
Japan carried Chinese characters, North Korea was obsessed with xixiangji, Schopenhauer studied under Laozi, and China once needed to look up

author:Modern middle class
Japan carried Chinese characters, North Korea was obsessed with xixiangji, Schopenhauer studied under Laozi, and China once needed to look up

The two ends of the long river of words.


Japanese archaeologists excavated a bronze mirror from the Yayoi period tomb, and there are eight Chinese characters on the mirror: long time do not see each other, long do not forget.

The mirror came across the ocean during the Western Han Dynasty, and at that time Japan was still knotting ropes, and the love words on the mirror were like heavenly books.

They need to wait another 900 years to move from the Kanji script to the side of hiragana, and from the Tang Calligraphy to make cursive to make katakana, before they can have their own writing.

In addition to writing, they also carried astronomy, calendars, laws, folklore, and finally a capital city.

Japan's Kyoto West City imitated Chang'an, the East City imitated Luoyang, and after the failure of the development of the West City, only Luoyang was left in Kyoto. So far, the word Luoyang has spread throughout the city, such as Luoyang High School, Luoyang Kindergarten and Luoyang Industrial College.

Japan did not resist imitation, after all, China at that time was a existence that needed to be looked up to. Majestic national strength is the foundation, and the long culture is full of temptations.

At a time when neighboring countries were still in the wilderness, the Chinese script had evolved from oracle bone, jin, and seal scripts to Lishu, Kaishu, and Xingshu. Those words collide into verses, are connected into novels, and interpret countless splendid articles.

"Maple Bridge Night Berth" is a must-read for Japanese children to enlighten, and the bell rings every year after the Hanshan Temple cottage is reproduced.

Emperor Saga recited several poems by Bai Juyi every day, and the original poetry collection was hidden under the pillow, strictly forbidding others to touch it.

The two passers-by in the Quan Tang Poems, Hanshan and Shide, are revered as the Second Saint in Japan, and the hotel factory bookstore competes for the name of Hanshan.

Those Chinese characters triggered a boom in tea ceremony, calligraphy, embroidery, etc., and finally the Japanese era name took the "Book of Shang", and the place name was more "Book of Poetry".

Another neighboring country, North Korea, uses Confucianism to lead education, records history books in Chinese characters, and his biggest hobby is buying novels.

Every time the North Korean emissaries went to Kyoto to buy books, they were particularly fond of dialogue novels, and each purchase was more than a thousand copies. The highest purchase price is "Golden Plum Bottle", one or two silver a book.

Those stories swept North Korea, and the prime minister was obsessed with "The Tale of the West Chamber", once saying that "the more the wind is covered, the more it is tasted, and I don't feel that it is eclipsed.".

In Vietnam, Chinese characters were used for more than 2,000 years, and portraits of Kong Meng were hung all over the country. The long narrative poem "The Legend of Jin YunQiao", which is regarded as a national treasure by Vietnam, is actually changed from a novel of the late Ming Dynasty, and even the title of the book has not changed.

The culture of each era always needs the most suitable carrier expression. With the popularization of printing, Chinese characters began to travel far and wide to Europe, and the speed of paper was always faster than that of the Xiongnu soldiers.

Europeans were obsessed with the chinese in the text, and they decorated the palace and cut the clothes according to the verses, and diplomats called the court decorated like a "heavenly dynasty grocery store". In 1700, Louis XIV held a trans-century carnival at the Palace of Versailles, with the theme of "Emperor of China".

Schopenhauer studied under Lao Tzu, the Tao Te Ching became popular in England, and Leibniz's letters from the East burst with inspiration and evolved binary with Zhou Yi.

In Frankfurt, Goethe grew up in a Chinese study with wallpaper painted on the walls and brushes on a long red-lacquered table.

He read a lot of Chinese poetry and late Ming novels here, and left the sentence written in the history books: "When they began to write novels, our ancestors were still living in the wild forest."

Voltaire admired the Chinese story more than he did. He claimed to be a student of Confucius and Kangxi, hung a portrait of Confucius in his bedroom, and adapted "Orphans of Zhao" into "Orphans of China", which was performed at the Paris Theater.

He wrote hundreds of volumes during his lifetime, but his favorite Chinese story was engraved on the statue of his former residence after his death.

The European Enlightenment bearer said:

When you understand the world, you first look to the East, which is the cradle of all art, and the East gives the West everything.


When Chinese culture flowed through Europe, the servants of Hugo's family broke the vase by mistake, and Hugo wrote a poem in pain: Oh my God, the whole of China fell to pieces on the ground.

It was a long night in the nineteenth century outside the window, and the verses were like metaphors, and soon after, the Qing Dynasty lost the war and fell into the dust.

The admiration for the East receded like a tide, and Hegel said that the empire had stagnated.

Behind the stagnation of cultural exports is the in-situ hesitation of missing out on the Industrial Revolution, national power and spread.

In the movie "The Lion King", Huang Feihong was burned by the steam engine water vapor and was surprised by the movie projector. Bao Zhilin's apprentices gathered excitedly in front of the white screen, and it turned out that they were quick to release, and anyone could be a shadowless foot.

In the movie, a well-intentioned Russian engineer tells Huang Feihong that the emergence of the steam engine will produce a new aristocratic rule over the world, which is a fate that neither the Qing Empire nor the Russian Empire can avoid.

