and Qin Bing "did not dare to spy on Hangu Guan"? It's just too shigong to exaggerate

Judging from the fact that the Qin army has repeatedly captured the territory of the Three Jins and returned it, it is obvious that the combination of the six kingdoms of Shandong still poses a greater threat to the Qin state. However, this threat only delayed the eastward expansion process of the Qin state, but it could not completely stop the Qin army from advancing eastward, let alone let the "Qin soldiers dare not spy on The Hangu Pass for fifteen years"!

The reason why Su Qin's joint column could not prevent the eastward expansion of the Qin state was that except for the Three Jins, the other countries did not encounter direct threats from the Qin state, so that the six countries combined the longitudinal was more manifested in form and lacked deep and effective practical cooperation. This is just as King Hui of Qin predicted, the minds of the nations cannot be completely unified, and Su Qin's combination is like tying several chickens together into a chicken coop - absolutely impossible to succeed!


The author | Desire Cloud: a science and engineering man who likes history and now lives in Shenzhen

Pictures | from the network,

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