
Japan's "7-11" was exposed to use ingredients that had expired for nearly a month, and the company admitted and apologized

The Japanese news website "J-CAST" reported on the 6th that internal employees identified that the Japanese retail giant "7-ELEVEn" (7-11) used ingredients that had expired for nearly one month in its stores in Japan. In this regard, the Japanese "7-11" enterprises admitted that the above situation was a fact, saying that they would "deal with this matter seriously", and issued an apology statement on the official website on the evening of the 6th.

Japan's "7-11" was exposed to use ingredients that had expired for nearly a month, and the company admitted and apologized

According to reports, a "Up master" of the video site YouTube uploaded a video on the evening of the 5th, saying that it received complaints from "7-11" internal employees, and quoted the video taken on December 23 last year provided by the employee. In the video, a female employee is opening a package and cleaning oden ingredients, and the shelf life written on the packaging is "November 27, 2021" and "December 21, 2021".

Japan's "7-11" was exposed to use ingredients that had expired for nearly a month, and the company admitted and apologized

In addition, in response to this matter, the official website of The Japanese "7-11" convenience store released a statement entitled "Apology for the Sale of Expired Goods" on the evening of the 6th, saying that it is currently conducting further investigation into this violation and will work to warn and strengthen supervision and management of '7-11' franchise stores throughout Japan.

The "7-11" scandal, a Japanese retail giant and stores all over Japan, has attracted attention on the Japanese Internet, and many Japanese netizens are worried that the use of expired ingredients is a common phenomenon in the Japanese retail industry.

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