Fate eventually turned sharply, and even the oracle bones in the Yin Ruins were transported away in a hurry to avoid the war. When transported away, the platform suddenly rained heavily, like a cry in the sky.

The national strength is weak, the spread is outdated, and only the Chinese culture that has lasted for a thousand years is like a fire that supports the Chinese people to move forward.

Those countries that once looked up to China began to export text in reverse.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, Japan translated a large number of Western words in Chinese and transmitted them to China, such as philosophy, purpose, medicine, health, society, etc.

Zhang Zhidong once angrily scolded "do not use new terms", but his staff member Gu Hongming quietly told him that the term "noun" also came from Japan.

Chinese eclectic and absorb new words, and in the popular novels of those years, the voice of an era can also be heard.

In the early years of the Republic of China, the most popular story was science fiction, Liang Qichao introduced Verne's twenty thousand miles under the sea, and Lu Xun, who rented a house in Tokyo, worked part-time translating science fiction.

In 1902, Liang Qichao said in the inaugural issue of "New Novel": If you want the people of a new country, you must first have the novel of a new country.

Two years later, Chinese, whose pen name was Arayae Fishing, wrote an interstellar voyage novel. In the novel, a huge hot air balloon flies to the moon, and the lower cabin contains a bedroom, a living room, a sports field, and a weapons room.

Since then, various fantasy novels have been born, in "New Stone", Jia Baoyu swims in the seabed on a submarine, and huang Zhenqiu, an industrial giant in "Electric World", uses electric wings to fly in the sky, resembling Iron Man.

Those blowout fantasy novels are filled with curiosity about electricity, thirst for technology, and the loss of civilization lagging behind.

The novelist looks farther away. In his novel "The Future of New China", Liang Qichao fantasizes about China's prosperity 60 years later, holding a world exposition in Shanghai:

At that time, China was rich and strong, and foreigners who were not around to learn Chinese in ordinary times also began to learn Chinese.


In 2005, South Korea changed the name of the capital Chinese from Seoul to Seoul in an attempt to erase traces, but Korean children still need to learn 700 to 900 Chinese characters or they cannot master the language.

Japanese Chinese characters can not be erased, and chinese tourists who go to Japan can still see the Chinese characters in the city, which are the remnants of a thousand years of China.

New stories crept up on the afterglow.

After the 1990s, as national power recovered, The Story of China began to spread in new ways.

The Vietnamese became obsessed with "Prime Minister Liu Luo Cauldron", which caused the country to be late because it was broadcast in the morning by the TV station. Malaysia is popular in "Han Wu The Great", an episode is cut into five paragraphs, and 20 minutes of advertising are inserted between each segment.

And what crossed the ocean to the West is still a novel. Fantasy novels at the starting point have become the new favorites of Readers in Europe and the United States.

They set up forums, called each other Daois (Daoyou), and millions of people gathered to update, with a total of more than 1 billion hits in two years. One-third of those readers came from the United States.

At first, the forum was simply about discussing the plot. However, as online literature evolved, more and more Chinese culture appeared in those novels.

In the stories from the East, there are the firing of Bricks and Stones in the Tang Dynasty, the weaving of the Cavalry of the Ming Dynasty, the Hundred Sons of the Qimen Dunjia, and the restoration of tea ceremony embroidery antiques.

The corresponding knowledge popularization at the forum is increasing, from the eighteen weapons to the Zhou Yi Bagua, And The Chinese culture has been re-disseminated in new ways.

A similar story takes place in Southeast Asia. From 2009 to 2013, Vietnam translated 841 chinese books, more than 70% of which were online novels.

Vietnamese readers became fascinated by Chinese sinology because of online novels, and thus became fans of costume film and television. They chased all the way from "The Biography of Zhen Huan" to "The Biography of Chu Qiao", "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" vietnam hit more than 30 million, and their netizens only had 30 million people.

In 2017, "Su Xian" was only played in China for an hour, and Vietnam was already released simultaneously in the live broadcast room, and it was too late to add subtitles, so it was accompanied by a translator online commentary. At present, the hottest thing in the live broadcast room is "The Knife Line in the Snow".

In China, online novels and their derivative animation, film and television mobile games have become a new entrance, allowing the younger generation to re-explore traditional culture.

They tried Hanfu, tried to fill in poems, and re-touched the Chinese context.

In December last year, the National Library of China and the Reading Group launched an interaction to welcome the New Year with Oracle and help protect the inheritance of culture.

The source of ancient writing and the source of young stories meet. They are two ends of the context, separated by a long time and space, and distant breath.

Writers who read the text try to create stories with Oracle. These young online writers, each receiving an oracle bone text, tasted the thousand-year-old sorrow and joy in that word.

Some people have received the "year" and told the joy of the harvest; some people have received the "spring" and felt the vitality of all things; some people have received the "xing", telling the hidden meaning of xing, which is the reunion of a family.

Reading platinum writer Xiao with 2, received the word "home".

In the story, the wind blows from all directions of the wilderness, and the Chinese ancestors inherited the stone axe and established their own home.

He and the stories that have multiplied for countless generations after him have all smashed into Chinese characters and flowed deeper into time.

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