
This woman who added bricks and tiles to the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period laid a great foundation for the unification of the Qin State after that

The status of women in the feudal period was very low, but it was not excluded that some women, such as Wu Zetian, were more powerful women, and although our protagonist today did not call herself emperor like Wu Zetian, her ability was by no means smaller than that of Wu Zetian, and she was Empress Xuan. Empress Xuan was the empress dowager of the Qin state in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Qin state was able to be so powerful later, which was a great merit, and it can even be said that without this woman, there would be no later Qin state, although posterity has mixed views on her, but it has to be denied that this woman does have political means, she is a woman standing behind the Qin state.

This woman who added bricks and tiles to the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period laid a great foundation for the unification of the Qin State after that

Empress Xuan's surname is Qi, is a woman from the Chu State, in the Chu State when her status is not high, otherwise I believe that she would not have entered the palace and only got the name of the eight sons, from here we can also see that the emperor at that time did not value her, And the eight sons were just a woman who was not outstanding in the harem at that time, and it was not conspicuous among many women. After the death of King Qin Hui, when the son of the Queen of Qin became the King of Qin, Qi Bazi, as a woman of low status, even if he gave birth to a son for King Qin Hui, he still had no status, at that time, various countries often fought, and the Qin State threw the mother and son of Qi Bazi to the Zhao Kingdom in order to win over the Zhao Kingdom, and Qi Bazi and her son were under the fence of the Zhao Kingdom, and they were hostages, and their lives were certainly not good.

Later, the king of the Qin state died, but did not leave an heir, the Qin state was particularly chaotic at that time, Qi Bazi was also a more ambitious woman, her son was the son of King Hui of Qin, in the face of the qin throne is naturally also qualified to compete, after the eight sons got the news, they immediately took their sons back to the qin country, when the qin state was so dangerous, the eight sons of qi did not have to come back abroad, but the eight sons did not choose Mingzhe to protect themselves, but returned to the qin country, the eight sons of Qi, so bold, but also proved her difference, Because of the help of his brother, Qi Bazi also succeeded in making his son the King of Qin, and Qi Bazi was no longer the former Qi Bazi, but the Empress Xuan of Great Qin.

This woman who added bricks and tiles to the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period laid a great foundation for the unification of the Qin State after that

Empress Xuan's younger brother was a very capable warrior, and Empress Xuan did not shy away from using people, even if she was her younger brother, as long as she had the ability, she would reuse it, Empress Xuan's son was particularly young at that time, and the politics of the Qin state was all controlled by Empress Xuan. At that time, Yiqu was often at odds with the Qin State, and wars between the two countries were also common, and over time, the Yiqu became the most troublesome problem for the Qin State. At the time of King Hui of Qin, the two countries formed a liangzi, and there was a contradiction within the former Yiqu, and king Hui of Qin took advantage of that time to defeat the Yiqu and make them submit to him, the Yiqu people were very dissatisfied with this, and later in order to retaliate against the Qin state, they joined forces with other countries to attack the Qin state together.

When Empress Xuan was empress dowager, Empress Xuan knew that her son was young, and the State of Qin at that time was not particularly powerful, and it was absolutely impossible to attack if she wanted to destroy Yiqu, so Empress Xuan came up with a method - the beauty plan. Empress Xuan used herself to seduce the King of Yiqu, the two of them had been together for decades, not only that, Empress Xuan also let her son be respectful and respectful to the King of Yiqu, Yiqu slowly relaxed her guard against Qin, and later the State of Qin had developed, Empress Xuan also knew that the State of Qin could attack the Yiqu, directly tricked the King of Yiqu into ganquan Palace, and then killed the King of Yiqu, the Yiqu crowd was leaderless, Empress Xuan took advantage of that time, let people attack the Yiqu, And Yiqu was no longer a threat to Great Qin from then on.

This woman who added bricks and tiles to the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period laid a great foundation for the unification of the Qin State after that

During Empress Xuan's reign, the national strength of the Qin state expanded a lot, at that time in order to consolidate the status of her son, Empress Xuan thought of the best way to marry, the more powerful country at that time was the Chu state, and Empress Xuan was from the Chu state, naturally she would give priority to the daughter of the Chu state, so under her suggestion, her son married the daughter of the Chu royal family, and also let the women of her own country marry the Chu state, Empress Xuan during the period of power, still did not trust outsiders, many of the important ministers of the Qin state are her relatives, Seeing that the Qin state is so powerful, it also proves that Empress Xuan's family is not an incompetent person, and later Empress Xuan's son gradually grew up, and the power in Empress Xuan's hands came to him, and Empress Xuan's family slowly withdrew from the political stage.

This woman who added bricks and tiles to the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period laid a great foundation for the unification of the Qin State after that

Empress Xuan was indeed a legendary woman, and during the period when the woman's status was low, she was able to control the government for so many years, and let her son change from a humble concubine to the monarch of the Qin State, and the reason why the posterity people praised her was because she herself had a relationship with the King of Yiqu, when people were so harsh on women, so the feelings for Empress Xuan were still unacceptable. But in the eyes of Empress Xuan, the King of Yiqu is just a pawn, a pawn that can let her destroy Yiqu, all she did was just for the development of the Qin State, a woman can sacrifice herself for the Qin State, I think it is worth admiring, what do you think?

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