
Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

Is Zhang Yi a villain? I think this issue should be viewed relatively. For the Chu state and the Wei state, they must feel that Zhang Yi is the scum of the villains, but for the Qin state, Zhang Yi is a big hero.

The Warring States period was an era of talents. Why? Because it was a time when the nobility could no longer monopolize the power of the upper echelons, as long as you were talented, you could achieve a gorgeous turn.

Talent at the bottom is basically unpopular in their own country, because the aristocratic groups in their own countries are desperately trying to monopolize the officialdom. Therefore, during the Warring States period, there was a phenomenon of transnational appointments. Zhang Yi was originally from the State of Wei, but he contributed to the State of Qin all his life.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

01 The State of Wei submitted to the State of Qin, and Zhang Yi was indispensable.

Zhang Yi was a native of the State of Wei, and he was also a descendant of the nobles of the State of Wei, but why did he serve the State of Qin? In his early years, he learned the art of vertical and horizontal in Oniguzi, and originally planned to defect to his brother Su Qin.

However, Su Qin was bent on his own art of indulgence, so after convincing Zhao Guo, he deliberately snubbed Zhang Yi, making Zhang Yi think that Su Qin looked down on him.

At that time, the only country that could compete with the Zhao state was the Qin state. Therefore, Zhang Yi resolutely went to the Qin State, hoping to persuade the King of Qin to defeat the Zhao State and shame himself.

Su Qinnai admonished his men not to be understood, and to make those who could not go for a few days. He who has seen it, sit down in the hall, and give food to his servants. Therefore, the number of jeans said: "With the material of the son, he has caused himself to be trapped to this point." Wu Ning can't say that the rich and noble son, the son is not enough to receive. "Thanks. Zhang Yizhi also came, thinking that he was a deceased person, seeking benefits, seeing insults, anger, thinking of the princes mo ke, du Qin can be bitter Zhao, but then into Qin. Su Qin had already told his family: "Zhang Yi, the sage of the world, I am a fu ruye." Imago is fortunate to use it first, and those who can use the Qin handle can be heard alone. But poor, there is no reason to advance. I feared that he would enjoy a small profit and not succeed, so I summoned him to insult him in order to provoke his intentions. The Son is devoted to me. "--- The Chronicle of History

When Zhang Yi was a little more accomplished, he knew that it was su Qin who had used the radical method at the beginning. From then on, Zhang Yi did not talk about attacking Zhao Guo.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

However, since he was already in the Qin Kingdom, of course, he wanted to do things for the King of Qin. And the princely state that the Qin state hated the most was the State of Wei. Although it was her own mother country, Zhang Yi was still not merciful.

First, Zhang Yi cooperated with Gongzihua and captured Puyang at the behest of King Hui of Qin. However, Zhang Yi persuaded King Hui of Qin not only to return Puyang to the State of Wei, but also to send Gongzi Sui to the State of Wei as a hostage.

Zhang Yi ran to the Wei state again and persuaded the state of Wei to give the 15 counties of Shangjun to the qin state. After that, King Hui of Qin appointed Zhang Yi as Xiangguo.

Secondly, Zhang Yi supported King Hui of Qin to officially claim the title of king, but he hoped that the princes would be able to submit to King Hui of Qin, so he personally went to the State of Wei as xiangguo, during which he constantly persuaded the State of Wei to submit to the State of Qin.

King Hui of Wei did not obey, so King Hui of Qin had no choice but to send troops to attack, and secretly Zhang Yi received many benefits from King Hui of Qin.

In addition, after King Hui of Wei succeeded to the throne, Zhang Yi again persuaded King Xiang of Wei to withdraw from the Alliance and voluntarily submit to the State of Qin

。 Although the State of Wei later betrayed the State of Qin again, it was beaten by King Hui of Qin and chose to submit one after another.

Zhang Yi decisively betrayed his home country for the benefit of the Qin state. From the perspective of the Qin State, Zhang Yi was indeed a hero, but what about the State of Wei? He's just a scumbag.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

02 Zhang Yi teased the King of Chu, causing us in the future generations to lose the spirit of the contract.

The spirit of the contract is actually a spirit that is highly valued by the international community, because once the contract is signed and the agreement is reached, then the matter is negotiated.

But the problem is that few of us now respect this spirit, so many foreigners are reluctant to do business with us. So why do we have so many losers of credit now?

Qin wanted to cut Qi, and Qi Chu obeyed, so Zhang Yi went to Xiang Chu. The King of Chu Huai heard that Zhang Yi had come, and he gave up his own house. "How can the Son teach this secluded country?" Yi said to the King of Chu: "The Great King can listen to his subjects, and the retreat is absolutely in Qi, and the subjects ask the merchants to offer six hundred miles to the land, so that the Qin women will be the concubines of the great king's broomsticks, and Qin Chu will marry the women and marry the daughters, and grow up to be the country of brothers." This northern weak Qi and the western Yiqin also have no convenient one. The King of Chu said yes. --- The Chronicle of History

In fact, tracing back to the roots, that goes back to the Warring States Zhang Yi period. At that time, the State of Qin planned to attack the State of Qi, but the two great powers of the State of Chu and the State of Qi were allied.

For this reason, King Hui of Qin sent Zhang Yi to persuade King Huai of Chu, hoping that King Huai of Chu would break off contact with the State of Qi. The conditions given by Zhang Yi, that is really very generous.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

Zhang Yi's eloquence cannot be mentioned here at all, because it is impossible to complete this task by relying on her eloquence, so Zhang Yi teased the King of Chuhuai. The relevant conditions are as follows:

First, if King Huai of Chu severed his ties with the State of Qi, then the State of Qin would give all of the land in the Shangyu region totaling 600 miles to the State of Chu.

It doesn't take a single soldier to get such a big territory, and it's fun to think about it.

Second, if King Huai of Chu followed Zhang Yi's advice, then the Qin Empire would give a large number of beautiful women to King Huai of Chu as concubines.

King Huai of Chu should be a lustful person, right in the middle.

Third, in addition, it was much better for the Qin and Chu states to ally themselves into permanent brother states and intermarry with each other than with the State of Qi.

King Huai of Chu felt that it was indeed a good idea.

These conditions were too tempting, and of course King Huai of Chu agreed and immediately severed his relations with the State of Qi. So what is Zhang Yi doing at this moment?

After returning to the Qin kingdom, he deliberately fell off the carriage and gave himself three months of leave. King Huai of Chu thought that his severance of relations with the State of Qi was not complete enough, so he sent someone to the State of Qi to scold King Xuan of Qi, which was a complete game.

When the King of Chu heard this, he said, "Yi Yi is not evil to the widows?" "It is to make the warriors go to the Song, borrow the charm of the Song, and curse the king of Qi in the north." The King of Qi was furious and folded his knots and went down to Qin. At the intersection of Qin Qi, Zhang Yi was a dynasty, and the Chu emissaries said: "The subject has fengyi liuli, and it was originally to offer the king around." The chu messenger said, "Subjects are ordered by the king to consult the land for six hundred miles, but not to hear six miles." "He also reported to the King of Chu, who was furious and sent an army to attack Qin. --- The Chronicle of History

The State of Qi chose to make friends with the State of Qin, and Zhang Yi finally went to the court at this time, and song gave 6 miles of land to the State of Chu, and almost did not kill the King of Chu Huai. It's a pity that you can't beat it, and reasonable people are rogues, and this matter can only be counted.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

03 Zhang Yi is just a chess piece in Qin Huiwang's hand.

After King Hui of Qin defeated the State of Chu several times, he planned to obtain land in the Qianzhong region, hoping to exchange it with King Huai of Chu outside of Wuguan. However, King Huai of Chu had no place to sprinkle the qi in his stomach, and he said that as long as Zhang Yi was sent, the Chu State would unconditionally send it to the land of Qianzhong.

Qin Hui's Ha Lazi immediately flowed out, compared with the land of Qianzhong, Zhang Yi was indeed nothing. King Hui of Qin pretended to be more embarrassed and told Zhang Yi this condition, and refused.

Zhang Yi sighed in his heart, and suddenly became half cold, because if King Qin Hui really refused, he would not hesitate again. Therefore, Zhang Yi took the initiative to go to the Chu Kingdom and became a prisoner of the order.

Qin wanted Chu to gain the land of Qianzhong, and wanted to change it with Wuguan. The King of Chu said: "Do not change the place, but zhang Yi and sacrifice Qianzhongdi." "The king of Qin wanted to send it away, and he could not bear to speak." Zhang Yi is please. King Hui said, "The king of Pichu is willing to be willing to be the land of the Son of Sorrow." Zhang Yiyue: "Qin is strong and Chu is weak, the subject is good and Jin Shang, and the lady of Chu is still in charge of The Chu Dynasty, and the sleeves are obedient to everything they say." And the vassals of the king's festival envoy Chu, Chu He dared to add to the curse. If you order the subjects to be the land of Qin Deqian, the subjects are above the plains. "So I made Chu. King Huai of Chu imprisoned Zhang Yi and killed him. --- The Chronicle of History

Zhang Yi's brain was very good, and he immediately used the interpersonal relationship in his hand to find Jin Shang, the grand master of the Chu State, and contacted The Wife of King Huai of Chu through Jin Shang.

Jin Shang told Zheng Gui that the King of Qin planned to exchange the land of Shangyong and a large number of beautiful women for Zhang Yi. Shangyong Land Zheng Gui did not understand, but the beauty she knew. Therefore, under the soft and hard bubble of Zheng Sleeve, Zhang Yi was finally released.

After that, Zhang Yi lobbied the various princely states, hoping that they would submit to the Qin state, thus making the Qin state the most powerful state. King Hui of Qin had such a weak affection for Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi had never forgotten the interests of the Qin State.

Is Zhang Yi a villain? He betrayed the State of Wei and teased the State of Chu for why Qianzhong was betrayed by King Hui of Qin

Summary: Zhang Yi is a villain in the world, only a hero of the Qin Kingdom.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yi's brain is very smart, and ordinary people can't keep up with his steps at all. King Zheng of Chu was completely controlled by Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi's untrustworthy behavior made people very annoyed. By the time Zhang Yiyou finished talking about the various princely states and returning to the Qin kingdom, King Hui of Qin was already dead. The newly enthroned King Wu of Qin was a warrior, and he hated Zhang Yi's clever brain, believing that his untrustworthy behavior was not in line with his face.

Therefore, Zhang Yi lost the reuse of the Qin State, which can be said to be the biggest tragedy of Zhang Yi's life. He worked hard for the Qin state all his life, but he ended up in such a fate.

Even if he is a hero of the Qin State, so what? Even Qin Guo began to hate him. Could it be that heroes can only be sacrificed after death? Poor Zhang Yi returned to the State of Wei again in his old age, and it was considered that the leaves had returned to their roots.

Reference: Chronicle of History

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